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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Kyrii Day: An Ode to the Best Pets in Neopia
by meowlet

In the month of Hiding every year,
Neopians come from far and near
To dance, make merry, and to say:
"It's Kyrii day! Hip hip hooray!"

They make up less than two percent
Of total pets (a small segment)
But their sense of style and flawless hair
Is unmatched by anyone, anywhere!

Kyrii come from famous stock,
Like Lucky McKyriggan, and Jacques,
Kyruggi of Tyrannia,
And the wily diva, Capara
The Island Mystic, that rascal Stan - 
How could you not be a fan!

Have you seen a disco kyrii dance?
Or a mutant kyrii's menacing stance?
Or a baby kyrii's big brown eyes?
How could you not be hypnotized!

They're daring warriors, fearsome foes
(As any battledomer knows)
But if you're worthy, they'll be true,
And let you borrow their shampoo!


So a toast to this underrated pet,
Let's celebrate and not forget,
To have a feast this Kyrii Day,
But keep the apples far away!

The Kyrii Mane
by xrainydayx

If you ever meet a Kyrii
Then you will ascertain
That every Kyrii that exists
Cares a lot about their mane.

Ever so particular
About that funny feature,
They spend many hours styling-
More than any other creature.

They brush, they comb, add gel and slick,
Each Kyrii has a special trick
To make sure that their mane will stick,
Checking their mirrors to nitpick.

I don’t believe I’ve ever met 
A ‘Pet use so much hairspray,
You best be sure a Kyrii’s mane
Will look perfect on Kyrii Day!

Lament of a Kyrii
by reiqua

With a
How – O! – how
very much I hate apples
With every fibre of my being,
I hate them. They make me sick!
I detest even the thought of them!
The barest sniff churns my stomach.
One lick is enough to make me sick.
Just one bite is already too much,
Itchy Scratchies, rashes, lumps,
We rush to the Healing Springs,
Sick, nauseous. How, O how,
I hate_______apples.

Capara the Kyrii
by myriadz

Capara the Kyrii likes to play Cheat,
Much to her dismay she always gets beat.
Spending too much time brushing her mane,
Capara needs to step up her game.

Having never moved past the second round,
Cheat champion, she has never been crowned.
Although her opponents may be full of glee,
It is Capara's head on the Cheat Champion trophy. 

Her last career didn't work out,
Her boss’s rules, she decided to flout.
Selling overpriced rotten fruit,
Capara was promptly given the boot.

The Neopian Times calls her a rising star,
Her opponents find this extremely bizarre.
Always willing to share her experience,
Capara has never failed to make an appearance.

Kyrii Rogue Cloak
by indulgences

I used to be quite flummoxed by
The "Rogue" in this cloak's name.
The cloak itself is shiny pink,
And hardly "Rogue" as claimed.

It's lined with softest, whitest fur.
A ribbon of light blue
Is tied around this pink cloak's neck.
I love its sparkling hue.

This cloak is contradictory.
It's hardly stealthy, dark.
Though most rogues operate at night,
This cloak has daytime's spark.

It twinkles in the morning sun.
It shimmers like a gem.
What makes this cloak so "Rogue" in name?
What is its stratagem?

For now, I simply stare and smile.
I love its special look.
This cloak is full of beauty that
Can never be mistook!

The Apple Bobbing Kyrii
by dortho

A Kyrii just wandering around, 
In the Haunted Woods, with no one around, 
She heard a sound in the distance and went to check,
Oh my goodness... apples? BLECH! 

Apple Bobbing Bart was running his show, 
Sometimes just gotta go with the flow, 
The Kyrii got curios and got a bit closer, 
Instead of running much further. 

Even though Kyriis hate apples, she got really brave
And ducked her head right down into the tank!
When she lifted her head up it wasn't an apple in her teeth...
It was someone elses teeth! Flailing in horror, with dentures in her mouth, she abruptly ran south!. 

Flailing and tripping over a fence, she convinced herself to never try that again.

The Mystic Island Kyrii
by fleurdust

On a faraway island of green,
Amid lazy blue waters serene,
Where palm trees all grow,
'Neath a vast volcano,
While Tiki Tours wander between.

Out at sea stands a lone little hut,
It first seems quite deserted, but,
Look closer and see,
A Mystic Kyrii,
Gath'ring shells and sweet coconuts.

If you're brave enough, come, take a walk,
Approach an arched door, give a knock,
Inside, you will find,
A quick, cunning mind,
And a fascinating collection of rocks.

His face might be pierced all with bone,
And surely, he dwells here quite alone,
But without taking a fee,
This Mystic Kyrii,
Will tell you of fortunes unknown. 

To be sure, he doesn't always make sense,
And speaks exclusively in future tense.
But try not to doubt,
As he proudly shouts out:
"You'll fight off a pack of Mutants."

Mystical Marvels: The Kyrii's Cool Backgrounds
by _brainchild_

If you're looking for a stunning
Background for your pet to wear,
Then you had better start running
To the desert. Do you dare?

Why the sandiest of dwellings?
In this heat lives a Kyrii
Who, my friend, is always selling
Grand backgrounds for you and me.

The Kyrii has a cool selection
Of pieces for any pet.
His wares always reach perfection.
Have you found your favorite yet?

"How about this Citrus Background?
Its bright hues pop out to me."
"While that choice is rather sound,
I prefer this one, you see?"

"That Fireworks Background is great.
I would always wear that, too.
Finding it must have been fate!
That pretty prize is cool for you."

The Kyrii will always sell
Awesome pieces that we'll wear.
These grand marvels suit us well.
Joy we will forever share.

Flowing Kyrii Tresses
by anjie

Caught by hands of torrid breeze,
Tossed by the laughing chill.
Tumble, tumble, tresses fall,
They flow, non-stop, not still.
No glory in the realm can match,
The mane each Kyrii grows.
Like a river cast in gold,
The waving cascade flows.

Industry of wealth galore,
Around the tresses, dwells.
“Keep your mane in style, friends!”
The promise each jar tells.
Combs that shape the wildest mane,
That tame the wicked hair.
Gel to keep each lock in place,
And shape that ‘do’ with flair.

Spray to keep the mane in place,
So wind won’t make a mess.
Gels and jars, the Kyrii needs,
(Or wants, I must confess!)
The envy of all other pets,
The Kyrii’s flowing hair.
Should you see tresses, flicked in breeze,
You’ll note a Kyrii there!

Keep The Apples Away
by dr_tomoe

While there are benefits
to an apple a day
one thing it can do
is keep the Kyrii's away.

And since this is
their special holiday
if asked if we want apples
the only answer is 'no way!'

No applesauce or candy apple
no slice of apple-flavored cake
no baked apple anything or
Apple Cinnamon Crepe.

No apple-flavored jelly
and don't even start
about offering any Kyrii
an Apple Cherry Tart.

And one thing that will
make any Kyrii's stomach churn
are the various flavors
of Apple Lanterns. 

And the worst thing a Kyrii can find
while out on a stroll
is the bakery giving out free samples
of Apple Rigamaroll.

So all the apple fans
today you should just resign
for most Kyrii's will be holding
their "I hate Apple's" sign.

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