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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Hannah Reflections - Looking Back
By Dreamhazer

Hannah climbed the oak tree of her youth
Perched atop as a captain at the helm
Steering the leaves in a twirl of the hand
And the branches turned thick, glossy and
Wooden as the wheel.

"Ahoy!" comes the cry of pirated youth
Stolen from the top of a tree,
With a simple shout into the air,
A declaration of salvation,
And a closing of the eyes, as the mind ghosts
Into decades gone on the whim of desperation.

She's an explorer again--
Fighting through the moist caves of lost treasures
And sword-slinging, singing with the
Diced up air.

And now, salty air brushing through her hair and
Smelling brightly of shredded clover and grass
Hannah, the pirate of time, steers her ship with the
Expertise of an old sailor, a seadog,
Ahoy, land ho, land lubbers, but- No!

And jagged splinters from the twisting of a branch
Bite back for the stolen image, leeched by the Usul,
No longer a youth.
And she climbs down the great oak tree, which, indeed,
Is not so high,
And swinging from the last branch, feet landing hard
On the ground, parched from a summer drought,
She feels the fluff of dandelions gone blow at her face...
And feels the old callous on her hands
Fill with memory as
She smells the sea.

By Jenny646

Wind me up and set me free,
Watch me constantly try to flee.
I turn around so helplessly,
Oh, won't you please set me free.

The constant threat of being lost,
I sit and think about the cost
Of losing a clockwork Grundo like me,
Oh, won't you please set me free.

Take apart my poor old limbs,
I close my eyes and the light dims,
The world is spinning constantly,
Oh, won't you please set me free.

I am shattered on the floor,
You run away and slam the door,
I have no use in the Battledome,
I lie awake in my only home.
Tell me, why am I tormented so?
I only cause deep sadness to grow.
Leave me here, don't play with me.
I might never be set free.

A hammer comes down onto my face,
I close my eyes, but do not embrace
Any pain in my battered head,
But I feel warmth and comfort instead.
As I look down I now see why
I feel like I just might soon fly.
I jump and spin around with glee,
I now won't need to be set free.

I am fixed.

Song of the Zafara Hero
By Laurelinden

Hear the ring of new drawn steel
Trumpeting victoriously,
Get down, defeated ones, and kneel
And pray for mercy humbly.

For I am the Zafara knight,
My name, given admiringly,
Is Hero - for, clad all in white,
I seek justice most righteously.

The smallfolk gather as I pass,
Calling, "Hero!" joyfully,
My blade, hot lighting bright, does flash
As they cheer me wildly.

Opponents in my presence quail;
Their eyes widen tremulously.
Stumbling back, their courage fails,
And they flee vigorously.

Hear me, friend and foe alike!
Hear me call triumphantly:
With my blade down shall I strike
Any whose heart beats evilly!

Dance Friend And Enter
By Plumgrove

Dance friend
And enter

By the whispered command
And Sophie's climb,
Salvation and questing
Destruction at hand


Sophie, come down in the midst of the Plague
Friend dance
For those who are innocent
And without care
Are waiting for you to leave their ranks
O Denizen fair
Come down with me
And take your stance
And steely stare
O rose of Neovia, rose
With moonlit glance

Put night
and the fierceness
of light
in your moonlit

around the rosie...

Among the ghosts in their dark machines
Oh, Sophie, friend
Learn magic
Beneath thy haunted skies
Until black and enchanted tale's end
Swift through the trees and the woods run,
Sophie, rise
And be my friend -
An egress for us
Dear sorceress, devise!
Pocket the spells and the stars
Hand in hand,
Like a spirit again
Sweet Denizen of Woe -

A pocket full of posies...

And under the moon of ashes
and the haunts -

Ashes, ashes...

Bright Sophie, adventuress, escaper,
By glee and childhood's mad laughter,
At Neovia's center
Redeemer, enter
This tale of Woe, this plague, this plot
Go down and enter
Enter, sad Sophie, sweet Sophie
O Sophie

We all fall down...


The Lost Lupes of Meridell
By Damimiera

From where he walked from the moor
Among grass that tugged like children
He came to me with somber soul
For his praise and fortune was none

Eyes blackened like soot had fallen
As if faeries had thrown down sin
With mouth a crooked crescent moon
And stars no longer within

An ancient sword slashed his heart
Restoring a memory which was lost
The reason for his journey here
And all anguish also

He expected a hero of himself
To save Lupes forgotten
The reason for his journey here
And all anguish also

"The Moor, the Moor, this wretched place,"
He said in twisted truth
His heart was aching from the journey
Through all anguish also

I stretched my paw to find him peace
Within a friendly grasp
But from the journey to the moor
All turmoil had found him

He turned away his eyes so lost
Within the pressing gloom
The moor, the moor is all that's left
For the Lupes so long forgotten

It spoke of nothing yet told us all
Which all anguish released
Where heroes died and swords had clashed
This moor of tugging children

"I say to you, I say it now
I'll stay here and embrace
The warriors that lay here, left alone
Without a purpose or a place."

He turned from me, the tears did fall
As this warrior left me so
To go without a purpose
Like those of long ago.

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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