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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The World in a Box
by Vortex_paula2

With my cardboard box,
Playtime is never a bore.
In it, I'm not my baby Jetsam self;
I'm that and so much more.

I am the captain of a pirate ship
Named the Pillaging Decrees.
We'll set sail at Krawk Island,
And voyage through surrounding seas.

Then, I am an explorer
Journeying through the Lost Desert.
In a blink, I'm in Tyrannia,
Attending a M*YNCI concert!

The scene changes again,
And I am a knight
Of fair Meridell. I am brave;
I defend what is right.

I've been on hundreds of journeys,
From Shenkuu to the Space Station.
What's my secret, you might ask?
Well, it's my imagination.

With it, I can create anything I choose,
Make places never seen before. 
Like the imaginary world of Eckilebunick,
Or an actual place, like Altador.

I've even visited a place called "Jelly World"
Where everything consisted
Of jelly; it looked so scrumptious.
Oh, how I wish it really existed!

And yet, none of these worlds are real,
For they're all inside my head.
But while I'm in my cardboard box,
I find it funner to pretend.

Stowaway Sting
by Terabithian

Stepping over crates, 
running into thugs,
trying to get to the finish line
before it's too late. 

Hopping from square to square,
trying not to look 
into the bad guy's leer.

Trying to pick up gems and money
trying not to fall down 
must get to the finish 
before I drown. 

This is what it is like being Scrap
moving across the board
trying to reach the last square
with every Neopian's tap.

The Case of the Mini Mystery Capsules
by Chavo_guerrero

Deep within the NC Mall,
Is a mystery you may have seen,
Five new mini capsules,
What could these strange things mean?

For normally a capsule,
Gives out items and LE's,
To give another cap out,
Is surely just a tease!

And so, the mystery thickens,
And we open more and more,
If we find all mini capsules,
There's a bonus still in store!

And who doesn't love excitement,
As we guess on what we'll get,
The Mini Mystery Adventure,
Are the best capsules yet!

With the clues of what we'll find inside,
Painted on each dome,
Some brightly-coloured hints abound,
As we watch them all from home.

So let's open up just one more,
Hold our breath and peep,
If we win we'll be fast to jump for joy!
If we lose we'll cry and weep.

But everyone on the boards agrees,
Whether you're expert or a rookie,
The bestest feeling in Neopia,
Is when you're finally lucky!

The Collector
by Sarika_ambrielle

The collector is a very rare breed
A bug called passion, they constantly feed
Once bitten there's no magical cure
They're a little freaky, an odd sort for sure.

Cards and stamps, plushies and toys
Keyrings, Usukis, books to enjoy
Instruments, Neggs, Petpets all grey
Scratchcards, codestones, and toys that spray.

Gumball machines and spiders that crawl
Wearable clothes and cute faerie dolls
Dusty old maps, an array of guitars
Posters for walls, furniture from afar.

Shields and swords or Dr. Sloth soldiers
Lunch boxes, bobbleheads, and Chia pencil holders
Gross food aplenty and toys made with vinyl
Makeup, paint brushes, and cute Tiki idols.

A word of advice for the brand new collector
Get used to using your mouse as your selector 
Some patience, stamina, and a very sharp eye
Will help you discover that one special buy.

The Twelve
by Kaddiez

In the Altador chambers,
Twelve heroes stand tall,
Those who protected Altador,
Prevented destruction to befall.

Fauna, the Gatherer,
Who saved a village from their woes,
Simply by offering a monster
Kindness and some food.

Psellia, the Dreamer,
Who once rested in clouds so high,
Saving those from certain doom,
Those who'd fallen through the sky.

Torakor, the Gladiator,
Who was once a malicious saboteur,
Rose above his own brutal army,
And helped a village become secure.

Marak, the Wave,
Who led a clan of Peophins,
Protected his people under assault,
By a group of fishermen.

Gordos, the Collector,
Whose honesty prevailed against wealth,
Even among riches and gold,
He stayed good and true to himself.

Sasha, the Dancer,
Who kept hope in her village strong,
As a mighty storm tore through her town,
She danced on and on.

Kelland, the Thief,
Who helped those in need,
By taking from the rich and wealthy,
And giving to the weak.

Siyana, the First to Rise,
Who on a village shone a light,
Stirring them from their sleep,
Alerting them of bandits in the night.

Florin, the Farmer,
Who saved a village from starvation,
By saving crops from the plague,
He brought them all salvation.

Jerdana, the Protector,
Whose sorcery stands unmatched,
Sealed away The Darkest Faerie,
When she began to attack.

King Altador, the Hunter,
Who gathered them all here,
A mighty king and noble warrior,
Who watches over, always near.

The Darkest Faerie, the Sleeper,
Or Betrayer, for her crimes,
Wreaking havoc on the world,
She was sealed away for as long as time.

The twelve protectors of Altador,
Statues circled in the hall.
One lone traitor missing in the wake
Of a faerie city’s fall.

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