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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Alone in an Attic
By Sunkissedkate_

There's a place in Neovia,
If you'll give me just a listen,
I'll bless you with tale of gold and jewels,
And a gloomy apparition.

In rooftop near the old grave site
A loot of hidden treasure hides.
Lone in attic dull and tired a
Scarlet-eyed girl resides.

Day and night she cleans the loft,
Dusts and sweeps and rakes;
To find homes for her artifacts,
Antiques, relics, and keepsakes.

You see, to most us Neovians
Each belonging seems a gem;
But haunts can't feel these worldly
Things, and have no use for them.
Books of spells and candy floss
A Gelert Spy Jacket.
Disco Curtains, Chia pops,
A used Usuki set.

A Mint Chocolate Tuskaninny,
A plushie and a stamp.
A Meerca-Shaped Topiary
And a Biscuit Table Lamp.

These are the sights that you will see,
As you gaze the tower's rooms.
A dreary place, you might discern,
Though rife with her heirlooms.

But do not take pity on this ghost,
For she is not shrouded in woe.
She'd like to share with you her gifts,
So take a token as you go.

Though this attic is a cobwebbed space,
It is a fortune to behold,
But know you will not find this place
'Til your account is three years old!

The Lady Blurg Ball
By Rs_rbn

Don your spots
And come ye all
To dance all night
At the Lady Blurg Ball!

We'll dance in a circle,
We'll dance in a square
And we won't care
With whom we pair!

For summer has come,
She's in full bloom.
Her blossoms and buds
Make up the room!

With a whistle and a jump
And a giggle and a sigh
We want to stay
Until we die.

Nothing could be better
Ain't nothing so grand
As a Lady Blurg ball
And the big bandstand.

The time is now
The time has come
To dance all night
(Don't tell your Mum).

After we've finished,
Though it's all to soon,
To our home we will travel
Fore to sleep 'til noon!

By Tjdaita

Who even thought that there would be,
a hidden world below the planet's crust,
home to blazing creatures you rarely see,
and buildings made of steel and dust.

The citizens here are standing proud,
because of the legacy that they had made,
the quarry, the town hall, and plaza in smoky cloud,
everything's marvelous, and will never fade.

The heat that surrounds this hidden world,
gives out the best in every one,
who lives in here, who stands out bold,
to preserve this place that they had done.

Oh Moltara, your flame lives forever,
the heat of love was shared by your people,
promoting peace and harmony among any other,
Oh, Moltara, you're a good example!

Wishing Well Avatar Inquiry
By Groovyjenny

Oh TNT, we need another clue,
so that we can wipe out a theory or two.
Does is have to do with what we say?
Or do we have to throw a coin in every day?
We have all lost sleep over the Wishing Well,
it has us all put under a spell.
So, please tell us what will it take?
How much longer must we go on with our mistakes?
May we please have just one more hint,
so we can spend just one less cent?
It has taken us over a year,
so much blood, sweat, and tears.
Perhaps one more hint will set the bar
for those who are striving to
get the Wishing Well Avatar.

A Different Story About Habitarium Pests
By Luv_my_pets_666

Seaweed green tongue shaped like a square,
Slate blue skin, or is it hair?
Four stout legs on either side makes eight,
when the bell announces them you'd better not wait.

They swarm around buildings, p3s, and food,
Their eyebrows are always furrowed
As if in a horrible mood.
Their eyes are an old worn out lime green,
Like fruit left out in the sun that's now lost its sheen.

Their teeth curve out and are pointed,
But if you guessed they were carnivores
You might be disappointed.
It seems these creatures will eat everything in sight,
Fences, buildings, mud, and stone
Are all beneath their might.

I'm told they are pests and nothing more,
But I wonder what Neopians would
Have said about them before
The Neopian Times and Professor Clodbottle
Announced them as a threat,
Will our encounters be different now
That we've officially met?

You see all the p3s in my Habitarium
Are just Petpetpets,
How are they different than
These proclaimed threats?
Sure, they eat up my hard work
And make my work tricky,
But maybe they're in a situation
That's equally sticky?

With all the land made into Habitariums
Maybe they've nowhere to go,
There might once have been rivers
That now just won't flow,
Instead they're diverted into
My little Habitarium plot,
And now the supposed pests
Are in a tough spot.

They're just like the other Petpetpets that raid,
My own soldiers might not look so friendly
If it were my buildings they frayed.
I'm not saying we need to
Like them or welcome them in,
But maybe there's a different story about our p3's kin?

I'd like to see them as hostile strangers instead,
Not little blue monsters who I wish to fill with dread.
My Habitarium is well off and very large,
Tonight I'll leave out some extra
Apple bites for no charge.

Total Poetry Pages : 2794

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