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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Chia Day Special

Neopia's Favourite Chias
by ritzylove

Everyone in Neopia has a favourite Chia
It's no surprise, they're always happy to see ya!
It's the one species that makes everyone smile
And don't worry, they'll never go out of style 

There's Adee the Chia, she's a sugary fiend!
She has dreams of a broken ice cream machine
There's Carassa and her husband Mika the Chia
They've been trying to move to Central Neopia!

There's Geoffrey the Chia, on neighbourhood duty
He's protecting his loved ones, beware his fury!
There's Nigel the Chia, ever so suave 
He'll sell you stocks so you can quit your job! 

There's Thyassa the Chia, a pro Gormball player
Autograph please? Quick, hand him some paper!
There's the Yellow Knight, an honourable Chia
Convincing an army of Lord Darigan's hysteria

So as you can see, Chias are great 
Mr. Lupe, please keep them off your plate
We need them around, to keep us going
Otherwise Neopia would get quite boring!

Fruity Chias
by actiontal

Fruity Chias 

Fruity Chias in disguise
Don’t put those Chias in the pies!
Some fruits always crunch 
But on these Chias you do not munch! 

The may make tasty Lupe snacks
But these gentle souls will attack 
Chia clowns protect their kin 
Because a fruity guy deserves to win! 

Don’t make fun of their fruity talk 
Don’t poke at their walk
They may not be your way
But today is their day 

If you don’t like a fruity Chia day
Go find somewhere else to play
Got something mean to say to this boss?
Go find another fruit salad to toss

A Chia's Thoughts
by kellyclark1115

It's springtime in Neopia,
time for a new look!
What colour should I pick,
let's go check out the book.

Last spring I wanted to fly in the air,
so the obvious choice was faerie.
Maybe something different this year,
perhaps a fruit? Maybe a berry!

I do love Coconut Chias,
all fuzzy and round.
Or maybe I'll be a grape!
Tiny and close to the ground.

Or I could be a vegetable,
Onion Chias are so cute.
But do they even have hands?
I'll go back to looking at fruit.

I like the Peach Chia's colour,
and the little leaves and stem!
So many choices to pick from,
I want to be so many of them!

Chia colors are so pretty,
The next as well, I have faith.
I wonder which it will be,
I hope Candy, Pastel, or Wraith!

Nigel the Chia
by theguy2020

Always dressed up in a suit,
He will help you build your loot,
Take his advice and it will go well,
He will tell you exactly when to sell!

Investing is his middle name,
It’s what gave this chia all his fame,
If you are looking to buy or sell stocks make sure you contact him,
His processing fees are quite slim!

He lets you buy one thousand shares a day,
This should always make you sway, 
He will help you become rich,
Does he need a better sales pitch!

Buy low and sell high is his motto,
This isn’t like playing the lotto, 
You will be guaranteed to make Neopoints over time, 
Not checking this out would be a crime!

The Mighty Chiazilla
by makavelia

In the world of Neopia,
Where creatures great and small
Roam freely in their habitats,
And stories are told by all.

Among the many creatures
That make this land their home
Lives a mighty herbivore,
A Chiazilla to behold.

With vines for arms and legs,
And a massive leafy tail
This green and fearsome giant
Will make your foes turn pale.

He towers over others,
A true sight to behold
But his gentle, herbivorous ways
Show that he's not so bold.

Chiazilla is a legend,
A symbol of strength and might
But with his gentle nature,
He is truly quite a sight.

So if you see him roaming
In the fields and forests wide
Take a moment to admire
This gentle giant's pride.

For Chiazilla is a treasure,
A rare and wondrous sight
A symbol of the beauty
Of Neopia's great might.

The Post Office Chia
by i_lovee_icecream

The Chia that owns the kiosk;
His Neopian Central post office,
Sells stamps of varying rarities,
Making quick sales and profits.

There is a line of Neopians,
Waiting to catch a stamp stock. 
Searching high, searching low;
Their eyes watching like a hawk’s.

