Neopets Poems
To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here!
The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Number One
by Jjquil
Number one, you're soaring high!
Neopia's most popular Neopet
Outranking Kacheek and Kougra
It's because of your wings, I bet.
Stats and numbers cannot lie!
Lupe and Xweetok are jealous, too
I'm sure they all wish they could be
An adorable little soaring Shoyru!
Your bright eyes are larger than the rest
It gives you such an innocent look
But Shoyru, you are mischievous!
Playful and clever, that's your hook.
Draik and Scorchio may breathe fire
But you don't need to, you're too cute!
No Battledome opponent could attack
So the point is rendered moot.
Shoyru, you have so many colours!
Maraquan, wraith, chocolate, jelly;
But no matter what your hue
You always sport that chubby belly.
And even cuter than your colours
Is your wardrobe of Shoyru costumes!
Who wouldn't wear that rain slicker,
Or the rocket pack? Whoosh, zoom!
It's no surprise you're number one
Neopia's favorite is the Shoyru!
There are more than 17 million of you
So I think you already knew!
Snot Shoyru
by Agedbeauty
Drippy goopy pawprints
Follow the snot Shoyru’s gait
Icky drippy flecks of slime
That remind him of fate
You see, one day,
He was a plain blue Neopet
Until he chanced the lab ray
To see what change he’d get
It could have been
Maraquan or pink
But the thought of snot
Is one he didn’t think
It could have zapped
And made him stronger
It could have made him
An Ogrin with a neck much longer
Who knew when he
Went in that day
That a snot Neopet
He’d walk away --
Gunky dripping
Shoulder shrugging
Snot Shoyru that
Nobody likes hugging?
It could have been worse
He could have had a species zap
That would have brought
His Shoyru Day to a wrap!
by Chavo_guerrero
Kentari was the Shoyru
Aboard The Cyodrake's Gaze.
Inspecting all the weapons
Was how he spent his days.
For a while he was suspect
When Hoban went amiss,
But it wasn't long before nobody
Could ever believe in this.
Now he runs a shop
In Shenkuu's mountains high,
Its name is Wondrous Weaponry,
And you'd do well to drop on by.
He also likes a game or two;
Godori is what he plays.
He deals cards upon a table
And you can see his heavy gaze.
A game of skill and luck,
He says it's simple enough to do,
But winning's another matter --
It's not easy to pull through.
But Kentari can always teach you
If you've patience enough to learn,
For this pleasant little Shoyru
Will always do a good turn.
The Grumpy Shoyru Foreman
by Closemycoffin
In the land of Moltara,
Underground deep,
On the edge of town
Is the Obsidian Quarry.
A formidable place it is,
Down within the pit --
Bustling with workers
Who are busy with the dig.
Brave Neopians have been known
To venture in to find,
Rare obsidian stones
Within the mine.
If you make the trip,
Make it stealthily, too.
Lest the grumpy Shoyru foreman
Comes chasing after you!
Should he catch you taking rock out
He'll fly down in huff!
He'll shake his fist and shout about
Needing it "For... machinery!
And... stuff!"
But when you make it safely there,
And give the foreman the slip --
You, too, may take with you
A piece of shiny obsidian.
The Shoyru Spy
by Mamasimios
Blue, as blue as night's penumbra,
The Shoyru Spy is veiled,
Just one more drop in the ink of dusk,
A rumour in thieves' tales
Ahead are they who seek to creep,
To travel unobserved,
The treasure hunters cannot know
Their nemesis is near
Whispering on barest breath
The treasure seekers plot,
And though they believe they can't be heard,
Their efforts are for naught
The Shoyru Spy with senses keen,
With hearing unsurpassed,
Learns of the target treasure
And with his wings spread is aloft
Flying, cloaked by darkest night,
Now the spy is in the lead
And it's he who takes the bounty
With relaxed and practised speed
Arriving at the target,
The treasure seekers find it gone,
With nary a trace of the Shoyru Spy
Who did pillage and abscond
Kelby To The Rescue
by Ladygaladriel213
Kelby looked up to see his friends
Plummeting to the ocean floor.
He sped off as quickly as he could,
"Why had they ever left the shore?!?"
