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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Limited Edition
By battlesunn

I'd like a pet,
I cannot get.
It's the rarity
that calls to me
man, I want that Cybunny!

Its mane of fur,
its petite stature
those impressive feet
are what I seek
oh, this new pet I'd love to meet!

Those bold words in blue,
forbid me and you
to own a limited edition pet
our fate has been cruelly set
I'll never own a Cybunny, I fret.

Wait, what's this?
How could I miss?
This precious, beloved potion
that will set my dream in motion!
I hope my Lupe causes no commotion...
When I morph her into a Cybunny.

teatime000's Lament
By jmc334

To all you Neopians, I say BEWARE
when playing such games as Poogle Solitaire.
You can gain prizes and levels, it's true,
but do you know what else can happen to you?

I once was a Chia with a rather quick mind,
so I finished the puzzle in record time.
And then there appeared right before my eyes
a magical Poogle toy as a prize!

The tag clearly stated, "Your pet will be altered,"
but I gave it no thought, my steps never faltered.
The moment I touched it, (oh unhappy fellow)
I magically changed to a Poogle that's yellow.

Now Poogles are cute and cuddly and warm
but they just can't compete
with a Chia's lithe form.
Now no one will know (with my small yellow hide)
that the heart of a Chia is beating inside.

A morphing potion? Nah, my owner's too cheap.
So to the computer keyboard I'll creep.
To ask the Neopets Team if they'd care
to create a new game... CHIA Solitaire!

Halloween Aishas
By bookwormthegreat

Halloween Aishas at Limited Too!
I'm sure that there are not a slew.
I must go fast or there will be
None at all left for me!

My Neofriends'll be green with envy!
They'll wish they'd been so market-savvy.
My pets will joyously celebrate
And their happiness will accelerate!
That Aisha in the store knew quite well
That times with me would be just swell!
So when I came to pick out one
It put on a nice face and my heart it won!

So now, little Aisha, make lots of friends
For this is where your journey ends.
I will never tire of you
Or wish that I could get another that's new.

You're mine forever, we shall never part
And even if so, you will always be in my heart.

The Gormball Championships
By ashaaaleih

I play this game all the time,
I think it is the best.
It is a favourite game of mine,
I'll never give it a rest!

Wait one second or wait two?
Will you get out?
It is entirely up to you,
if you lose, do not pout!
10 NP is all you need,
to play a great game.
You never know, you might lead,
In the high-score table of fame.

The Championships are nearly here,
I cannot wait for the day!
The chances of winning may be mere,
but you might not leave in dismay!

I have done the championships before,
I didn't win at all.
On that day, I may have felt raw,
but today I still stand tall.

The First to Wake Turmaculus
By dragongirl_518

Oh Turmaculus of a vast size,
Please stir and open your eyes.
Several brave Petpets have gallantly tried.
Oh please Turmaculus give me a prize.

A cute little Flizzardo tap dances for you,
And a sweet little Whoot sings you a tune.
But wake you up they cannot do.
They see a poor Gruslen scream
till his face turns blue.

A small pet approaches, White Flosset in hand,
The Turmaculus awakes shaking the land.
He rises so tall, so old.
The Petpet shakes, from the sight to behold.

The Flosset shivers,
its filled bucket thrown in haste.
The Turmaculus angers,
water dripping off its face.
The Flosset shrinks, muttering and Ulp!
And the Flosset goes down in one mighty gulp.

The pet runs to try and save the Petpet
before it's too late.
Too bad, the Flosset has met
with its untimely fate.
The first to wake the Petpet king
Now quietly shivers, whimpering.

At first we all eagerly tried,
Now from the Turmaculus all Petpets hide.
Hugging their Petpets, I hug my own,
And we begin, the long journey home.

Total Poetry Pages : 2795

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