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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Grundos, Unite!
by alyndasgallery

They march in uniformity,
Taking steps that are the same.
A proud species of Neopet,
The Grundo is their name.

Their history is a strange one, 
With elements of good and bad.
They're proud of their heritage,
And celebrations are to be had.

Their independence is important,
And lessons have been learnt.
No more advantages to be taken,
The Grundo's fear is getting hurt.

So join them while they cheer,
And take pride in their special day.
They've overcome the worst, you see
So it's time for them to laugh and play!

Stargazing on Kreludor
by fleurdust

We Grundos have a pastime,
That we'd like to share with you.
So come along to Kreludor,
If you've nothing else to do.

Here, grab an O2 unit--
There's plenty going spare.
We'll show you something special,
Few sights can compare.

Bring lots of comfy blankets--
And a few cushions, too.
We've got freeze-dried Space Cocoa,
It's good--we'll share with you!

Lie back, and take the view in.
Open both eyes quite wide.
It's amazing what you see if,
You relax, and watch the sky.

Look! There's the Chariot Chaser!
And the Seven Skeiths--oh wow!
It's rare to spot, you're lucky,
To see it with us now.

Asteroids and comets dance,
And zoom across the skies.
Now watch, you'll only see this here:
The stunning Neopia-rise!

The Virtupets Space Station,
Flashes in a menacing way.
It reminds us what we celebrate,
Each Grundo Independence Day.

We recall the emancipation,
Of our whole collective.
This light-hearted little hobby,
Provides a new perspective.

When living life on Kreludor,
It's easy to get disenchanted.
Today, we make sure not to take,
Our carefree lives for granted.

We remember and appreciate,
That jubilant occasion.
How better to honour freedom,
Than with some space stargazing?

The Discarded Grundo
by xrainydayx

On the outskirts of Faerie City
Hard to find among the trees,
Lies a sad little Grundo Plushie
Gently swaying in the breeze.

No one’s sure of where he came from
Or why he was discarded,
All we know is that he never moves
And stares in silence, disregarded.

You approach the poor old Plushie
Not sure quite what to say,
He bestows his magic powers
Then you continue with your day.

Next time you go to visit
The blue Grundo in the woods,
Please be kind and encourage him;
Make him feel less misunderstood.

Limericks to the Grundo Thief
by arkwright

There once was a factory on Kreludor
Where blobs miss their vats and fall on the floor
A thief lies in wait
He steals a big crate
Full of stolen figures he bolts out the door.

When he’s gone, if only this were the end,
I would bid the Grundo goodbye as a friend
But why must be return
Oh when will he learn
My ruined quota of toys I must now mend.

The life of a factory worker’s not mine,
Painting toys as they pass down the line.
At the quota I’m done
But till then I’m overrun
As the Grundo Thief ruins the deadline.

Sloth, won’t you take this bad Grundo away?
Let my factory be free from foul play.
Dear Neopia’s Defenders
I’m close to surrender
When my efforts are thwarted each day.

If its financial support that he needs
To save him from a life of bad deeds
I’ve got a bank full of cash
I’ll give it all in a flash
For ten minutes peace I’ll concede.

Grundo please hear this my desperate plea
These figurines really now don’t come for free
Please leave me alone
Till the avatar’s come home
The factory’s yours, I’ll give you the key.

The Fate of Doran, Planet Grundo
by tyuio_k50

Let's visit Doran, one more time,
Please, as my time's done.
I once more, only, wish to view its dark skies,
Shown through by its blazing sun...


Visit the Wishing Star,
To make your dreams true,
Just toss it 4 XB,
And hope it picks you!

The Fallen Aurora can change colors,
But you must give it a star.
It can change you to Earthen, 
Spooky, Rustic or Nu-Zharr!

And if you have some stardust,
Toss it into Gulver hole.
You may get treat,
Or you may lose your soul.

Feel like a quest? Try Zeena's Nebula,
Or perhaps Doro's Cave!
Just don't go to dark old Slotho...
Nobody's that brave.

And if you poke the Grumpy Glob,
It may give you prize!
Just watch out for its temper...
And cover your eyes...