He watched their lumpy bodies descend
Catching the light at odd angles
Faster and faster Kelby swam up
Watching their chunky feet dangle
Bubbles burst around in bright colors
Casting rainborific prisms about
Kelby opened wide his mouth
Stuck in an un-uttered shout.
For before him, he realized,
His friends were falling
But it was not for help
That they were calling
They giggled in delight as they floated down
Covered in smiles, there wasn't a single frown!
Kelby looked on in confusion and concern
What was happening to these JubJubs here?
Sunlight still twinkled off of their bodies
And that's when he drew very near.
He could see the bubbles encasing each one
Slowly dropping them to the sandy floor.
This would carry them swiftly to safety
And allow them to prance about and explore.
Kelby exhaled, his fear ebbing away
As he looked on at the JubJub's delight.
And as the bubbles popped
When they reached the bottom
He watched their eyes shining bright.
Happiness floated off of them in waves
And Kelby felt better than before.
He swooped down,
His Maraquan Shoyru legs kicking
To reach the sandy ocean floor.
He dove and dipped and lifted them up
Tossing them in the swirling waves.
"Thank you for coming to save us, Kelby,
And have a Happy Shoyru Day!"
Sam The Shoyru
by Peircedchic
Sam was his name
and Gadgads was his game
when he came out he had no shame.
A friend to many and enemy to none,
if ever a game was played he always won.
Dashing and dancing in the Neopian sun,
a friendly fellow this one.
Smiling always from ear to ear
walking in the dark, for he had nothing to fear.
Loved his omelettes, oh yes he did,
watching the auctions and making his bids.
Hundreds of thousands filled his home
to eat for a snack when he was alone.
But his favorite thing to do
was whiz through the sky
he was so fast many thought he was a fly.
But oh no, it was just Sam,
flying and soaring no one could ignore him.
Generous as they come, Sam would give all,
and when someone needed a smile
he would always call.
Sam the Shoyru, the nicest 'pet in town
keep an eye out -- you might see him around.
Shoyru, Shoyru in the Sky
by Saqo
Shoyru, Shoyru flying high
in the dark and starlit night
swooping down and low 'til
returning to your flight.
Returning in the silent night.
Shoyru, Shoyru in the sky,
magnificent wings and beautiful
colors that we see when you fly.
A wingspan that rivals all and
eyes of bravery and innocence.
To have one of you as a 'pet
is an honor and a joy since
your species is a special one.
We Neopians who cannot fly
look up with envy at you, who
can so easily take to the skies.
Shoyru, Shoyru flying high
will you not teach us down here?
How is it that the sky welcomes
you, while we would only feel fear
at being so high above the ground?
Too bad we cannot feel that joy.
We'd rather be here safe and sound.
Yet you embrace it, sweet and coy.
Shoyru, Shoyru in the sunlit sky,
today we wish good things for you.
Today is your day and we all will
celebrate, and hope you will, too.
Torshac, What Did You Do?
by Vriendje282
Being a mercenary never is easy
But when you have secrets to sell
You can't very much tell
And not ask for a reward, really.
Torshac knows all.
Secrets are what he discovers
So watch out what you uncover,
And he will not be the reason
Of your downfall.
This infamous Shoyru,
Selling to the highest bidder.
Like a fast and silent hitter,
You never know
What it is he will do.
Wearing goggles, he'll soar,
And a staff of some sort
With crystals adorned,
This Shoyru is one to look out for.
The Shoyru That Could
by Dortho
Little blue Shoyru, cold in the night,
Not even a glimpse of light in sight,
If he could just hold on he just might...
There must be shelter nearby,
While wishing his wings
Were strong enough to fly,
He just wandered slowly on, wondering why.
Why in Neopia had he
Lost in the battledome yet again?
Certainly, with his stats,
He could have gotten a win!
Finally reaching the Healing Springs,
Once again, he was able to spread his wings!
Into the horizon he did fly,
On his way, with a reason why.
Back to the 'dome he goes,
To vanquish all foes!
His successes have him beaming with joy!
Knocked them all down as if they were a toy!
While they bask in their victorious ways,
Congratulate Shoyrus on their rejoicful day!
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