The Chia stocks his shelves,
And they go run to something pink.
It’s a Queen Fyora Stamp!
And it’s gone in less than a blink.

The Chia grins as the chaos ensues,
He finds joy in the restockers’ blues.
Is that a Battle Slices Stamp?
You can tell by the green hues.

The restockers throw elbows and fists,
They rush to get to their r99 prize.
But only one has been stocked,
And most Neopians met their demise.

The post office Chia whistles a tune,
As he packs his bag to leave. 
He turns the lights off with a smirk,
Watching the restockers grieve.

Durian Chia Fears
by rurirawr

Chias are very versatile, 
For they can take on many styles:
Lime and gooseberry, 
Or carrot and pea. 
Their unique charms will make you smile. 

But there is one Chia I fear, 
I always make sure to steer clear. 
Wait, why does it stink?
It's coming, I think. 
Oh no, the 'durian' is here!

Its spikes are prickly to the touch, 
And I know it will hurt so much. 
We can't get along, 
But don't get me wrong. 
I don't dislike Chias as such.

Perhaps it's time I change my stance, 
The fruit Chia deserves a chance.
I should not retreat, 
For it could be sweet. 
There may be more than at first glance.

Chia Day: A Book Review
by honorrolle

It’s Chia Day and time to observe, 
These lovely pets, love to preserve,
Their clever thoughts and amazing stories, 
Books abound on Chia glories.

Dark, milk, rich and decadent, 
Chocolatier’s knowledge evident,
Read The Chocolate Chia Book,
To see these special Chia’s look.

How to Care for Asparagus Chias,
Quite delightful, full of ideas, 
They need to keep their early bedtime, 
To keep their stalks looking prime!

Next, The Plight of the Pea Chia Gnome, 
Follow adventure to the great unknown, 
Through forests, jungles, deserts and bogs,
This Pea Chia Gnome, in camouflage togs.

Coming in next is Chia Quotes, 
Neopian editor greatly promotes, 
Humorous quips ready made by the pet, 
This literary genius you won’t soon forget.

Chianatomy is my favourite though,
So much to learn, so much to know,
About all the things that make Chia unique,
Details on the interesting physique.

A few Chia tomes, to enjoy the day, 
To read about the Chia way, 
To play, enjoy, and toast and smile,
Settle in and read awhile.

A Lupe's Favourite Snack
by discardedcrayons

In all of Neopia, there's no snack--
Er, I mean pet, like a Chia. 
They maybe the most colourful, 
But they are always under attack. 

Chias are energetic little creatures,
That love making new friends, 
Regardless of the features. 

From Asparagus to Ummagine,
They can be any fruit or vegetable that you can imagine. 
But let's not forget about this silly quirk,
Feeding them chocolates has the most random perk. 
If you dream to have a Chocolate Chia,
Just keep it away from your Lupe, or it might be a
Lupe's midnight snack!

And even though they make the perfect Lupe snack, 
We can't help but honour the most notable Chias among the pack. 

Hubrid Nox (RIP) was a master villain 
until Xandra framed and done him in. 
He can be seen as a ghost
When MAGAX needs haunted most. 

What about that ice cream loving Adee? 
She is such an ice cream eating baddie. 
What a style icon,
With her orange pigtails and blue coat on. 

So if you ever find yourself need a snack,
Or need a friend in the shape of fruit.
Just know the chia is the friend for you.

The Pea and the Grape Chia
by roxanna203

It was that time of the year,
Chia Day to spread some cheer,
There was a specific event,
Fruit Salad for those to represent!

Many will be there - apple, cherry,
Orange, lemon, lime, Gooseberry,
Name them all - they will be there,
But one may be overlooked, be aware.

One of the tiniest, the Grape Chia,
But this year, she had a great idea,
She would bring a tinier friend,
The Pea Chia who would defend!

Together, the tiniest Chias stayed,
In harmony, they were not afraid!
They were able to enjoy the festival,
A memory etched that's uncontestable!

