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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Zinnia's Task
By Loriesita

Floating free on gossamer wings,
gentle breezes guide her flight.
And soon the soaring minarets
bring Faerieland in sight.

Swooping low she passes then,
through doorway made of cloud.
And Faerie City fills the sky,
its streets bustling and loud.

Her eyes seek now a tiny home,
tucked back among the rest.
It looks like those around it, yes,
but in her heart, it's the best.

Tucking in her tired wings,
she touches solid ground.
With shaking paw, she looks around,
then knocks upon the door.

There stirs inside a subtle sound,
and footsteps drawing near.
The door then opens with a squeak,
and grandmother appears.

"Zinnia!" she then exclaims,
her face lit up with smile.
"I made a steaming pot of tea,
in case you stopped a while."

She makes a supreme effort
to be strong and not seem weak.
But then a single traitorous tear
slips wetly down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, grandma!" she says,
her face a mask of pain.
She knows that she must now somehow
bite back her tears, explain.

"I did my very best, you see.
Still it was not enough.
I couldn't find the ring you lost,
among the other stuff!

"The Snowager was awfully big,
and didn't seem too nice.
I shivered under all that snow,
and slipped upon the ice!"

Grandma smiled then and sighed,
relief evident in her eyes.
"My dear, don't cry! It matters not,
you left the ring inside!"

Confused, she lifted up her chin
and stared in utter shock,
as grandma's aged fingers left
a pocket in her smock.

Within her hand she held the ring,
(unmistakable in its kind)
that she'd just sent Zinnia deep within
the Snowager's den to find!

"I know you must be wondering
why I set so hard a test.
It is because, my lovely one,
I knew you'd do your best!

"Though often we focus most upon
the treasure or the host,
it is the journey 'long the way
that teaches us the most."

The Zafara Ballad
By Shadowcaptainess

Polished spikes of glory
Atop a coat shining,
Who is this knight implore ye?
No less, Zafara king!
A lovely daughter have ye
A famous princess she,
Her stamp itself is gorgeous
But I prefer the TCG!
Your kin as well is noble,
I sing them next, you see
I love the double agent,
Not that I'm 'gainst ye!
Erm... How about hag Edna?
Oh, not so fond of she?
My ballad's getting thin now
I'll stop in two or three
So there you have it nobles!
The Zafara-ballad-rede!

A Zafara Princess
By Songful

The birds were singing lustily
In mellow charm or spell;
Their songs rose up, robust and new
To bid the sun farewell.

And of the winds -- the winds sang too
And fluttered through sweet air;
Their cries of sorrow bittersweet
Rang out a tuneful flair.

And in her eyes the skies were clear --
The clouds were set in gold;
A dreamer's gaze, alight with awe
And marvels to behold.

The day was melting rapidly
And in its wonder gleamed;
Her eyes were lit with glossy sheen
Of all the thoughts she dreamed.

And on that day the night rose up
To cloak the sky anew;
And with it passed her musings sweet
Until the light broke through.

Ace Zafara of Advert Attack
By Reanim8d

He soars undaunted through the vast
Uncharted depths of outer space,
Propelled with every rocket's blast
Towards ever-nearing end of race.

Before him looms the final length
Of track invisible to eye,
And forward shoots with bursts of strength --
A blur, his rocket deftly flies.

A victory, it seems, assured
As closer to the line he draws;
A win, quite easily secured --
But what is this untimely pause?

Alas! for Ace, he cannot see --
The unseen forces that propelled
Him inches from his victory
By some swift action have been quelled.

For Race Robot is not alone
Our hero's only vicious foe --
But advertisements, deftly thrown
That hinder bursts of speed marked "GO!"

And so, thus doomed to hesitate
While cruel adverts block his track,
The speedy Ace Zafara waits
For day when ads no more attack.

Lady Zafara
By Anjie

Fallen flakes of silken white,
Upon each tree branch glow.
Castle grounds in winter's grasp,
A paradise of snow.

Amongst this stunning crystal realm
Doth wander lady fair.
A beauty of such regal blood,
Her lineage pure and rare.

Within the castle's hidden grounds,
She takes her daily stroll.
Duties loyal to her court
Can take such heavy toll.

Gown does shine with each small step,
Its textures soft and fine.
Violet silks sent from afar,
With every motion, shine.

Enchanting every soul she meets,
"Oh lady fair!" They'll call.
They watch her swirling like a cloud,
At each royal hosted ball.

Her kingdom knows a peaceful reign,
With love and trust she rules.
The lady fair in silken gown,
Adorned in lace and jewels.

Her portrait hangs within each room,
On every castle wall.
Zafara princess, on her throne,
So loved by one and all.

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