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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Page 1977


Down down in the Mysterious Symol Hole...
by mariana_shavaca

Another day in the land of Meridell
A long line awaits for our little friend
His name is Symol, he lives in a hole
Deep down in the earth, is today his birth?

No it isn't, it's just Symol day
A day to celebrate our sneaky friends
Neopets all them gather, together today
Let try to get something from the scavanger petpet!

Down in Symol hole, Symol listens closely
They are awaiting my prizes, and maybe some wealthy!
But today I want you, not to think of me
But of all of Symols around earth and sea!

Go out to find a friend and keep him warm and close
Symols, we care about them, and we care about you
Deep down the earth, and no one knows
Leave behind riches, there is more, you see?'

Down down and down, deep down the Symol hole
There are wishes and dreams, of the kindest souls
Symols keep them on the ground
and only your petpet is a witness to the love found

Symols we love to dig, to hoard and to burrow
but that's only because we love you like there's no tomorrow!
Neopians return happy to their homes today,
They learned something important on Symol day:
There something more that riches from the scavenger petpet!

Dare to go down the Symol Hole?
by yarslov

Dare to go down the Symol Hole?
Into the earth,
Dark and cold?
What will you find there?
Can you even see?
Come along now,
What an adventure this will be!

Only a petpet,
Can venture down,
Deep under ground,
Into the hole,
Made by a symol.

So down,
The petpet goes,
And then pops out,
With a tale to be told.

Are you lucky?
Is this the day?
Where you can jump up and shout Hooray!!?
Did your petpet happen to find,
The avatar,
That gleams and shines?
Or will it be like other days,
That your petpet jumps out,
With nothing to say?

So go,
And venture down to the Symol Hole.

Haiku of a Mischievous Symol
by silver_azalea

Symol digging through
The ground, getting chunks of dirt
Anywhere at all.

Watch them fly across
The air, gliding, then landing
With a gentle plop.

What’s that? A muffled
Sound comes from outside, followed
By a key turning.

Oh no! Your owner
Is returning home now to
Find that mess you made.

Run Symol! Grab that
Carpet end and maybe you
Can cover it quick…

But alas, you are
A little too late and she
Discovers you there.

She lets out a sigh
And says, “I knew I shouldn’t
Leave you home alone!”

She cleans up and goes
To nap. It’s okay; she’ll still
Cuddle you later.

Down the Symol Hole
by dr_tomoe

On a trip to Meridell
you might chance to see
a small hole in a field
plain as can be.

What might surprise you
is that it's no ordinary hole
it's a deep nest made by
a group of Symol.

While it's too small to go down
a Petpet could fit quite well
and see what's inside this
mysterious hole in Meridell

They can climb in slowly
or jump from the edge on top
or possibly cannonball in
though some prefer to belly flop.

And after shuffling in the dark
they could find something nice
Perhaps a few Neopoints or
an item that gets a nice price.

There's fun to be had
and adventure for sure
but one can't help but wonder
where Symol's got all that treasure

So give it a try one time
don't be a Symol stranger
it's safter then putting your petpets
into Grave Danger.

Terrible day in Symol Hole
by sky_lady

Yay! It's Symol day,
another petpet falls away.
The hole is very deep,
so be careful not to trip.

It's located in Meridell,
so forget about the Wishing Well.
But Illusen's Glade is near,
and Turmaculus snoring you can hear.

There is also turdle racing,
and Grumpy King you'll be facing.
Little Symol is just a mole,
so hurry and jump into the tiny hole.

It will be fun, they said,
so tell me: why is my petpet sad?
Guess it wasn't much fun,
maybe my petpet prefers to run.

Symol day is over now,
petpet staring and lifts its highbrow.
A experience to not repeat,
after all, it's just another pit.

Sharing Symols!
by alyndasgallery

Symols are a crazy bunch,
They're a special type of moles.
You wouldn't want them on your farm,
They love to dig big holes.

While disappearing underground,
The Symol has its own ways.
Venturing far and wide, you see,
They explore for days and days.

They like to hoard their treasure,
And they keep it stored up tight.
You'll have trouble finding it,
Though you can try with all your might.

Symols get on with other Petpets,
And they treat them with great care.
Work together and you'll find it,
But be sure that you will share!

Squeeze Through the Symol Hole
by handuran

The Symol hole
in Meridell.
A small
but dark place.
Squeeze through
small petpet.
Find treasures
for us...
An Aladdin's cave, indeed.

Maybe you'll find a book
Or a shiny, awesome spear.
Maybe you'll find a plushie
Or a bottle of VILE swamp water - oh dear!
Or maybe, just maybe, a brand new avatar...
Find treasures in the Symol hole.

It may be small
this tiny cove.
But full of
treasure to greet
the eye.
Climb under and over
the cake-like mud.
And find something special...
A place full of surprises, yes please!

The Symol Hole
by pepper_imp

If you have a petpet slight and small,
send them down the Symol Hole! 
A Meridellian delight to please us all,
if we forget to bring a cheese to roll.

These little creatures, sweet and slim,
have a terrible habit of burrowing
into the luscious grass at the base of hills,
I think they simply can’t stay still!

And should you stumble upon their abodes
where Cyodrakes soar and rivers flow,
where Turtums bask in their regal glow,
where Albats hoot and Mortogs croak – 

Well, then you must be sure to send
Your pet’s small companion on a little errand,
For I have heard from a very good friend
That petpets find prizes at the hole’s other end!

So if you have a petpet, slight and small,
perhaps the kind that doesn’t mind a bit of a stoop and a crawl,
one with a thirst for adventure above all,
be sure to send them down the Symol Hole.

Symols Are Friends
by hersheykisses27_

What is a Symol if a symol's not a friend?
He's a tiny little creature 
that'll love you until the end.
So if your pet is feeling lonely,
I can highly recommend
a fluffy little Symol 
to be your pet's new friend.

Not only is the Symol Brown,
or Blue or Green or Pink, 
you can paint your Symol Pirate
and he'll have a little earring.

Another reason why Symols are great,
is because they have their own special day.
Every year thousands of neopets 
come out to celebrate.

So what do you say?
Take the time to stop by
Ye Olde Petpets
and find yourself a Symol today.

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