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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Usul Day Special

The Brave Usul Battles Eliv Thade
by _brainchild_

Gilly is a poor Usul
Who wandered far astray.
With Eliv Thade she will duel.
With anagrams she'll play.

She has a choice: A longer word
Will let her take more steps.
Is this bigger risk preferred?
With words she'll be adept.

If she guesses right, that is.
Her life rides on this riddle.
She'll be tortured by a miss.
With scrambled words she'll fiddle!

She gets that one right, but then
The tile in front is cracked.
How will she escape Thade's den?
She simply can't turn back!

She falls right through; a life is gone.
Frustrated, she returns.
There's still lots of time 'till dawn.
Will she end in failure?

The brave Usul collects weapons
Revered as artifacts.
Next up, the Crypt, and then she's done.
That's why she must backtrack!

She must unscramble eight letters
To bid the house good-bye.
Will Eliv Thade score better,
Or will his mean schemes die?

Fortunately, she succeeds!
The monster is no more.
The brave Usul, at last, is free.
She rushes out the door.

Lament of the Mutant Usul
by anjie

When the dark has settled soft,
And shadow grips the land.
The woods do whisper horrid things,
The trees like status, stand.
Within the fleeting, onyx realm,
A flash from tree to tree.
A vivid golden yellow glow,
A watching eye… Or three.

“Who would want to take me home?”
You’ll hear the anguished cry.
“I’m yet to find a soul who will!”
The voice floats through night sky.
For who would seek the twisted soul,
The Mutant Usul seems.
Not the cuddly, plushie pet,
Or faerie of one’s dreams.

Rather, do we see the beast,
Of triple eyes which glow.
The feral twist of matted fur,
In shades of indigo.
The horror of the wicked grin,
That gleams in darkest night.
Enough to give the bravest soul,
More than the merest fright.

Yet look again, my frightened friend,
Those eyes do glow so kind!
Endearing is the shaggy coat,
Tail plush and soft, you’ll find.
No mutant beast, this Usul small,
So find no reason why,
To walk away when in the night,
You hear the pleading cry!

Ode to the Usukian Usul
by dance14girl

Usuki, Usuki

Collector’s galore.

There’s colorful packaging, cute dolls to explore. 

With so many expensive sets to obtain, 

It’s not hard to find yourself caught on the Usuki train.

Usukiland haven, welcome to all

The National Neopian awaits your account’s fall. 

With so many beautiful sets to  purchase,

All your neopets can be Usuki-gorgeous!

Totally awesome and super cool,

Usuki, usuki, makes all neopets drool.

To obtain, to acquire, is every neopian’s dream..

If only a million neopoints it didn’t take to redeem!

Hannah the Usul
by myriadz

Hannah the Usul is no stranger to adventure,
all around Neopia she likes to venture.
From the caves on Kreludor to the chilliest ice cave,
Hannah is known to be extremely brave.

Her first adventure began in the Krawk Island caves,
to get there she had to battle the waves.
Collecting valuable gems and hidden treasure,
gives Hannah the Brave lots of pleasure.

Hannah's reputation spread across the land,
she soon found herself heading towards the sand.
Kanrik tricked her into finding the sarcophagus,
her trip to the Lost Desert turned out to be profitless.

Trapped in a sandy cave, Hannah managed to escape,
towards Terror Mountain she began to trape.
Cursed by The Bringer, Hannah collapsed,
she was found by Armin after much time had elapsed.

Reunited with Kanrik, who himself had been tricked,
they bought down The Bringer and ended the conflict.
The Snow Faerie removed The Bringers curse,
and Hannah went back to filling her purse.

Oodles of Usul Kindness
by dalviktor

With fur of shimming golden hue,
The usul zooms past out of view,
Scurrying quickly from tree to tree,
for there is no time to stop, you see.

Winter is coming, and so it starts,
collecting food and winning hearts!
For never will you meet a Neopet so kind,
as the usul who'll leave no Neopet behind!

Collecting their food to share with each other,
sister and cousin, mother and brother,
friends new and old and neighbors unknown, 
everyone is welcome inside the usul tree home!

An Unusual Usul
by pepper_imp

A dingy, damp old grog-house is where we set our scene,
A rancid, sweaty bar-top our poor Hannah has to clean,
she closes up most every night,
leaving at dawn’s first cloying light,
to take to bed with an aching head and heart o'erflowing with dreams.

One night our Usul woke asunder, distraught and full of fear,
Just quite what had woken her was hazy and unclear,
but the spirit of adventure
had quite fallen upon her,
and as she set off she found her fear quite disappeared.

