The Dark Faerie, a Victim?!
By Lilmarron
“Look at her,” the Faeries said,
As they looked at me with glee,
“Perhaps she is a new victim
To torture to some degree,”
These Faeries were my classmates,
The “good ones” to this date,
But I doubt you ever knew that
They tried making me go splat!
None of them were ever good,
They hide their wickedness under a hood,
And I believe you deserve to know the truth
About these villains: the uncouth,
They tortured me daily,
Stole my ukulele!
Tugged my hair and tripped me
And put bees in my tea.
These impish fools made me turn sour,
My goodness they devoured,
But then again, now it is I they fear,
So it all turned out great–-cheers!
A Day For Fruit
By Jonahfab
On a magical day in Running--after the snow,
The fruits that this year
We had all come to know,
The flavors which graced the mysterious isle,
All on one day disappear with some style.
Dancing occurs in the streets all the time,
And the sounds all around
Fills with music and rhyme,
The people say good-bye
To their apples and grapes,
And find new ingredients to stuff in their crepes.
The cooking pot fizzes and light fills the sky,
The world is introduced to some new kinds of pie,
The populous then will begin to rejoice,
Kacheeks, Poogles and Usuls all sing in one voice:
"The festival comes, Gadgadsbogen is here,
The fruit will taste good, we shall have no fear,
Come and make merry, the party has begun,
Gadgadsbogen is here, it's time to have fun."
Everyone tastes the new delicacies,
The people are happy
with brand new juices and teas,
When it is all over they realise, oh dear!
These tastes will be gone at the end of the year!!
Kainche's Dream
By Kathriss
Across the mountains,
Stretch my eyes,
An excitement fills me,
I can't disguise,
Terror Mountain,
Tall and cold,
Snow and rocks both firm and old.
I'll climb to the top,
The Snow Faerie is there,
I'll face the bitter and freezing air,
I'll do her quest,
And win her prize,
I'll be the apple of her eyes.
I'll win her heart,
Though cold it be,
I'll warm it through,
She'll be just for me,
I'll stay up there,
On mountains tall,
The stones and snow,
won't let me fall.
But yet I know,
Though I quest for her,
Her heart is cold,
'Neath white warm fur,
I could work till I cry
And my teeth loose their gleam,
But the Snow Faerie won't love me,
And my silly Kougra dream.
Dance Of The Faeries
By Sonsofwar
In a silent glade, in Neopia fair,
All good and magic prospers there,
Lies a circle of enchanted stones,
Enhanced by tiny, crafted thrones,
When night lies near, and the moon is bright,
Each stone glows in its ghostly light,
When darkness flows, and the day is done,
A noble array of guests will come,
An eerie red glow looms quite near,
And small Foobugs scatter with fear,
The emblem of strength, whom all desire,
A Faerie who is formed in fire,
And from a cool lake, still and calm,
Come ripples of queer alarm,
Emerging from her aquatic lair,
The Water Faerie brave and fair,
And from the most beautiful spreading flower,
Comes a force of immense power,
Bringing hope, light and mirth,
The Faerie ruling over earth,
And from a cloud, above the scene,
When all is quiet, still, serene,
With a patient, noble sigh,
Comes the Faerie of the sky,
And riding on a moon-beam bright,
Twinkling with an eerie light,
The sign of prosperity, making all feel safe,
The Faerie of light, and all good faith,
And from a shadow, cast long and wide,
A movement comes from deep inside,
As something begins to appear,
The Faerie of darkness, queen of fear,
As each joins hand, in slender arm,
They sing a rhapsody, of astounding charm,
Slowly they begin to dance,
Filling the sky with sacred chants,
And as they sway slowly, moving round
A rainbow bridge arches to the ground,
The music raises to the skies,
They summon the all-knowing one, so wise,
And from the depth of every star,
Singing of forgotten lands, afar,
The ultimate beauty braces the scene,
The immortal one, the Faerie Queen,
And finally a council begins,
And they talk of many secret things,
But finally at the end of night,
Each fades slowly out of sight,
This happens every week, in the dark,
Do not make some snide remark,
I tell the truth, I do not jest,
This is the story of the Faerie Quest!