Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Ode to Hanso and Brynn
By Sumomu
The faeries each have fallen,
Their last actions set in stone,
This fearsome cataclysm sends
King Altador from his throne.
To the festival he ventures
And finds, to his dismay,
That even Queen Fyora has
Been vanquished that sad day.
By then others have gathered,
To see this fearful sight,
Among them is a petty thief
And a valiant Brightvale knight.
The two recognise each other,
But they're not exactly friends.
The Ixi's troubled past deserves
The negativity she sends.
For her, he is a nuisance;
To him, she is a joke.
But for now they must cooperate
To save the faerie folk.
Keep your eye on him, she's told,
His turncoat wit is far too fast,
But as she takes the time to look,
Can she see past his past?
And down in Nox's Castle,
As the two heroes start to fight,
A certain strange emotion's lit,
Beneath the candlelight.
The Faeries' Ruin
By Sparkleshine329
The Wheel of Excitement stands so still,
and the clouds no longer race.
What has Faerieland become
Other than a lonely place?
How will we heal our pets?
Or buy a faerie book?
But there is a mystery to be solved,
if you take a closer look.
The Festival was set to go off with a bang,
but only the winged stone figures smile.
They never saw it coming.
How could someone be so vile?
What evil creature plots away?
Who can help us now?
Who wants to ruin every faerie's day?
We'll have to find a witness somehow.
One blue Ixi could save the day,
even though he is a mischievous thief.
If the ever-growing mystery is solved,
that would be a relief.
So many questions to be answered,
though one in particular catches my eye:
can this Ixi be trusted?
Or is he the wrong guy?
Ode to Queen Fyora
By Mystie06
Thou were fair, O Queen!
With your lavender gown
And your lilac hair,
Elegant wings
Flying through the air.
Thou were just, O Queen!
Thy judgments sound,
You ruled the clouds
With fairness and light,
And to your good laws
All faeries were bound.
Thou were kind, O Queen!
Your quests, while hard,
Were well-rewarded,
And many a pet thanks you
For your kind blessing.
Thou art now stone, O Queen!
Thy wings now frozen,
Thine eyes so cold;
No words fall from your lips,
Neither praise nor scold.
Thou shalt be mourned, O Queen!
I shall forever come here
And sit at your cold stone feet,
Keeping vigil with you
And weeping bitter tears.
Those Lazy Faeries!
By Sweetpotatoesoryams
The other day, I went to restock
at my usual place, the Faerie Foods Shop.
But when I got there, I received quite a shock.
It seems my restocking has been forced to stop.
How do they expect me to make money
when those lazy faeries are turned to stone?
Really, do they think this is funny?
My shopkeeper has never felt so alone.
If this is their idea of vacation,
posing as statues while work should be done,
causing a frenzy throughout the nation
while they sit idle, having their fun?
Those lazy faeries! How lazy they are!
Do they know how much their vacation will cost?
Well, it is a weeks' worth of earnings, so far.
And pretty soon, my resources will exhaust.
Just a small warning would have been nice,
So I could get another restock in the clock.
Maybe next time those faeries will think twice
before, inconsiderately, turning into rock.
In Mourning for the Faeries
By Reduni0613
Oh despair!
The Snowager woke!
Showered you with ice,
nasty words provoked.
To the Healing Springs,
Revenge you seek,
To fight the snake,
But your pets are weak.
What's this?
Oh, for shame!
The faerie is stone,
Some one had better explain.
You think, "She's stone!
It can't be true,
I'll go see Illusen,
she'll know what to do.
"This is a joke,"
You think with hope.
"She's probably fine!"
But was she fine? Nope.
Rushing to Meridell,
From reason you did part,
Though at first you deny,
You know the truth in your heart.
The faeries are gone,
Something is amiss,
Neopets will suffer,
without faerieful bliss.
Some may celebrate,
No more quests!
Shop Wizard ahoy!
Stupid annoying tests.
This is good,
This is swell,
But is it really?
Some may never tell.
For those same users
In quest-free bliss
Will soon discover
Everything they miss.
Wheel of Excitement?
Impossible to be won,
Rainbow Fountain?
It cannot be done.
Soup Kitchen?
Pets will be hungry.
But we all will miss the Discarded
Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity.
Wake up, faeries!
I guess the old saying is true,
You never know the value of something,
Until it is taken from you.
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