Neopets Poems
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Grarrl Day!!!
by o_babypet4me_o
Their teeth are sharp and pointy
Their tail sure do whip.
Make sure you don't go near them
They like to make you trip.
Tell the girls they look pretty
and the boys well, They look smart.
Do not tell them they're ugly.
Or they'll tear you apart.
Buy a new dress for your Grarrl
Why not a new book to read
Buy some more food
For they sure do like a feed.
Paint yours a new colour
Maybe two to be cool
Now that r90's+ are expensive
I wouldn't want to send one to school.
Actually, no reading either
And no clothes to try
For everything is super expensive
Especially for the average guy.
I guess you can train your pet
Well, it is free after all
And if you are anything like me
The Charity Corner has made me poor.
So sorry I can't buy mine much
I guess he will have to stay this way
At least I can buy him a cake
To celebrate his birthday!
Rosie, the Easter Grarrl
by sky_lady
Rosie. It is such a pretty name,
it matches her beautiful personality.
For her there's no such thing as fame,
give away neggs is her true reality.
In her head she always has an hat,
from which pop out two cute bunny ears.
She is a green Grarrl and so a bit fat,
don't let her know or she will be in tears.
Rosie wears a delicate yellow dress,
which has a lovely, giant, pink bow.
Rosie lives her life with no stress,
collecting neggs is what she does now.
Her favorite season is Spring.
Rosie adores neggs, flowers and Easter.
Taking care of flowers is her thing,
she owns a garden but not a lister.
You can tell Rosie is similar to a bunny,
but she doesn't seem to like carrots.
Rosie is very nice, friendly and funny,
she is also very talkative like the parrots.
Rosie, the Grarrl Who Brings Sweet Treats
by _brainchild_
Grarrls are known for viciousness;
Such beastly roars they boast.
However, I must confess
That Rosie defies most.
This graceful girl of scented springs
Is very generous.
Rare Easter-themed goods she brings
As an act of kindness.
Which treat will the sweet Grarrl bring?
A gift basket or negg?
Regardless of what makes you sing,
It's better not to beg.
No one should be picky if
The prize bestowed is free.
Please collect your precious gift.
Accept it with great glee!
Hopefully she'll visit you—
Her goods are most desired.
Receive a negg or blooms so blue—
Then you will feel inspired.
Her gentle personality
Is coveted by most,
So if you meet this Grarrl so sweet,
You'll be the one who boasts.
The Well Mannered Grarrl
by sn4zzeh
While it's true the very exclamation of our name
Does convey, perhaps, an intent to maim-
Such a reputation is quite ill-deserved.
The strictest of etiquette is habitually observed
Among those of the Grarrl elite-
One can say it even approaches discreet.
While maybe we don't primp and preen,
like those affixed in the Usul scene-
and nor do we bury our heads in dusty prose,
As those Lenny's do, in their library clothes-
But that doesn't mean our manners are lacking...
It's just this character study that's really slacking.
It's with this I entreat to you, dear readers,
on behalf of my yoke- as one of its mannered leaders
To not assume a Grarrl is beleaguered with rage,
Instead I implore you to first-hand engage;
Ask your neighbor Grarrl to a Sunday brunch,
You'd be surprised, I have a hunch-
To witness how mild-mannered and polite
We really are, amidst such a character plight.
Though our teeth be sharp and long
and our muscles defined and strong,
Our hearts are open and kind,
Awaiting the day we can be seen as refined.
And with my argument now disclosed,
I await the dismissal of censure imposed.
You now continue, a great deal more enlightened,
When before you might've ran, a little frightened.
May this be to all a clear moral,
Enacted- it will prevent future quarrel.
May the rest of your days continue in bliss,
One day soon I hope, of this we’ll fondly reminisce.
Mighty Dinosaur
by timezor
On top of the food chain you sit
Your qualities are plentiful, including wit
You are a brave warrior
All through tyrannia, we can hear your roar
Despite being so mighty
And sometimes, I must admit, scary
You're still a loveable big smiling beast
And for your special day, I wish you the greatest feast
After all
A grarrl's stomach isn't so small
Happy Grarrl (day!)
by coerces
I'm not that tough,
I'm not that strong.
please correct me,
if I'm wrong.
I jump, I cry,
I laugh and scream.
I'm just a little grarrl
with a dream.
I hope I no longer scare
those with a stare
and to be treated fair
no matter what I wear.
The truth is,
I'm just like you.
I walk and I talk
and trip sometimes too.
So do not be afraid,
I'm not like the rest
I just want to dance
and do what I do best.
I'm happy, I'm strong,
I'm scary and I'm tall
but I'm also soft and cuddly,
I'm just a Grarrl.
A Fight with Ukkrah
by aphrasia
Ukkrah the Fire Grarrl
With his destroy, smash, burn,
Makes you watch the others fall,
With you bravely awaiting your turn.
Years of intense training
Have led up to this very fight.
So into the battle you leap,
Putting forth all of your might.
You swiftly avoid Ukkrah’s smash,
And throw flames of your own fire in return.
Your defeated pals begin to cheer,
The crowds of Neopets weave and churn,
Because the tides of the battle have turned.
Ukkrah is now the smashed,
Ukkrah is covered with burns,
And the time has finally come
That the Destroyer has come undone!
Grarrl Enchantress Wig
by indulgences
I never liked the Grarrl before.
I thought it savage, fierce and strange.
I never liked its sharp, bared teeth.
It looked quite vicious and deranged.
But then I saw this lovely wig
And fell in love with its soft looks.
I'm normally not fond of blonde,
But on the Grarrl, it simply took.
It quite assuaged the Grarrl's fierce face.
It sparkled in the morning sun.
The Grarrl was now a pretty lass,
Not something to be feared or shunned.
When dressed with the Enchantress duds,
The Grarrl is now a lovely miss.
I love the Grarrl now, to be sure,
A beauty to be hugged and kissed!
In Acknoledgement of The First Neopians
by medusala
Grarrls from all over,
Since November 1999,
Were the first to roam Neopia
And tower in its sky
Fierce Grarrl warriors,
The enemy swarming at their feet,
Stomped and destroyed them
Setting their power free!
Proud Grarrl gladiators,
Fans cheering their names,
Roared with valor
As they fought for fame!
Honourable Grarrl protectors,
Torakor at the fore,
Through boundless courage
Won their lands many a war!
On this day of celebration,
May no Neopet fail to see,
Neopian history is rich with merits
And feats Grarrls have achieved
The Hungry Grarrl
by dr_tomoe
Grarrls are well known
for loving to eat
From the finest gourmets
to smelly socks off your feet.
And there was one Grarrl
who's hunger had took
him to such devouring extremes
that they wrote of him in a book
The Hungry Grarrl he was called
who's appetite was legendary
to call him a glutton
would be quite complementary.
For he ate everything before him
From gross food and drinks
to furniture and cocktails
to even the kitchen sink.
There was nothing that escaped
his all-devouring maw
Tables, chairs, fish pops
Friends had to watch their paw.
But his hunger continued
and so he continued to eat
His belly never satisfied
which was quite a feat.
Of course it's a story
but it might really be true.
So watch out for hungry Grarrls
or they just might eat you!
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