The Pepper Chia Checklist
by kuroneko_kitty

Vinegar, garlic, and a sprig of dill
These spicy Chias love to chill
With other veggies like their cousin 
The humble little Chia Onion 

Invite Tomato and it's a party
For crafting salsas oh so hardy
That even Lime joins in the fun
A hint of flavour that's sure to stun 

These culinary Chias won't stop there
When Avocado show up to share
A savoury side that engrosses wholly 
Oh yes, he's bringing guacamole

But not all Chias prefer salty treats
Since many like a hint of sweet 
So just in case their servings vary 
To include desserts for Apple, Plum, and Strawberry 

So many Chias, it's hard to pick
Which one's talents really stick 
Sweet and savoury are both so good
We love them all just like we should!

Still, Pepper Chias hold some appeal 
As Lupes aren't want to make a meal
From Chias harbouring so much spice 
(At least not when Aubergine tastes just as nice)

Chia Pops Galore
by cpssgh1004

A Neopian delicacy one can enjoy,
Even if you are allergic to soy.
A variety of flavours, you will find,
With some of them certainly one of a kind.

From Splime to Blackcherry,
Or Mint Chocolate to Tetraberry.
Found in my gallery of Chia Pops Galore,
On display, you'll find all fifty-four.

Neopets love to indulge on this icy treat,
It gives them reprieve from the summer heat.
But feed your Chia a special magical one,
And they will be the envy of everyone.

Pear, Pepper, Onion or Pea,
Coconut, Agueena, and even Juppie.
Countless fruits and vegetables your Chia can be.
But watch out for Durian as I've heard that can be smelly!

Thyassa the Chia and the Joy of Gormball
by querba

Thyassa the Chia, a bundle of joy
Loved to play Gormball, oh boy, oh boy!
With a round little body and a beaming smile
He played the game with an infectious style.

He'd gather his friends, and they'd form a team
Their love for the game, a passionate theme
They'd toss the ball, back and forth they'd go
Their laughter and cheers, a joyful flow.

Thyassa would run, with all his might
The ball in his hands, a glorious sight
He'd toss it high, to the sky above
And watch it fall, with a thrilling love.

His friends would catch it, and pass it around
Their feet would move, without a sound
Their eyes were glued, to the ball in flight
Their hearts beating fast, with sheer delight.

And when the game was over, and the sun would set
Thyassa would smile, with a Gormball sweat
He'd hug his friends, and say goodbye
With a promise to play, till the end of time.

For Thyassa, Gormball was more than a game
It was a passion, a thrill, a loving flame
It brought him joy, and a sense of belonging
And with each game, his heart kept on growing.

So, let's raise a cheer, for Thyassa and his crew
For their love of Gormball, so pure and true
May they keep playing, with all their might
And their joy for the game, shine ever so bright.

Chia Pets Are Better Than The Rest
by reply

Chia pets, they are the best!
They can turn into whatever you please!
Biscuit, Baby, Blueberry, or just plain Blue! 
Choose whichever is best for you!

Shadow, Sketch, Sponge, or Snot!
Show off whichever you've got! 

You've got to be a liar, if you don't like them painted Fire!

And an Apple Chia a day, keeps the doctor away!

You may even choose Grey, if you're having a bad day...

The Pear has flare! The Ice is nice! The Gold is bold!

I think I like them painted Pink! Or do I like them Ghost the most? What do you think? 

It's got to be a crime, if you don't like them as a Lime!

So no matter their colour, of food, or fun - 
There's got to be some for everyone!

And so now you can see, why I think Chia's are the best as can be. (They can even be turned into a tree!)

Take it from me! Make one, and you'll see!

The Earwax Chia
by kadface

Down in Krawk Island
At the Smuggler’s Cove
They be selling weapons
From their treasure trove. 

One item ye may find,
If ye have no fear,
A slimy, sticky, gooey thing
The Earwax Chia. 

Made of old, yellow wax
A couple of ear hairs
Throw this at a Chia
Catch them unawares. 

