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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Tyragh the Tyrannian Buzz
By Chile_chicken

He darts into battle, his tail lifted high
He flies in from nowhere and covers the sky
His green scales are shining,
His fine wings are spread
He fills the Tyrannian enemies with dread

Just who is this Buzz that I know and not fear?
If you want to know who, then come gather near
I will whisper the secrets,
As a scared person does
About Tyragh the Tyrannian Buzz.

Once, long ago, he lived in the town
And upon his head sat the Tyrannian crown
He ruled with compassion, his motives were right
But then evil approached and he had to fight

For forty long days he held off their attack
But it was all in vain,
He could not hold them back
They entered the town
And made themselves kings
And Tyragh flew away with one beat of his wings

He flew on til he reached
The peak of the mountains
Missing the buildings, missing the fountains
And spent the night huddled in a dark cave
Feeling so sad, and not at all brave

His misery grew as he lived all alone
He kept on advancing towards the unknown
And no-one heard of him for twenty-three years
Just remembered his fame, and cried bitter tears

Then one day the evil fled far from the town
As something from the mountain
Started to creep down
Then in one giant movement, his wings open wide
"Tyragh is back!" the townspeople cried

He opened his mouth, and a terrible noise
Made the evil things run, forgetting their ploys
And so Tyrannia was peaceful again
But Tyragh did not continue his reign

Instead he flew back to his cave on the peak
And from there he looks down
On the poor and the weak
And if any trouble down there starts to show
Tyragh flies back down to the village below

And that's when he shows his most bravest role
Keeping Tyrannia under control
And yet he is shy and doesn't take heed
Of the praise that is sung of his latest good deed

So whenever you feel that trouble is brewing
Just remember what Tyragh is probably doing
Looking down on us and doing his best to ensure
That Tyrannia is safe, sound and secure.

The Noble Queen
By Kikiscamps_mom

Lovely Iffizzstari, our noble Queen of Buzz,
Visited by a faerie, the Darkest that ever was;
Eschewed the shadowed offer,
And took the curse with grace,
Upon her mouth a muzzle grew,
Disfiguring her face.
Our kindly Lady couldn't speak,
But clever minds found a way:
She learned to buzz between her teeth,
First just "yea" and "nay,"
But eventually a language grew,
And all Buzz learned to speak it too,
In honor of our brave young Ruler,
Mever was there a heart that's truer.

Looking down from the cloudy realm,
One day Fyora saw our plight;
She came herself to see our Queen,
Accompanied by a host of Light.
"I am touched by your courage,
And that of your folk;
We shall put forth our power to lift this yoke
Of Darkness that you've born so long,
All undeserved, for you'd done no wrong.
But there is a price in breaking the curse,
I shall take it myself, for better or worse."
Our Queen waved frantically
And buzzed a loud "NO!"
Then interpreters gave her message to show
That our Lady asked only for her face to be fixed,
For the muzzle did chafe, and its points did prick.
"That I can do at no cost to myself,
But be warned young Queen:
It will forever change how your face is seen."
Then every Buzz there
Stepped forward en masse,
And told Fyora, "One thing we would ask:
If our Queen must wear a different appearance,
We would take it as well,
To honor her fearlessness."
Fyora smiled, and lifted her scepter,
Magic swirled through our kingdom:
Left, right, and center.
Iffizzstari's muzzle stretched and grew,
Becoming a carapace of shining blue,
And all her subjects likewise changed,
In her honor and in her name.

Though all other Buzz
Can still speak the Common,
We also speak Buzz, that she never be forgotten:
And on nights when clear skies
Are bright and starry
We see her constellation,
And remember our beloved Iffizzstari.

The Nighttime Buzz
By Reggieman721

A Buzz, alone at forest's edge,
Flies silently, aloof and shy.
He drifts among the shady trees
And gazes at the nighttime sky.

His beating wings make not a sound,
As silently, he floats and sways.
His face is hidden in the dark,
His eyes from out the shadows gaze.

The nighttime Buzz keeps silent guard
Of hidden nest among the trees.
He lingers near the woodland edge,
And drifts upon the evening breeze.

No predator escapes his eye,
But he is not by others seen.
Disguised by shadows of the leaves,
Shifting patterns, black and green.

As starlight twinkles overhead,
He checks to see that coast is clear,
And when the safety is assured,
The nighttime Buzz doth disappear.

No movement seen by untrained eye,
He flies away among the trees.
The forest's edge still undisturbed
Except by gentle evening breeze.

The Buzz Who Buzzed Too Much
By Voldemorts_evil_spy

Maddie was a normal pet
Who went to school each day.
Her grades were more than average,
Her job gave average pay.

But when it came to silence,
Dear Maddie couldn't cope.
Our friend was a buzzing Buzz,
Who, for silence, had no hope.

She buzzed all day, she buzzed all night,
And sometimes in between,
Our friend just couldn't help it!
She drove her friends insane!

So when her holiday drew near,
Her friends all hatched a plan.
They'd buy their friend a muffler!
The best of any brand.

And when she woke that morning,
Her wings made not a sound.
They were wrapped in cellophane,
And there was silence all around.

Great rejoicing filled the air,
Where her buzzing no longer was.
Maddie flew with silence,
A very happy Buzz.

The Swarm
By Katiecoo802

In the sugar-sweet shadow
Of the late harvest moon
The Moaches are chirping
To the Albats' soft croon

The branches of tress
Hang heavy with fruit
So luscious and juicy
And tasty to boot

Then, way in the distance
Far past Pick Your Own
Comes the hushed hum-
The hum of the drone

A mass of black fury
Destroys all in its path
Consuming the ripe fruits
And gone in a flash

The light of the moon
Is obscured by the swarm
The hum is a war beat
Approaching the farm

Soon the ears of the farmers
Burst one by one
The noise is unbearable
But they've just begun

Quicker than lightning
They streak down from the sky
Their reflexes snake-like
As one beast they fly

A twisted ballet
Of desire and skill
They strike the fruit trees
And close in for the kill

An explosion of greed
And hunger erupts
They devour the crop
Until they've had enough

They ascend and fade
Once more murmuring fuzz
In the wreckage there's a message;
"Fear the swarm of the Buzz."

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