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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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All In A Day's Work For Lawyerbot
by Mamasimios

One might assume that Lawyerbot
Is sentimental, soft and mushy,
Just because he has an obsession
With all things called "Usuki"

And though 'tis true he is surrounded
By pretty playsets, toys, and dolls,
Lawyerbot has a more callous side --
He is a lawyer after all

When not writing up his warnings
For the Random Contest, Lawyerbot
Is retained in the service
Of the foul master, Dr. Sloth

Every time you use Sloth's image,
Whether for art or merchandise,
'Tis Lawyerbot who'll hunt you down
To enforce the copyright

You must pay and fill Sloth's coffers,
You might well fund the next vile plot,
But as he collects his liberal fees,
It's all in a day's work for Lawyerbot

One should not deduce emotions
From the smile painted on his face
And remember, no heart beats
Within the Lawyerbot's metallic case

Raise An Usuki For Lawyerbot!
by Filter

Lawyerbot, you are a riddle,
One that we all try to solve.
Your life one of rules and figures,
But we there's a brighter side to your resolve.

Your exterior might be gray and dull,
But inside, you glow with the brightest light.
Every color in the rainbow describes you,
All to keep your spirit alight.

You love things that we all love,
Collecting the odd and fun.
You play the games that we all play,
You even try to be number one!

Your Usuki collection is unrivaled,
We all attempt to obtain your goal.
We're sure your collection was hard to obtain,
It probably took your whole bankroll!

We bet you can't wait for the Altador Cup!
Whose team will you play on this year?
We're sure it's going to be the winning team,
And when they win, we'll all cheer!

Oh Lawyerbot, now it's your special day,
May the Usukis be plenty 
And the goals be true.
We hope your every wish gets fulfilled today,
There is no better Lawyerbot than you!

A Strange Metal Usuki
by Dr_tomoe

Deep within the walls
of a store called Usukiland
is the greatest collection of Usuki
dolls in the land.

And while a magical hair
might be the most popular doll,
sitting on the shelf
is the strangest one of all.

It's not the Bat Thing Usuki,
or the one of Mr. Krawley,
it's not even the Snowager reject,
although that is one to see.

No, it's a strange one
that looks to be metal
and looks like it doesn't
go to court to settle.

It carries a briefcase
and a look that's familiar,
and you can't help but feel
this doll is quite peculiar.

On the shelf it sits
as the feeling of this doll
is that if it could, it would
also collect Usuki dolls.

And then, one day it's gone,
purchased to be admired
by a robot that also has a briefcase
that reads 1337 Lawyer.

Together they go
off on a journey,
a Strange Metal Usuki
and the Neopets attorney.

dear lawyerbot
by agedbeauty

dear lawyerbot,

attached, please find a
form: seventeen dash cee
filled out completely
in carbon copy
and full triplicate.

each necessary
box has been fully
filled in and checked off
and bubbles blacked in
wholly and darkly.

note that it has been
notarized in full
by queen fyora’s
head secretary
and copied wholly
to all appropriate
persons of import.

as such i demand
as was heretofore
outlined in section
one, paragraph three:
a gallery of
lawyerbot poems
for lawyerbot day.

signed, sincerely yours,
neopian number
seventeen thousand
four hundred fifty,
otherwise known as
your fan, agedbeauty.

An Ode To Lawyerbot
by Flowergirlesl

Let me tell you about a staff member 
Very dapper and clever
Never tiring, he can offer you 
Advice for any endeavor
Great at programming, 
A real pro with binary
You’ll always find him in 
His shining silver finery

A collector of rare Usukis, 
He’s always looking for more
He owns plenty of outfits 
And accessories galore!
Have a problem? 
Lawyerbot can solve the equation
He can find a clause or disclaimer 
For any occasion!

An integrated circuitry 
Brimming with love and admiration
Proves just how much 
From him we draw elation
The team Star and Order 
Is one that no one will ever forget
For he and Comastar 
Formed a perfect duet!	

Whether doing what he does best 
As Neopets’ lawyer
Or taking time off 
To be a gnome destroyer
His briefcase says it all; 
He’s simply l337
And no matter who tries, 
Lawyerbot can’t be beat!

Total Poetry Pages : 2793

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