Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Jetsam Transmogrification
By _Razcalz_
I recall
That dark and cloudy night,
I witnessed a scene,
Oh, it gave me such fright.
'Twas a yellow Jetsam,
He sat before the river's bank,
A potion in his hand,
He raised it and he drank.
Nothing seemed to happen,
The Jetsam sat quite still,
And then he gave a shudder,
As if he had a chill.
It happened without warning:
He turned a ghastly shade of crimson,
Bulging eyes and baring teeth,
Mutation had begun.
The yellow eyes were narrowed,
His flippers seemed to shrink,
Then everything stopped,
The Jetsam twice blinked.
Maybe it was over?
No, the worst bit was to follow,
His legs began to stretch...
Tentacles! I watched them wallow.
He raised his head to face the moon,
His transformation now complete,
The Jetsam turned around to leave,
That was when our eyes did meet.
I screamed and jolt myself awake,
'Twas naught but just a dream!
And that was when I felt behind me,
Tentacles and yellow eyes' gleam.
Two Island Jetsams Come Home
By Larkspurlane
Swim swiftly now:
Home again, we are home again!
Long months, long years, have come,
And gone with the seasons' quick flight
Since last our fins sliced these green waters,
Since last our pining eyes beheld our home,
Since last we dove beneath these rolling waves,
Gambolled in this foamy surf, slow swells that
lift and crest and break on this beloved shore:
Mystery Island, and its seas more mysterious
still, its white ribbon of beach, the green
briny sea, how well we remember it all!
Mystery Island that bejewels the
deep, whose incoming
tide and setting sun make a pensive
symphony of evening's fall, as waves resound
in the gusty air, how well we remember it all!
Once again we plunge
Beneath these darkening waves,
And listen to our Island's night-time
songs, the flaps, the howls, the chirps,
As the Korbat, the Lupe, and the creatures of
dusk begin to make their nightly rounds over
the green hills, and through dark glens to reach
the sandy shore, and happily greet us, long-lost
friends, and speak of times of old. How well,
how well, how well we remember it all! And
now midnight veils the sea's liquid plains,
and the brisk breeze has hushed, now
we'll swim, as we did before,
upon these dark swells,
and float, dim flecks of foam, and listen
once more to the moon call up her music from the
surging tides. How well we remember it all!
Wind-Up Mutant Jetsam Toy
By Anjie
A flick, a click, an endless whirrrrr,
The key so slowly spins.
Toy so slowly comes to life,
With lift of flailing fins.
A multitude, a myriad,
Of tentacles that turn.
Forward, creeping, whirling fast,
Those limbs that spin and churn.
Creeping, crawling, edging forth,
Relentless without pause.
Key forever whirling round,
And gnashing are his jaws.
Mechanical, robotic sounds,
As toy creeps forward fast.
Eyes seem to glow with wicked thoughts,
As, blank-stared, he crawls past.
A click, a clack, a slowing whirrrr,
The key grinds to a stop.
Jetsam's tentacles fall still,
As to the floor, he'll drop.
He lies upon the bedroom floor,
A harmless toy, that's right.
Yet one glance at glinting jaws,
And I'll leave on the light.
Baby Jetsam
By Yoyote
Some way beyond the shore,
Some depth into the sea,
A small swift shadow is turning,
Reaching, flowing free.
I run up close to watch,
To catch this lovely sight.
A little Neopet learning,
Swimming with great delight.
His eyes are framed with black,
Dramatic, sharp and pure.
His fins are soft and playing,
So blue and immature.
His small young body spins,
Like a toy upon the wave.
His face is bright and laughing,
Filled with adventures brave.
How could a Neopet know,
When seeing this Jetsam child,
That in a short few years,
He won't be quite so mild?
His teeth will grow and sharpen;
Great Terror will be his name.
This Jetsam tells my heart,
That from innocence we all once came.
The Plushie Jetsam
By Stariell
On a pier by the water's edge
The plushie Jetsam sits,
Watching all the others swim,
The ones who aren't misfits.
Not for him the gleaming fins
That are other Jetsams' pride,
While they dive in the ocean blue,
He has to stay inside.
His Jetsam friends are champions,
Of swimming, wild and free,
But the plushie Jetsam's stuffing,
Is cotton of high absorbency.
The sea looked so inviting once
That, when sure he was alone,
He jumped in to see how it would feel,
And sank just like a stone.
His friends didn't know how sad he was,
Not being, just like them, waterproof,
Until one day by the waterside,
He sighed and told the truth.
He'd love to join them in the crystal sea,
But knew he'd never stay afloat.
The others all just smiled and said,
They'd have to get him a boat.
So now, sitting by the water's edge,
As other Jetsam come and go,
The plushie misfit knows he'll join in too,
As soon as he's learned to row!
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