Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Acrostic Birthday
by arkwright
N ever was there a site I loved more!
E very corner of the globe we all pour
O nto Neopets, between work and rest-
P roudly showing off our pets well dressed
E ating omelette for breakfast, and battling for stones
T hen sending our petpet down catacombs for bones
S urely Neopets then deserves utmost respect!
B alloons and cake, our neohomes bedecked
I n celebration of this special day once-a-year
R oo Island, Faerieland and Brightvale all cheer.
T owards the sky, the space station is lit up all bright
H ow the twinkling stars add to this perfect night
D own underneath, Moltara hosts a parade
A nd theres a banquet laid out in Illusen’s glade
Y es! Neopia’s birthday is here at last-
C elebrating our rich and beautiful past.
E veryone will dance from dawn till dark
L emonade, and Neggs will be served in the park
E yries frolic lightly, in Terror Mountain’s snow
B etter head to Meri Acres, and count a potato.
R ound Neopia on this day, there is so much to do
A ll through the streets, Neopians come through
T o be together on this birthday is such a big treat
I f you’re a tall pet, or squat pet or really quite petite
O n the 15th of November, the most important day...
N eopets, Happy Birthday! To you we all say!
A Very Happy Birthday to All of Neopia!
by lady_seluna
Acaras emerge from the depths of the sea,
Vandagyres fly and flutter through the air,
Elephantes trumpet with glee,
Rukis drum a happy tune,
Yurbles share their bounteous food,
Hissis slither to join in the fun,
Aishas cast spells to the wonder of all,
Poogles march in the parade,
Pteris soar across the Tyrannian sky,
Yooyus come from Altador,
Blumaroos bounce from their island home,
Ixis skip to join the rest,
Raindorfs frolic along with the pets,
Tuskaninnies bask in the sun,
Hasees eat their doughnutfruits,
Draiks dive down from the sky,
All are gathering for the most special of days,
Young and old, all of Neopia is on its way.
Today is Neopia's birthday!
Oh, what a glorious and happy day!
Abundant joy and generosity,
Loads of gifts and presents for all,
Let us celebrate this day!
Ogrins, Usuls, Xweetoks, and more,
From every corner of the Neopian world,
Now they are here to enjoy some cake,
Everyone will celebrate,
Oh, to another glorious year!
Parties galore, spread some cheer!
Isn't this the perfect day?
All of Neopia say hooray!
17th Birthday
by laceew45
17th Birthday
It is your birthday
What will this year show?
Or do you even know?
Seventeen is a lot of years,
Time for happiness and lots of cheers.
I can’t wait to see what the future may hold,
I’ll just sit back and watch,
Your story unfold.
Are new pets revealed?
Or are our fates sealed?
Are quests or plots on the horizon?
Or is Neopets wizen?
How do you celebrate?
With seventeen years, to date.
A great birthday
by dr_tomoe
The celebratory time has arrived
Neopets birthday is here!
What new things will happen
as we cross another year?
Will more avatars be released?
Will more dailies be created?
Will user's desire for pretty things
ever be sated?
Perhaps brand new clothes and colors
Or perhaps an update to lore
we'll have to sit and wait
and take advantage of Scores Galore.
We won't know until it comes
but we know it will be grand
because that's why Neopets is the greatest
for everyone in the land!
Happy 17 years
by serebii251
Happy birthday Neopia!
To all the pets, petpets and p3s
The gamesroom, the neoboards, the Money Tree!
Let's all come together to celebrate this day
A birthday gives us all good reason to cheer,
Neopia's made it another fine year!
We've seen so many fun things,
Daily Dare, AC, and we wait for GMC
Neopia still is a fun place for me!
So many new items, so many new colours,
Even a new game and new avatars,
Enough to keep us all trying, reaching for the stars!
Now we see Neopia head into its next year,
We wait to see what fun things we'll get to see,
More events, more games, more fun, yippee!
Happy Birthday, TNT!
by indulgences
I often wish that I could send
A gift to TNT.
I'd give them cookies, pies and tarts.
I'd write them cards with glee.
I'd give balloons that they could pop.
I'd give them birthday crowns.
I'd blow on whistles day and night,
A total Neo clown.
I'd pelt them with the finest of
Delicious, candy sweets.
They'd scream and duck for cover, and
I think that's pretty neat.
I'd clamp some birthday hats upon
Their unsuspecting heads.
I'd splatter them with cupcakes, till
They dodged my throws with dread.
I must admit, I might be wild,
And scary to the staff.
I simply love them all so much,
Despite my comic gaffes!
So happy birthday, TNT!
I hope your day's first-rate!
Despite my inability
To send you something great!
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