The Old Shipwreck's rather spooky--
But you may come aboard.
If you choose, watch for traps and strange creatures,
You may find the Captain's reward!

The Cafe's quite well,
It has fresh food from all over.
You can try Zonor and fried Ergz,
Or the exotic Three-leafed Clover!

And if you like collections,
Why not try buy a figurine?
There are so many to get,
Like like the Grumpy Blob or Grundo Queen!


Slowly but surely, Doran vanished to none.
Each of its trinkets, Lost one by one.

The citizens tried, But the Queen had long gone.
And she would not come back, And time marched on.

Sloth promised peace, If we followed his trail.
So he kept it all up, With occasional fail.

Though he provided, perhaps not the best-
Under his rule, the stars went to rest.

Though his efforts were pure, He only strove to maintain,
And he became our enemy, And our joy did wain.

Gone were the celebrations, and the beloved shopkeepers, too,
The citizens vanished, and its fate became true...

A bright star in the sky, slowly dimmed day by day,
And as nothing to prevent it was done further, it faded away...

...But could it have gone a different way? Could Sloth have been our savior?


I made it! I'm there now,
In Doran-- Won't you come by?
It's just beyond the stars,
In the past, in the sky...

Halloween Grundo
by indulgences

I've never been a fan of pets
Hued dark and Halloween.
They don't appeal to me at all.
They're strange, and cruel, and mean.

And yet, the Grundo Halloween
Is such majestic stuff.
It wields a scythe of silver blade,
So flawless, bright, and tough.

Its face is hidden in the shade
Of blackest, inky hood.
Its robes are also shadowy,
Devoid of all that's good.

This creature is compelling, and
Although it's sinister,
I'd love to own its ghoulish self.
I'm odd, I must concur.

Perhaps someday I'll buy the brush
And paint a Grundo pet.
I love its looks so menacing,
The darkest Grundo yet!

An Ode to the Doctor
by dahrin

Gather round, children,
As I tell ye a tale.
Of a villain most vile
Against whom others pale.
He's slimy and smelly,
He's gangrenous green,
You pick up his scent
When he speaks through a screen.
He's cunning, he's evil,
He's repulsive and gross.
He's the boss of the ship
That creates the Grundos.
Yes it's obvious now
That we speak of the Boss
Of the Virtupets Station

Sloth's Grundo Leader
by dr_tomoe

The are many names in Neopia
that are ones to fear
Dr. Sloth tops many a list
every single year.

But very few Neopians
will encounter the bad doc
They are much more likely
to find his minions running amok

And one part of Sloth's latest
and greatest evil plan
requires theft of many items
from all across the land

And trusted with this mission
is a frightening pink sight
a grundo thief who moves quickly
despite his imposing height.

He attacks without warning
and swipes a item
acting like the Pant Devil or
Shadow Usul or others like them.

And what will he do with
that toy or food he swiped?
Hopefully we'll never find out
why Sloth wants that bike.

We can only hope that
his evil plan is stopped
though his Grundo Leader will strike again
and make off with another top.

Celestial Wings: The Faerie Grundo (Grundo Day entry)
by anjie

Soft the fall of evening’s shade,
Obsidian, the sky.
A thousand stars light Grundo wings,
As creature drifts on by.
Moonlit are the shining orbs,
That glow through onyx haze.
Celestial, the sheen of light,
That graces flawless gaze.

He glides upon the evening breeze,
Where constellations gleam.
Spins from star to endless star,
Lost to a deep daydream.
Starscape sets the perfect scene,
The moon provides spotlight.
A shimmer shake, the wings do span,
And Grundo takes to flight.

A glittered glimpse upon twin sheaths,
Translucent, midnight blue.
Graces with scattered, silver stars,
Like spotlights, shining through.
On these he meets the evening wind,
To brighten realm so stark.
Beyond there clouds do cast their gloss,
Where planets light the dark.

He’ll spin upon a planet’s rings,
And glide where starlight plays.
His home amongst the darkest sheen,
And there so safe, he stays.
The faerie cast in midnight hue,
On fragile wings, floats by.
Explores the world from far above,
Graced by the darkest sky.

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