Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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A Festival Of Lupes
by Harley_and_flash
Come one, come all! It's a festival!
You'll hear many a howl
With Lupes on the prowl
Every day -- well, the second of May
You'll find Lupe-themed items
Just coming your way!
It starts with the contest, where there is a test
To see which Lupe's bravery is counted as best
You'll laugh and you'll cheer at the Chia chase
You may lose some Neopoints
At the Lupe race!
Then, after that's over,
You're welcome to treats
We hope you don't mind
If they're covered in meat!
Biscuits and cupcakes, smoothies... ice cream!
One thing in common?
They're all Lupe-themed!
Now the day's half over,
But wait -- there's more!
Just wait until you see
What we've got in store
A party, a sing-a-long, is your howl top-notch?
Try your luck winning
A Lupe Warrior Lunch Box!
And if you're real lucky,
You may get the chance
To meet Jeran of Meridell,
Perhaps at the dance!
The Ghost Lupe attends, but don't be afraid
On Lupe Day he is nothing
But your best friend and aid
Sure, the sun is setting, but you shouldn't go!
The fun's just beginning, trust me, I know!
After eating and playing we still have one more
Activity that we are sure you'll adore!
Just before midnight, the Lupes get in a line
For the Lupe Beauty Contest, of course,
There's no better time!
From island to Darigan, baby and grey
Every Lupe is equal at the end of the day
King Coltzan
by Agedbeauty
At Coltzan’s Shrine
Your hands glow blue
And so you know
Not what to do.
This ghostly king,
This fiercesome Lupe,
Both lost and won
In one fell swoop.
He guards his realm
Though ‘neath the veil
From those who step
Beyond the pale.
While his life was
Harshly taken,
His soul still leaves
His foes shaken.
Fierce, full of pride
As you’d expect,
And so, to him,
Pay your respect.
For Coltzan is
A mighty king,
Dead or alive
His spirit sings.
Lupe With No Name
by Jjquil
It is a world of swords and sorcery
Feudal lords, castles, and kings
An empire led by twelve magicians
And the Palace of Two Rings
What hero could be brave enough
To fight the monsters plaguing this land?
Who dares to face the wizard Jahbal
And the foul exile, Xantan?
Why, only a Lupe could be so bold!
A warrior, with fur of pure white
Mastering his quintet of magic skills,
Never backing down from a fight
Firepower, blazing through the dungeons
Freezing opponents with Heart of Ice
Disabling monsters with Shock Magic
And Resurrection, to rise and fight twice!
NeoQuest Hero without a name
Gallantly destroying the source of evil
Fearlessly traveling the dangerous lands
Throughout this adventure medieval.
The Toy Shopkeeper Lupe
by Mamasimios
She has copper locks and a winning smile,
She dresses in a modest style,
With a pencil tucked behind her ear,
It’s the lovely Lupe Toy Shopkeeper
With a welcoming sweep of her paw
She'll draw you in to browse her shop,
And once you're there you'll want to stay
And find some toys with which to play
There are figurines and masks and balls,
Board games, kites, keyrings, and dolls,
Fuzzy bears and sock puppets,
Pogo sticks and tennis sets
The shopkeeper, that lovely Lupe,
Is delighted as you hula hoop,
And if there is a quiet patch,
She'll join you in a game of catch
For there's no one who loves to play more
Than the keeper of this famed toy store,
And she'll never pressure you to buy
The toys you'd only like to try
How satisfying it must be
To spend her days at play, care free,
So suited to her chosen career
Is the lovely Lupe toy shopkeeper
Balthazar The Faerie Hunter
by Dr_tomoe
A vow of revenge
made by a young Lupe,
that all the faeries in Neopia
would fear his name one day.
He grew up strong
and grew up tough,
and into tiny bottles
the faeries he would stuff.
Tricky dark faeries
full of pranks and sass --
Balthazar would catch
and put under glass.
Speedy air faeries,
hasty and quick,
no match for the Lupe
and caught lickity-split.
Dazzling light faeries --
beautiful to behold.
Balthazar catches them,
ready to be sold.
Bubbly water faeries,
healers to all,
are no match for the Lupe
and put in a jar.
Sturdy earth faeries,
protectors of the ground,
all end up bottled
with Balthazar around.
Sizzling fire faeries,
some of the toughest there are,
meet the fate of the others:
stuffed in a jar.
The faeries all know
he can strike at any point,
caught by Balthazar the Faerie Hunter
and sold for a fortune of Neopoints.
The Great Inspector
by Closemycoffin
Inspector Barik Von Lupe
Is quite a good sleuth.
He's careful, determined,
And rather astute.
He wears a hat on his head,
For a most distinguished look.
He's never left without
His handy notebook.
When Fantos the Grarrl
Had lost his prized bike,
Von Lupe knew where to look,
And how to solve the crime.
You may not have heard much
Of Inspector Barik Von Lupe,
But the unsung hero has helped
Many other Neopets, too.
Spirit Of Slumber
by Kuroge
His time already finished,
his spirit in peaceful rest,
but when in dire need,
his power's put to the test.
His intentions are
not always very clear,
but he is of good,
so do not have fear.
His actions cannot
solve one's torment,
but a helping hand
he will offer to lend.
His watchful eyes
guide those who live,
to those who gave up
he will help revive.
His time has past,
but he exists for others,
against the darkest shadow
he will provide a cover.
Lupe Cookie Madness
by Nomyle
Everyone is going crazy
For a Lupe-looking treat.
So many shapes and colors
For Neopians to eat.
If you eat a Lupe cookie,
Then you simply cannot stop,
Munching wildly and crunching
From the bottom to the top.
They all come in many flavors
Like chocolate or cherry
You can munch a Lupe ear
That tastes a lot like a strawberry.
So, to celebrate our Lupes
Here in dear Neopia,
Eat a lovely Lupe cookie
And you'll feel utopia!
The Omelette Guardian
by Sarahbunnii
Crisp, delicious, and warm,
An egg baking in the sun,
To a giant omelette the citizens swarm,
This cooking egg must weigh a ton!
The land of Tyrannia never goes without,
Omelettes of pepperoni, sausage, and cheese,
As soon as the food is gone, another sprouts,
An omelette so delicious it always does please!
Citizens from everywhere,
Come to see this marvelous creation,
But should they take more than their share,
A grand Lupe's growl
Shall scare them to the Space Station!
A Lupe with such power and might,
Must be one of Tyrannia's best,
Saved Tyrannia during its blight,
And now to protect the omelette is his quest.
Sabre-X is his name,
With the Council of Elders he stands,
And protecting Tyrannia is his aim,
Watching over Tyrannia's omelette and lands.
The Ghost Lupe
by Keeleyann19
If, on this coming Lupe Day,
You need a place to go,
I must warn you to stay away
From Mystery Island, a place we all know.
You may be frolicking on the beach
And hear a rustle in the trees,
You'll lower the volume of your speech
And shiver in the cool sea breeze.
You may venture to the market
And feel his eyes on you,
While filling up your basket
With delicious tropical foods.
You may visit the Island Mystic.
"Stay away from here today!"
You'll think him just pessimistic
And laugh at his crazy ways.
After a game of volleyball
You might need a bite to eat,
But listen for his sinister call,
Or you might have the misfortune to meet.
You may visit the Rock Pool
And admire the cute Petpets,
But beware that ever-mysterious ghoul,
My next words might make you fret.
You may walk into Geraptiku
And be in for a nasty surprise,
For, there he stands, the Ghost Lupe!
The last thing you'll see -- his deep red eyes.
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