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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Glorious Gormball
by Ennausa

Take a risk and hold the ball
Careful not to let it fall!
This blue ball is 'bout to blow
Keep a straight face; don't let it show

Below the surface, feel the water gushing
Even so, it's not time to be rushing
Passed quickly, then it blows
All over Ember, who then froze

The water sizzling on her flame
She doesn't mind, it's part of the game!
But now she's out and you're still in
Another round, you hope to win.

The Gormball championships are here
What fun, you've waited all year
To prove your worth in this here game
You hope to make yourself a name

No time to think, watch the ball
Be careful not to let it fall
A few more rounds, and the winner named
The Gormball has finally been tamed

By yourself, champion of year thirteen
Now named gormball king - no, queen!
Don't get lazy, your fame will only last today
The next championship is just a year away

by Dr_tomoe

The Gormball Championship,
Held once a year.
And while not as big as the Altador Cup
It's sure to cause a cheer.

Eight contestants come,
Each with their own unique skill
To pass the Gormball around
And to give viewers a thrill.

And in that group of eight
Was supposed to be Dr. Sloth
But evil geniuses have many plans
So Gormball was put off.

A replacement is found
In Kevin the Korbat.
New to the game, but quick to learn
All the rules, just like that.

And as the years go by
He does better each time
Going as far as to get second place
With the championship not far behind.

So perhaps this year
Will be the one.
And Kevin the Korbat
Can finally say he won.

Standing Tall in Gormball!
by Brittanyftw

What's that? Sounds like a cheer!
It's going around ear to ear.
Contestants all going down the hall!
For the annual championship of Gormball.

Our first champion starts in Year 2,
Let's see how young Brian will do.
Wait, what?!? Disqualified?!?
This game surely didn't end in a tie.

He used a rigged ball. Oh, what a shame.
He just pretty much ruined his good name.
Thyassa took his spot as the winner,
She took the spot, right in the center.

Year 3, guess who won?
Thyassa again? Oh, what fun!
She must be a really good player,
Now let's see who won a little later.

Year 4, you go Ursula!
We'd knew you'd win... pfft, duh.
You even beat Farvin III
Who'll win next year? Well, let's see.

Brian, oh Brian, you finally won!
Not by cheating, by getting the job done.
You fought fair and square, and that's great!
Get ready for next year, 
You don't want to be late!

Thyassa, Thyassa, why are you so good?!?
Winning more championships than you should.
On the bright side, Kevin is the runner-up!
Knowing he didn't win first, he left in a huff.

Lastly, we enter Year 7,
I really thought we could've made it to 11.
Oh wait, what's this? Could it be dinner?
No, it's the sound of our champion Ember!

Now, that's the last of them all.
Everyone's going, leaving the hall.
Until next year, we'll wait and see,
Who the next champion will be.

Ember the Champion of Gormball
by Chimp_chicken_fish

Year 7's overall winner,
a classy faerie of sorts.
Ember spends her time playing
an explosive kind of sport.

Perching the water bomb on her fingers,
this faerie is quite tactful.
You would think being a fire element
would put her off this sport.
But no...
Ember is not afraid to get wet.

She may not be as good as Thyassa or
Farvin III, but it's the name of the game
to be as good as you can be.
Accused of being a cheater, when the
one accusing had cheated himself,
Ember has a new trophy to add
to her shelf.

Now no one will ever know
who has won the past
Gormball championships
because the Alien Aisha Consortium
has hidden away the reports!
Has Ember reclaimed her title once more?
Or has Brain, the cheater, stolen the gold?

Let's Play Gormball
by Chavo_guerrero

Let's play Gormball! Pass it on,
Try not to get wet.
Gormball is a merry game,
The most fun you can get!

Everyone can join right in,
It doesn't matter who,
As long as you're ready to have some fun,
We'll even include you!

Hold as long as you will dare,
Then throw it on once more,
Catch it when it comes your way,
Grip it in your paw.

But remember to be gentle,
Remember to take care,
After all you do not want,
The fragile thing to tear.

More a game of luck than skill,
Though some may argue that,
But when they end up soaking wet,
Their point seems to fall flat.

Just have fun this special day,
At the Gormball championships,
And bear in mind, you WILL get wet,
As soon as the Gormball rips!

by Aldurswolf

Farvin III
Those who've yet to be champion

The last minute insert
Perhaps not the best player
But he shows promise in learning
Wish him luck

Better known for his foods
Though he's placed before
His real goal is champion
Something that has eluded him

Better known as the "COOL" Grundo
Losing, winning, it's no matter
He's in it for the items
What a sport

Farvin III
The Aisha from space
Instead of tossing Nerkmids
He tosses Gormballs
No Runner-Up again this year

These are the players
Who aren't quite yet the champion
But they're training
So just you watch
Perhaps this year will be it?

by Secant

Extremely volatile,
Ready to explode at the touch
Into a million water droplets.

Wet, silky liquid
That quenches the thirst of the
Panting Gormball contestant.

An ambitious Neopet
Who strives for stardom and
Chases after the avatar.

A piece of glory
Used to represent the Neopet
And gives bragging rights.

The act of boasting shamelessly,
Usually after an outstanding feat
Like winning Gormball.

Extremely volatile,
With a thousand different meanings
Etched into one competitive game.

The Annual Gormball Championships
by Speriend_the_2nd

The countless fans have gathered
And so have the top notch players
It’s the Annual Gormball Championship
Who will get first, second, and third?

Will Brian try and cheat again?
Will Thyassa win once more?
What about all the others?
How much excitement can they send?

The game has finally started
The ball is passed around
As the ball keeps exploding
More players are eliminated

Only two remain now
Farvin III and Kevin stand alone
Who will take home the crown?
And on whom will the ball go, "POW"?

Farvin III throws the ball
Kevin hastily catches it
He tries to throw it back
Should he have stalled?

That is a question only destiny knows
Who became the champion?
Who went home as second fiddle?
But wait; who was the third-last to throw?

The Annual Gormball Championships
by Adventurehasnolimits

Today is the day.
Put your skills to the test.
The Gormball championships
Are only for the best.

It calls for seven players
One of which is you
If your Gormball explodes,
That's it, you're through.

Don't wait too long.
Don't wait too short.
Aim to throw the Gormball right.
It's quite a simple sport.

Now you know the basics.
It's time to make your move.
Will you wait 10 seconds,
Or possibly wait two?

Wipeouts all around
Who's still in the game?
There are only two left.
No one else remains.

It comes down to luck with
An equal chance of winning.
Your opponent finally loses,
Leaving you grinning.

You're the champ!
You really won!
Tired, but happy,
The day is done.

You collect your reward.
The games have ended.
Dream of today
And your night will be splendid.

by Tomori_san

If you're bored and don't know what to play,
I'd suggest Gormball, if you may.
Zurroball and Frumball are frightfully boring,
If you play those you'll end up snoring!

Gormball is a game where you throw a ball,
Just try not to make a fall!
If you do, the ball will drop,
Then you're out, because it will pop!

If you're good enough you can enter,
A contest called 
The Annual Gormball Championship.
But beware Thyassa, because he's the best,
Before him you'll need to beat the rest!

Gormball is a very fun game,
No one would dare to call it lame.
If they do, they're in trouble,
Because they'll get soaked 
With that mighty bubble!

Everyone who has ever played this contest, 
Knows that the winner isn't always the strongest.
The game's winner is chosen completely by luck,
The losers, whom the ball popped on, say "Yuck!"

All of Neopia know Gormball's the best,
Or at least most, I don't know about the rest.
If you don't you're missing out,
It's pretty awesome, I have no doubt!

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