Take this item to the dome
Make that Chia think twice
Although it costs a few dubloons
Cheap at double the price 

Don’t ask how it was made
For pirates never tell
Some say it be magic
A wrongly casted spell

All ye need to know
Choose quick if ye will buy
The Smugglers only have 
A limited supply!

Once they’re gone, they’re gone
They will not reappear. 
So come to the cove for your
Earwax Chia!

His Shameful Truth
by whitefriar

In an empty fairground, where silence abounds,
Is a sentinel Chia, face painted in clown
His blushing red smile that once sparked and shone,
Now faded, forgotten, forlorn, forgone

His history is filled with laughter and cheer,
Making Neopets gasp pulling eggs from their ears,
Whilst juggling Rainblugs, with eye blindfold donned,
He cycled a rope o’er a Crocalu pond,

When packed firm into a large cannon and shot,
He soared high through the air, soaring high in his heart,
The life of the party, the star of the show
But now he’s alone and with nowhere to go,

Sometimes pets pass by and battle ensues,
They down him in one for the treasure he spews,
Now and then he ends up with a face full of pie,
He isn’t sure how, he doesn’t know why, 

By the time he wipes off the custard’s excess,
The culprits have gone, leaving only their mess
“A Carnival of Terror!” they once exclaimed,
The only terror he knows is his terrible shame,

For he is the reason the lights are now dull,
The games are long gone, the rides remain still,
By using their love as a spring board for fame,
He toured all Neopia doing shows in his name,

For years and years he performed the same tricks,
‘Till pets became bored, interest no longer piqued,
Then one day now skint, he made his way home,
Expecting a warm and a hearty welcome,

Instead the old clown found the fairground gates closed,
Tickets strewn on the floor like a morbid repose
A sign on the railings; “We’re open no more,
Our best act has left, so we’ve shut our doors”

So now with just echos of laughter around
The Chia Clown wanders, clown face in a frown,
And if you approach in the dead of the night
You’ll see the clown Chia, alone and contrite.

The Jelly Chia
by jotagui

In the old abandoned factory on the hill,
There's a horror story that makes hearts chill.
A tale of a pet created by a man,
A pet that destroyed him, as part of its plan.

Jelly Chia, a creation so sweet,
A treat that makes all sweet-tooths meet,
But there's a darkness to this little pet,
A secret that one would live to regret.

Wizzle, the man who made this friend,
Wanted fame and money, until the very end.
He fed the Chia, read it stories so kind,
But little did he know what was in its mind.

As Wizzle's hunger grew too strong,
Jelly Chia knew that something was wrong.
With one swift move, it enveloped its maker,
Slowly dissolving him, a true horror faker.

Now Jelly Chia bounces around,
With a sinister grin and an eerie sound.
In the old factory, it haunts with Wizzle's screams,
The stuff of nightmares, or so it seems.

If you ever stumble upon that place,
Where Jelly Chia roams with a haunting grace,
Remember this warning, don't be a fool,
Or you might end up like Wizzle, consumed by this ghoul.

A Tale of Appetite and Isolation
by tangamandapiano

Florg's hunger was as boundless as space,
A Mutant Chia with a fearsome face,
With Dr. Sloth's experiments came his curse,
And he became known for his insatiable thirst.

Petpets were all he sought to devour,
To satisfy his endless appetite and power,
But his relentless hunger left him alone,
A tragic creature on his own.

He'd prowl the Space Station, seeking prey,
As his stomach rumbled day by day,
A creature feared and shunned by all,
Who watched in horror as he had his Petpet haul.

Despite his ruthless and dangerous plight,
Florg's hunger never quenched, try as he might,
A tragic creature he may be,
But in his misery, he deserves some sympathy.

