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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Chomsul By Starrfisch

I said as my small Usul scrambled up a tree,
"I would like a Chomby, so a Chomby you will be."
She liked to be an Usul,
so she kicked and screamed and cried.
And I said, "A Morphing Potion
is what we need to find."
We asked oh so many people,
to see what they could find,
But then a friendly person,
jumped out from behind.
She said, "Want something cheaper?
Then come to my shop.
A plushie that is magical
from bottom to top"

Now that was an offer I could not refuse.
And my Usul played happily,
and seemed quite amused.
Then in a moment, quick as a flash,
My Usul was a Chomby. Her expression aghast.

After that, the plushie was an ordinary toy.
But when I brought her something new,
she jumped up for joy.
The gift was a paintbrush. "IT'S PURPLE! YAY!"
It seemed like my Chomsul was happy today!

A Chomby Discovery By Melissa3489

One day in Neopia
the ground began to tremble.
Nothing the Neopians could do
but start to assemble.
Oh, it was a horrible
and an awful sight!
From the crack in the ground
came a mysterious light.
All the Neopets shivered
and thought what they'd meet.
So down in the crack
went only the elite.
Down they went in
through its green features,
and what they met
was a weird large creature!
It was yellow and big
with green sharp spikes,
but it looked so friendly
and yet...yikes!!
It munched on the leaves
and green ferns too.
Probably wouldn't like eating
something the color blue.
But what to name
this unusual thing,
when in the middle
of a beautiful spring?
So stood one elite
to say what he thought,
"I think I know
what we have just caught!
It's yellow and big,
with cute, sweet eyes,
making it a dinosaur
without any lies.
I think that its best
not to name it 'Abercrombie'.
And that's why I think
we should name it 'Chomby'!"
All the others nodded
for they agreed.
They definitely liked
this excellent creed.
The Chomby screeched
for it liked its new name.
And because it didn't think
any of it lame.
So that's why this dinosaur
is named Chomby—
because we didn't want
to name it Abercrombie!

The Chomby Jamboree! By Jellyjaws

You've been to the circus, rings three
Enthralled by the sights that you see
But none can compare
Though said to be rare
To Chombys in full jamboree!

Chombys in herds love to huddle
They'll murmur, giggle and cuddle
But other pets stare
Caught quite unaware
When they "jam" which'll befuddle

The Chombys, such versatile creatures
Have whimsy among their best features
Let's wave yellow pompoms
And beat on bright tomtoms
"Woohoo" from our spot on the bleachers!

Bless their hearts, how Chombys can dance
'Cross plains in formation they prance
They'll lace purple taps
And don orange caps
Waltz, hip hop or cancan from France

The trampoline's one of the sights
As Chombys are tossed to great heights
We're in for a treat
So light on their feet
And chic in red polka dot tights

The Chomby will pose quite a stance
Pirouette while munching on plants
He'll twist and he'll twirl
Give all things a whirl
While wearing his green speckled pants

With Chombys life's no shade of gray
Think cerise, magenta, moire
So, hoist a blue drink
Sing, dance and think pink
Paint the town on this Chomby Day!!

The Brave Chomby By Cajunchic143

I am a tiny Chomby
Timorous and weak
I needed NP badly
So I ventured to the peak

The peak of Terror Mountain
Within the Ice Caves lay,
The Snowager upon his heap
Waiting for his prey

In his heap are treasures
Beyond your wildest dreams
But if you would receive them,
You'll need to have a scheme

You have to sneak into the lair
Of that mighty beast,
But if he isn't sleeping
You will become his feast

I travel to the winter world
In the evening sun
When the mountain first appeared,
My walk turned to a run

I pass up Happy Valley,
Went up the mountain trail,
Walk through the tiny doorway,
I hope I will prevail

The Neggery's behind me,
The Ice Shop now unseen,
The Kiosk coming closer,
Up next is the extreme

The cave's face is before me,
I think for quite a while,
Then walk into the dreaded den,
Behold the treasure pile!

The beast is in my vision,
on top of his huge heap,
I'll make out with a snowball,
Then take it home to keep!

Quietly and Quickly,
I sneak up to the pile,
reach out my hand, BUT SUDDENLY
I drop my small glass vial

The vial makes a clinking noise
The ground begins to shake
And towering above me,
I see the giant snake

His eyes turn to a fiery red
His nostrils steam with rage
He prepares for a savage fight
His anger sets the stage

I panic as I gather
The item that I want
And quickly run out of the den,
Avoid the Chomby hunt

I run back to my NeoHome,
Safe as I can be
I look into my pocket,
My snowball now I see

I reach into my pocket,
Take out the ball of ice
A wonderful Stone Snowball
And I did pay my price

The moral of this poem
Is simple as can be
Be brave and you'll come out alive,
A hero, just like me

Macho Chomby By Luckyladybug01

"It's my day on Friday!" my Chomby cried.
"Okay, so what?" I calmly replied.
"So what?" he screeched. "Can't you see?
Come write a poem that's all about me!"

"What should it say?" I said to him.
"Tell how I crush things on a whim,
I'm strong and fierce and awe-inspiring
And it's always me the girls are admiring."

"Umm," I said, "but you're gentle, you know,
You like good music and a good picture show.
You like to play games with all of your friends.
When your mom needs an errand,
it's you she sends."

"But don't write that!" he pleaded in fear,
And down his face rolled a Chomby-sized tear.
"I want the other pets to think I'm courageous,
That befriending me would be
quite advantageous!"

He went on to say, "All the kids will make fun,
If they think that I haven't
fought battles and won.
I've got to show them that I am a hero,
Not a sissy-boy, quiet-type, big Chomby zero."

Just then a girl Chomby happened along,
Reading a thick book and humming a song.
The flower in her hair was a lovely pink,
And as she passed, she gave him a wink.

"Uhh...never mind!" he called as he sprinted
To see if the girl had meant what she'd hinted.
So let it be known that my Chomby is nice;
When it comes to the ladies, that will suffice!

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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