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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Zafara, the Unnoticed Neopet
By jrtswifey

Zafaras with their pointy tails
Are not like Skeiths with their scales
Their cute smiles are quite quirky
Unlike the Wocky who's cheekily smirking

They can't fly like a Draik
Or do as a Jetsam and swim the lakes
They need not wear a bow as an accessory
And a pair of horns is not a necessity

Some people prefer Shoyrus
Kacheeks, Chombies or Tonu
I find it's not hard to choose
The Zafara of course, it cannot lose.

Compared against the other pets
Zafaras are the best ones yet
I don't think I'll be giving any prizes to you
For guessing my favourite pet...
Do you?

The Battle Duck: An Unlikely Saviour
By sonsofwar

I grasped my faithful sword in hand,
And ensured my scorchstone lay in waiting,
My frost cannon glimmered, in the rising sun,
My opponent, too was hesitating,

I leapt at him, my sword held high,
He reflected it with a shield of wood,
In return he drew his sprout cannon,
And battered me with the repulsive food,

Yet I still stood strong, and I grabbed the cannon,
And sent a swirl of glacial light,
He seemed to stumble on the spot,
And was frozen hard, as cold as night,

I took my chance, and used my sceptre,
And vines grew up from beneath the ground,
And as they encircled his rigid body,
I heard an unfamiliar, cracking sound,

He was wounded! Yes!
But was free from the cage,
Which should have bound him on the spot,
And as he exhaled a trail of lava,
Things began to get too hot,

I used one weapon, after another,
My precious rod of nova shattered,
Yet still he stood, each weapon beating mine,
And he stood firm,
Whilst I was bruised and battered,

I gripped my scorchstone in my hand,
And began to feel its healing stengths,
When suddenly, a rainbow flash,
The sticky hand, had gone to lengths,

With all my weapons useless or disabled,
I glanced back at my useless horde,
Patiently he gripped the stone,
And menacingly, he cackled and roared,

When suddenly at the end of my array,
Was something small, and yellow, and round,
I pulled out a queer rubber duck,
All it could do was make squeaking sounds,

But I had no choice, and I pulled my arm back,
and hurled it at my enemy in defeat,
He laughed with amusement
as the small creature,
Landed softly by his feet,

When all of a sudden, a "quack" was heard,
And the duck exploded in a blaze of light,
Thousands of tiny ducks seemed to be pecking,
My opposition, who had lost this fight,

I grabbed the trophy, and cheered to all,
As I saw my owner's proud, bright face,
The moral is, looks can be deceiving,
Or maybe it's, "Don't laugh at the ducky race!"

Ode to the Lab Ray
By the_otter

My owner doesn't quite
understand my state of mind,
When he takes me to the Lab Ray
and zaps my behind.

I used to be a Kougra
all green, cute and furry,
I've turned into most everything
my mind is slightly blurry

Changed gender and changed color
and species all the time,
It's a wonder I haven't yet
been changed into a lime.

From Kougra I went to Elephante
and changed colors for a while,
Then a Kau, Moehog, and Lenny
according to my file

I'm currently a Poogle
as cute as one could be,
Yesterday a Faerie
today the skunk is me.

I have improved my stats
speed, stamina, HP, and brain
And you know that Lab Ray's zap
well, I'm getting used to the pain.

There is a final goal,
a destination if you will
It's just that I've already
had more zaps than is my fill.

Eventually it will end
and it will be my brother's whirl,
And then it's my turn to laugh
when he turns into a girl.

Wise Old Island Mystic
By argyle_bug

The wise old Island Mystic,
His eyes all glassy go,
He raises one frail hand to me
To listen, this I know.

His voice is cracked, and worn with age,
Though his mind it still is wise.
His hair is yellow, but streaked with grey,
Calming, serene are his eyes.

His skin is dark and tanned by the sun,
His skin hangs off the bone,
His bare feet are thick as leather,
As he walks across many a stone.

He tells me I must listen,
And my chatter must die down.
He says to sit beside him,
And the others to gather around.

He tells us tales of wondrous Krawks,
He tells us of evil Jetsams.
He tells us that they can't be tamed,
Unless the Monoceraptor gets them!
He says that there's a treasure,
Beneath our very own island.
He says it gives you endless riches,
And that no one will ever find it.

His speech slows down, he tells us more,
He speaks of water sprites,
He says they're found in the ocean,
When it's dark you can see their lights.

"Just one more thing you need to know,"
The Mystic says out loud.
"If you have no treasure, no pet, no prizes,
Of what you are you should be proud."

Then his eyes fall closed again,
He says our time is done.
The Island Mystic falls asleep,
And we leave, one by one.

By junginger

Oh, the thrill as I hunt through the plains,
The battle with Lupes, with wounds and pain,
The feeling of chase was in the air,
The sky up above and the wind in my hair.
These are some of the people I met:
Eleus Batrin the wise Neopet,
Morax Dorangis was an old friend,
Skilled Choras Tillie whose shields won't bend,
Old Lummock Sendent the independent,
And healer Boraxis who's most attendant.

I used to be weak but now I am strong,
For experience has left me no wrong.
The advise of Eleus it's often been said,
Has truly been treasured by those who lead.

I remember the times when I used to flee,
A red dire Lupe was right after me,
I had no experience so I fled from the Grove,
Then away by the dire Lupe I had been drove.

But now I am strong and Xantan I've fought,
And stopped him from the foul he brought.
Rollay Scaleback and the Pygmy Chief,
To the Jungle Ruins I brought relief.

The Haunted Forest has brought me naught,
And only courage over fear I sought.
I met Leirobas in Swamp Edge City,
The conversation we had was rather sticky.
Mokti I met was far more nicer,
Who unlike Leirobas was not a miser.

I've crossed the swamps and the Desert of Roo,
And met scorpions, wadjets
and vicious Krawks too.
The Archmagus I fought in the Temple,
And passed the Watchman : a dangerous sentel.

The five Guardians of Magic put me to the test,
Life, Spectral, Fire, Ice and Shock,
Elusive foes that leave me no rest.

Through Warlocks and Wizards
and Two Rings Crusaders,
Creatures that fought the Valley invaders.
I challenged Jahbal in the Valley of the Two Rings,
And solved the mystery of ancient things.

Total Poetry Pages : 2796

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