Happy Chia Day
by lockedenigma

The skies don’t look too grey today
Neopets yell hip hip hooray
Little fruits and veggies laugh and play
That can only mean happy chia day

From the top of the mountain
To the Rainbow Fountain
There is no better sound than
Full mouths of chocolate opened up to say
This is the best, happy chia day

So let’s clown around 
have ice cream with Adee 
Put flowers down 
on Hubrid Nox’s grave
Keep Petpets away from the Mutant Chia
Go out on the town
we cant wait to see ya
Grab some Chia Pops then you may
Have yourself a happy Chia Day

The Onion That Won't Make You Cry
by _cherry_kisses_

If you’re looking for a new kind of onion,
one that will not make you cry,
why not give morphing and owning 
your very own Onion Chia a try?

Feed him a Magical Onion Chia Pop,
and watch the magic do all the rest.
You’ll find that this kind of onion
truly is the best of the best.

This is the kind of onion
you can take outside to play,
and even when you’re lonely,
by your side, he’ll always stay.

This is the kind of onion
you can dress up like a champ.
Remember each fun moment—
too bad there’s no Onion Chia stamp!

This is the kind of onion
you really must take home!
The onion that won’t make you cry—
the only one we’ve ever known!

Chia Day Joy: A Celebration of the Roundest Neopet
by amandacutepet

Chia Day is here, let's all rejoice,
And give a cheer, with one clear voice.
For Chias are great, with their round shape,
And we can't wait, to see them in their cape.

In the fields, they dance and play,
On this special day, of the Chia way.
Their colours shine, so bright and bold,
And their faces grin, never growing old.

We celebrate the Chia, one and all,
For they bring joy, when we feel small.
Their cheerful faces, never grow tired,
And their love for life, cannot be mired.

So let's take a moment, on this day,
To appreciate, the Chia's way.
They bring us laughter, and so much more,
And we'll love them, forevermore.

Happy Chia Day, to one and all,
Let's have a ball, big or small.
For the Chias are here, to bring us cheer,
And we'll love them, year after year.

A Spicy Pepper Chia Poem
by califorthehomeless

Pepper chia, Pepper Chia, how do we get you?
The lab ray, one of the only ways
To see how you do

A magical Chia pop may come your way
This is how you turn your Chia into one who plays
Fed to a chia only, or else it’s just gourmet

So why are they may favourite you might ask?
Red and spicy
Long and skinny
They don’t look like any other veggie

Fire breathing, never seething
They spice up Neopets
By being here with us!

If this ode hasn’t convinced you
I’m not sure what will!
A fun, spicy Neopet for us all!

A Different Dessert for Chocolate Chia Day
by tiriosh

Ice cream, ice cream,
Cherry on top
Time to steal some
From the shop!

'Nilla, hot fudge
Made it inside.
Now the dessert's
Got nowhere to hide!

Strawberry, butterscotch
What was that sound?
During this heist
I can't be found!

Mint chip, bubblegum,
Gotta go quick!
Dodging these scoops
I'm pretty slick.

Rainbow, tigersquash
Making my own route
How many more rounds
'Til I'm out?

Sprinkles, sugar cone
Prize achieved!
Safe with my treat
I'm so relieved!

Who needs Chocolate
When you're like me?
Ice cream's the best
So says Adee!

Igloo Garage Sale
by vanillastar12

“Petpets! Plushies! Books and stamps!”
Calls Mika the Chia with glee.
“There’s something here for everyone,
That is our guarantee!” 

“Look, Mika, see what I’ve found!”
Comes his partner Carassa’s shout.
“A bunch of birthday goodie bags -
That’s bound to please the crowd!”

Item by item, day by day,
The duo clear out their home.
“Here’s just too cold!” the two complain, 
“To warmer lands we’ll roam!”

It started as a humble sale,
But word soon spread through Neopia,
That up at Terror Mountain’s peak,
Was a deal hunter’s utopia!

“Just how much do you have in there?”
A customer wonders with awe. 
“It’s, errr, a lot! Don’t fret! There’s more!”
The Chias just hem and haw.

Indeed, despite how much they’ve sold,
More stuff always appears.
Who knows the extent of their hoard,
But with luck, they’ll move this year!

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