Hardworking little Hannah journeyed through rain and sleet and snow,
Determined that where no other had gone, she would dare to go,
She battled through storms,
a veritable marathon
of piracy and wanderlust, adventures in staccato.

And she would become a hero, though she did not know it then,
Her dream-filled heart would keep her fighting to the last descent,
Young Hannah was a Usul
so stoic and unusual,
her future was quite impossible to portend.

Usul Day!
by o_babypet4me_o

"A poem allows you to imagine,
what the writer wants you to see
Not all poems have to rhyme,
well, that's what my teacher told me"

Said one Usul to another,
As one poured some tea.
The other broke a biscuit to dip in her cup
"Come now how could that be?"

"Well you see my sister,
a poem could be nonsense 
It could mean nothing at all.
You can make one thing sound ridiculous
Like the phrase 'I am extremely tall.' "

(The two Usuls laughed at the thought,
that one could be tall. 
For Usul are very short 
and tallness would be a flaw.)

"Darling sister I have your gift."
The Usul grabbed a bag.
"Oh same, I have yours as well,"
The other also grabbed a bag.

They looked at each other,
A smile across their face.
" Lets open them together."
" Sure, it's a race!"

They opened the bag,
Threw the paper away
And at the same time,

Usul Frozen In Time (Usul Day)
by dortho

As many Neopians know, Usukis love to ski. 
It's a fun sport for many, while others flee! 
It can be challenging on the slippery slope,
Some might fall, then they mope. 

The saddest and most frightened Usul of all, 
Cold and worried about a bad, bad fall, 
Is the one frozen in time,
Via the Caption Contest #1396. 
Been there so long her buttocks probably itch! 

Being chased down by a Snowager ball, 
And not knowing where to land or how to fall, 
While to flee the screen,
She's been stuck there for over a Neopian YEAR! Haven't you seen?

Please rescue the Usul, TNT!! 
Just let the cutie free, 
and unleash the funny captions for all to read! 

Put up something cuter, or something with a smile, or even if scared, don't make them stay like that for so long of a while! 

I imagine you are busy, but so are we! 
Please release this cold Usul and set her free!! 

Maybe some fun captions to read would calm her down, and many Neopians would smile instead of bearing a frown.

The thief, Uzarro
by dr_tomoe

While your Neopoints are at risk
when you keep them on hand
from all sorts of types
who want to rob a grand

From Skarl and his marrow tax
and the Shenkuu Emperor's feast
to Sloth and his invasions
and, of course, the Tax Beast

It's much safer for your funds
to build up in rank
by being stashed with the tellers
at the Neopian Bank.

But some thieves are daring
and go for the big score
and attempt to empty the vault
beyond the bank's locked doors.

The best at breaking through
the banks best security
is the Usul thief, Uzarro
who can make it look easy.

She knows the cameras
and the systems installed
and can beat the best ones
with a wink and a yawn

The poor managers know
as they examine the vaults with a scowl
Uzarro paid them a visit
and made a withdrawl.

Hannah the Brave - An Usul Hero
by lady_seluna

Pull up a seat and listen well,
For I have a wondrous tale to tell.
This story begins on Krawk Isle,
Where a young Usul put cups in a pile,
As she worked in a tavern most dull.

One day the lass found a map that was old,
And realized she could use it to get herself gold.
Off she went in search of treasure,
She hoped it would be beyond measure,
And her name was Hannah the Usul.

Darkness and danger lay in wait,
Hannah the Usul sought out her fate.
Pirates laid traps to guard their loot,
Every one of them was a brute,
But the Usul eluded them all.

Gems and coins aplenty were found,
Hannah snatched them all from the ground.
Darting away with her priceless haul,
A sudden sound caused her to stall,
A Pawkeet cried out from above!

Hannah the Brave was Hannah the quick,
And she made it out of the caves in a tick!
It seemed this was what her life would be,
Until one day a thief she did see,
And he sought out the maiden's aid.

Being an Usul whose courage was not frail,
Hannah listened to his tale.
She helped him seek a priceless gem,
It was not long before she was betrayed by him,
And she sought to make things right.

Struck down by an evil curse,
It seemed her luck could not get any worse.
Another saved her from the cold,
And tales of woe each other told,
And together they set off.

Bravery and friendship together with luck,
Let them cast down their enemy who was struck,
By a single stone from a friend's sling,
The moment was cause to cheer and sing,
But Hannah was too weak.

The traitor saved the young Usul's life,
No more between them was any strife.
A species saved from a powerful force,
To the young Usul it was par for the course,
Hannah the Brave had saved the day!

Let all who hear this tale now say,
To Hannah the Usul, “Hip hip, hooray!”
She is a hero and one who leads.
Her fellow Usuls celebrate her deeds,
And remember all that she's done!

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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