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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Springy Things
by Chavo_guerrero

Welcome to the Springy Things shop,
We've just now opened up our door,
We've plenty of things to interest you,
So feel more than free to explore.

Would you like a Springy Skeith Toy?
Or a Kacheek Spring Toy, perhaps?
We've got lots to see so poke around
In all our shelves and gaps.

We have toys and more to offer
If you like your things to move,
And if I bounce off for a minute or two
Please don't disapprove.

We've so many customers lately
That it's all that I can do
To stay in one place long enough
Just to be helping you!

So shout out when you've found something,
And I'll be there in a flash,
And you can take your spring away
Just as soon as I've got your cash.

Edolie's Phantastic Finds
by Closemycoffin

To celebrate the springtime
There is a new NC Mall event!
It's called Edolie's Phantastic Finds,
Get your spring magnifying glass
To join in!

Edolie is an Elephante
With an overstuffed home.
Nearly anything a 'pet could want
Is in the cluttered trove!

Your mission is a simple one --
To use that spring magnifying glass of yours
To find specific items for her
That are hidden within the hoard.

For your earnest effort
You'll be rewarded with a Neocash prize!
A fancy wearable for your 'pet,
Which you can customise.

Won't you help Edolie search
Through the odds and ends?
You may even get
A fun bonus prize
At the end of the event!

by Sophieninetyfive

The crumpled letter in her fist 
Brings tears to her poor eyes. 
She throws it sadly to the floor 
Then glares at it, and sighs. 

It's not the first such Neomail 
She's had from TNT. 
"Thanks, but no thanks, 
We can't publish that piece of poetry." 

"What's wrong with it?" the poet cries. 
"The rhyme is right before your eyes! 
The lines are all of equal length, 
The feet are all of equal strength!" 

And yet, alas, it's been rejected 
Not for the first time. 
She wonders what it is that's wrong: 
The rhythm or the rhyme? 

Perhaps her subject matter 
Is too dull or overdone. 
Perhaps she's far too serious 
Or maybe far too fun? 

"Then what to write about?" she sighs. 
"There are 'pet days; they're no surprise. 
Is there an upcoming election? 
Or maybe... what about... rejection!"

Welcome To Roo Island!
by Dr_tomoe

Welcome to Roo Island!
It's quite the land to see!
And they are proud to say
that they are now bug free!

So take a boat to get there
start at the Roo Island pier
and know that once you get here
you'll want a souvenir.  

The main attraction would have to be
the brand new Games Room machine.
Sure there were problems, 
but they're fixed now!
And nearby, you can go shopping for a spring!

And its not just games Roo Island offers.
Artists and writers can be found, too.
The Art Gallery, poetry, 
and storytelling are here!
(Catacombs, we'll miss you.)

And that's not all the fun you can have here,
you can ride the Merry Go Round as well
for only fifty Neopoints a go
your 'pet will think you're swell!

But that's not all, the main attraction
would be the Dice-A-Roo hall.
Not to mention the other dice games
like the ever popular Blumaroll.

So come on over to Roo Island!
It's a gamer's paradise!
Just try to avoid Count Von Roo
and his treacherous Deadly Dice.

A Gypsy's Game
by Silver_azalea

“Welcome, step right up
Play The Haunted Shootery!”
Says a Lutari.

Curious you come
Up to his gypsy wagon
And witness a sight.

Both the wagon’s sides
Are opened, and a cork gun
Is placed in your hands.

Old gears grind to life;
Steam spews from the contraption.
Moving targets start,

Rushing past your sight.
You aim the cork gun forward:
Bam! down goes a tree,

A Crokabek next,
Then a tombstone follows that.
Delighted with this

You do not notice
An ominous shadow lurks,
Waiting patiently.

On and on it goes,
Avoiding those passer-bys,
Shooting down targets.

Ghost Meepits race fast.
Then suddenly the targets;
They stop coming out?

“The Beech is coming!
Prepare yourself and shoot quick!”
Yells your companion.

A horrible sight
Fills the gallery in front.
An enormous tree

Stares at you, angry;
Then launches a mad assault.
Branches scratch and tear;

What is going on?!
Frantically you start shooting
Aim at the limbs first.

Pow pow! An arm falls
From the blathering creature.
Aim accurately,

Three more limbs to go!
You make quick work of those, and
Then go for his trunk.

Howling mad, it falls.
At last! The horror is done!
Surviving the Woods,

You collect your points
From the gypsy, and go home
Till another day.

Total Poetry Pages : 2795

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