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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Statue Garden
By Ecobabe

Exquisite in their stony state,
Merry, yet lifeless,
A pearl of dew on a motionless toe,
Caught forever in their bliss.

I'd almost leave them be, it's true,
But their loss is quite a drag.
No jobs, no Wheel, no little quests,
The economy will sag.

We're working hard, yet not enough.
They remain a pristine still,
A cold yet perfect lifeless world;
Not a bird shall dare to trill.

An ever-solid state of mind --
Do they know what's come to pass?
A new villain? A reborn old?
There's hope that it won't last.

Just a Little Disorganised?
By Pansyparkinson14

Brightvale's starting to look a bit bleak,
I noticed, as I hurried down the stairs,
And as I entered the great library, huffing,
I was met with critical glares.

I was ushered impatiently through the door;
My gaze fell on books strewn, caked with grime,
How could the Brightvale archives be such a mess?
And to organise them I had such little time!

Such confusion I have never known!
Where to start, I could barely decide!
The books seemed that they could fit anywhere:
I really wished I had some sort of guide.

I began my task ever so tentatively,
With the librarian Yurble scrutinising me so:
His snappy remarks at my every mistake
Sank me into a desperate woe.

But once the order was discovered,
The pace picked up: It was even a little fun!
I even managed to pocket some items,
Rotten Beetroot, anyone?

So with these archives finally in order,
I do hope Brynn can find what she seeks,
She just has to find some sort of clue,
Before, on Neopia, havoc wreaks!

Hanso the Thief's Story
By Anjie

One merry day as I did wander
Through the violet, silken cloud,
I hummed a faerie folksong loudly,
Swatted past a drifting Floud.

It was that second that I saw him,
In a flash of blinding green.
That villain Nox was loudly plotting,
Dastardly was horrid scene!

He flicked his cape across his shoulder,
Chanted words I could not hear.
Storm clouds gathered, something lurking,
Knees did quake in instant fear.

I backed away (past floating Petpets)
When Nox called the strangest thing.
It caused the sky to flash with colour,
Vibrant light the chant did bring.

It blinded me, I stumbled backward,
Over clouds I tripped and fell,
Until I woke and Nox was missing,
Faerieland cast in his spell.

Of course they claim that I am lying,
(Thieves just have that kind of rep!)
But listen close to my own story,
I'll take you through it, step by step.

There is that incident, I confess,
Library things I sought to steal.
I had my reasons, gather 'round now,
You won't believe what I'll reveal!

The Faeries' Ruin?
By Bluerang1

The Faerie Festival did come,
A joyous event for some.
But it didn't last for very long,
I tell you, something went terribly wrong,
Leaving our faeries in a frozen stone form.

The faeries aren't requesting help,
As they can neither shout nor yelp.
No quests to do for Illusen;
Jhudora's also stonily frozen,
Holding a cake made of kelp.

The Wheel of Excitement
Has lost that element.
Now wearing a soulless presence,
Joy is not of its essence,
Making us over it lament.

The Soup Faerie's soup seems sour,
The Healing Springs lacks power,
The Neggery also doesn't have its faerie,
Just like the Library, now not merry.
Even Queen Fyora isn't in her Hidden Tower.

No more festivities are ongoing.
The land's despair is showing.
Our only hope may be a sneaky burglar.
Is this finally -- no... never! --
The Faeries' Ruin?

Artefact Theft
By Chax1414

In a dark library,
one entered through.
A thief, no doubt,
but the question was who?

Xandra notices he is stealing merciless,
glancing and staring in detest.
Who is this creature,
with such evil features?

Hanso glides between the shelves,
pocketing valuables above his wealth.
He is aware of a presence in the room,
and knows he must get out soon.

Xandra takes action
and tries to zap him.
Her magic fails,
and Hanso prevails.

"Stop, thief!" she screams, trying to plead,
but Hanso is too focused on greed.
The front doors latch as he escapes,
as Xandra begins to lose faith.

One day they will meet again,
and that might be the end of him.
So as we look back on that horrid night,
Xandra wails, screeches, and cries.

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