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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Accidental Hero
By Mithril_mithrandir

Alone atop a jutting cliff,
A ragged traveller stands,
Hooded eyes watching the night
Claim a cold deserted land.

The stars do shine, so dimly brief
On a patch of scarred and navy fur;
And the light glints off the solid steel
Of a lethal laser blaster.

He, the traveller, does not know --
He is a hero now -- but why?
He'd done nothing brave or bold at all,
Nothing remotely sublime.

He'd patrolled for Sloth, once upon a time,
And maybe he'd let someone through --
But still, it was an accident,
Not an act of braveness true.

And in the far off distance,
The traveller thinks he sees
The first soft tinge of morning light,
And a statue -- could it be?

Now a knife-sharp line of golden rays,
The dazzling warm horizon,
Sheds light upon Kreludor's face,
The landmarks growing brighter.

And cross the rocky, barren plains,
It can't possibly be clearer;
The statue hails him, Gormos the Great,
The accidental hero.

The Ice Draik
By Dianacat777

In barren land of stormy white,
Framed by snow's sweet serenade,
Standing amid the blizzard's might,
A Draik of glassy moonbeams made.

Unblemished by neither fur nor scale,
His form reflects the misty light,
Glittering from wings to tail,
As he surveys the wintry night.

Snowflakes flutter in wind's dance,
Like bubbles in a river's flow,
Coming to rest on his proud stance,
Adorning with a gild of snow.

Sentinel this statue stands,
Yet still imbued with life.
A native to these frosty lands --
A Draik of cyan ice.

Illusen's Blessing to Her Glade
By Indulgences

Illusen's spell, it lingers here,
A blessing to the glade.
She utters incantations and
A wind springs from the shade.

The autumn breeze slides through the trees.
Such slyness does become it,
For autumn steals the vibrant green
Of springtime come before it.

The autumn season's something fierce,
The harbinger of winter.
Beware the frosty, lingering chill
That makes the weather splinter.

The air is brisk, that's how she likes
Her solitary dwelling.
The twigs, they snap; the cold, it has
A chill that's quite compelling.

A Warning: To Sloth
By Anjie

A darkness looms ahead for all,
An evil lies in wait.
Neopia holds bated breath
And seeks to learn its fate.

In distant, chilling outer space,
A vicious plan shall hatch.
A tyrant schemes his big return,
He's mad and hard to catch.

Oh, you beast! Oh Doctor Sloth!
Will you not leave us be?
Neopia should dwell in peace,
The pets should be set free!

The Space Station is in your grasp,
How long has this been planned?
You almost won when last we met,
But we took one last stand.

Sloth, oh wicked, vile one,
Do you think we won't fight?
Neopia shall not be yours,
Though try and try you might.

Gorix, Cylara, battle on!
Your efforts shan't be scored.
And as for you, dear Doctor Sloth,
Beware! You have been warned!

A Shopkeeper
By Wicked_summer

Walk through Qasala. Step
(through the city, the city of wonders,
the city of ancients.)
Past the fountain, and you
(will sink into dreams of that golden sun,
of that never-ending horizon.)
Will find it. A blue tent, striped with gold,
(banner waving proudly in the breeze.)
Armour propped against it.
(The finest of armour, only the finest.)

Rows of weaponry, polished and shining,
(the same as it was when it was made,
fresh and new, prime condition, as if by magic.)
Daggers, staffs, bows and arrows.
(Mysteries. Secrets. There is something in the air here, that wasn't there outside.)
A Lupe stands proud, draped in purple,
(draped in pride of an ancient city
with long-dead kings.)
"Qasala was known for its weaponry
and will be once more."
(Those words are spoken with such assurance.
He means them, with all his heart.)

He sells traditional weapons that have been
(used to kill. The blood of innocents is on these blades.)
In use for thousands of years!
(Thousands, thousands upon
thousands, years upon years
stretching into eternity on one side
and infinity on the other.)
He is a shopkeeper.
(He keeps a shop. He keeps his own counsel.)
That is all he is. No one knows any more.
(Is that all he is? Does no one dare to ask?)

He is a shopkeeper.
(Leave now. Leave quickly. He knows you are there.)

Total Poetry Pages : 2754

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