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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Invisible Kacheek on Ice
By Kushbi

Once a lake with waters deep,
Now a sheet of ice so sleek,
By winter's breath came frosted glow --
A Kacheek joyously beholds.

On surface cold she freely glides,
Lithesome slides to left and right,
Graceful as a faerie fair,
Sailing smooth through chilly air.

A twirl, a jump! Watch her spin,
Perfect balance with jubilant grin,
Skating loops expressively
In ode of distant memories.

Recollect the lonely past,
Aftermath of bad spell cast,
Seen no more by friend or foe,
Destined to wallow in woe.

But come that winter did she find
Solace on a lake of ice,
From simple steps to waltz and flips
Capture talent, great, unleashed.

Thus henceforth, this Kacheek waits
For winter on its coldest days,
And on the frozen lake she skates
In bliss as blues alleviate.

Albert of the Graveyard
By Reanim8d

A tender of gardens was once this poor soul,
And he amongst spring's
Pretty blossoms would stroll,
Botanical expertise vast was his pride.
But alas! disillusion had taken its toll --
Now doomed among tombstones is he to reside.

A kindly Kacheek with a thumb of green hue,
Whose tale is a tragedy, mournful but true,
Of dreams turned to horrors,
Of hopes turned to dust,
Of high aspirations, soon twisted askew,
Of terrors to which our poor Albert was thrust.

In spite of his countless petitions and pleads,
"Esophagor's servant" his title now reads.
Far, far from the Haunted Woods
He should have stayed!
But now, doomed to wander
Its depths for his deeds,
Albert the Kacheek must remain in the shade.

The Miner Forman
By Anjie

Through dank mist you trudge and shove,
And Meridell rests far above.
Now keep your gaze on old track line,
And fear what lingers in this mine.
For where the sun doth never glow,
A creature lurks from long ago.

A Miner Foreman, this Kacheek,
Dwells in depths so dark and bleak.
And as a ghost, he still remains,
Malice dark, runs in his veins.
Mining pick held tight in fist,
An angry specter in the mist.

To those who seek to Neoquest,
The foreman is a vicious test.
Commander of a zombie fleet,
Each hero will he try defeat.
To leave the mine, and find the light,
This apparition, you must fight.

His ragged hat sits low on brow,
To block your way, his only vow.
A vicious battle, one must wage,
Against this ghost Kacheek's pure rage.
Until you strike that winning blow,
Beware this ghost of long ago.

The Kacheek Urchin
By xx_crying_inside_xx

While he begs to little gain,
Where flies frequent near rubbish lain,
A wistful wind does feebly flow,
But smell away it does not blow.

For light evades the squalor there,
In dim-lit bole he shows his ware--
A grotty can and tattered sack,
But coins and food he'll always lack.

With hair uncut and face unclean,
With woeful eyes and figure lean,
He hopes for something better still,
One simple wish he yearns to fill.

And as the sun fades into night,
He fades as well with pale moonlight,
And stomach moaning with regret--
Another day without food yet.

All tucked up in his rubbish heap,
He thinks until comes lonely sleep,
With dreams of love so full of care--
In morning light are hopes so bare.

Beautiful Kacheek
By Loriesita

Many times I've heard it said,
that Kacheeks don't look good in red.
I've also heard that faerie wings.
for him, at least, is not the thing.

I've heard it said that disco dyes
and huge green glasses for the eyes
are all Kacheeks can truly wear,
lest other pets just laugh and stare.

But many Neopets don't know
how starry painted Kacheeks glow!
Or how a Christmas brush yet proves
that Kacheeks have so many grooves!

They haven't seen the Island flair,
with flower propped up in the hair.
Or how the Desert brush can bring
such regal pose to Kacheek king!

Just for a moment they should hush,
watch Kacheek use the fiery brush.
How purple brush brings freckles red,
and Halloween brings stitched up head!

Sing it loud and sing it proud,
Kacheek reigns when he wears cloud.
Shadow, Mutant, Robot too,
there is NOTHING he can't do!

So next time other pets forget
the beautiful Kacheeks they've met,
just point them to the Rainbow Pool,
and let it take them back to school!

Total Poetry Pages : 2745

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