The Brave Chomby
By Cajunchic143
I am a tiny Chomby
Timorous and weak
I needed NP badly
So I ventured to the peak
The peak of Terror Mountain
Within the Ice Caves lay,
The Snowager upon his heap
Waiting for his prey
In his heap are treasures
Beyond your wildest dreams
But if you would receive them,
You'll need to have a scheme
You have to sneak into the lair
Of that mighty beast,
But if he isn't sleeping
You will become his feast
I travel to the winter world
In the evening sun
When the mountain first appeared,
My walk turned to a run
I pass up Happy Valley,
Went up the mountain trail,
Walk through the tiny doorway,
I hope I will prevail
The Neggery's behind me,
The Ice Shop now unseen,
The Kiosk coming closer,
Up next is the extreme
The cave's face is before me,
I think for quite a while,
Then walk into the dreaded den,
Behold the treasure pile!
The beast is in my vision,
on top of his huge heap,
I'll make out with a snowball,
Then take it home to keep!
Quietly and Quickly,
I sneak up to the pile,
reach out my hand, BUT SUDDENLY
I drop my small glass vial
The vial makes a clinking noise
The ground begins to shake
And towering above me,
I see the giant snake
His eyes turn to a fiery red
His nostrils steam with rage
He prepares for a savage fight
His anger sets the stage
I panic as I gather
The item that I want
And quickly run out of the den,
Avoid the Chomby hunt
I run back to my NeoHome,
Safe as I can be
I look into my pocket,
My snowball now I see
I reach into my pocket,
Take out the ball of ice
A wonderful Stone Snowball
And I did pay my price
The moral of this poem
Is simple as can be
Be brave and you'll come out alive,
A hero, just like me