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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Lutari Day Special

Lutari Day!
by bittersweet52

Frolicking in the rivers
Floating towards the sea
Living out our best life
As a lovely Lutari

Sleek and sinuous, our bodies
Lithe and strong, our tails
The Faerie has wings so beautiful
The same colour as Faerie Kale

We're curious and playful
Although we may have low self-esteem
Please don't abandon us at the pound
Or we may never be redeemed

We love our friends and playmates
We cherish our Petpets so
The Lutra is a common choice
Or perhaps a Pepito?

It doesn't really matter
We'll love whatever you choose
We all just want a forever home
To stay and be your muse

You won't be disappointed
If you adopt a Lutari today
We'll have grand adventures together
Starting now, on Lutari Day!

Transmogrification of a Lutari
by rurirawr

Under the full moon
A Lutari waits
For the right time soon
To alter his traits
In his paw he grips
A weirdly shaped flask
Ready for a sip
He has but one task
To be born anew
He downs the potion
Bubbling liquid blue
Waiting for a reaction
He starts to feel warm
And his muscles grow
Arms and legs transform
And he hunches low
Claws sharp and long
Tail splits into two 
Now immensely strong
No way to subdue
His fur stands on end
Wild and unruly
He looks like a fiend
Much to his glee

Darien the Thief
by precious_katuch14

"Oh no, not him again!"
They say about Darien.
A Lutari who just won't quit,
Sharp of sight, sharp of wit.

For Fyora knows how long,
He's been trying to play along
With the Desert Scarabs,
Thinking it's in the bag.

By swiping a few coins,
Darien hopes he can join,
Be one with the scrappy thieves,
This he fervently believes.

But he still has to do more,
Earn bigger and bigger scores,
Pull off the greatest heists,
Scale the underworld heights. 

This Lutari waits and hopes,
Climbs the walls and ropes,
Selects an unwitting target,
With something valuable to get.

And then he reaches out,
But instead, he hits the snout
Of another Desert Scarab thief.
Imagine poor Darien's grief!

Lutari Wanderer
by agedbeauty

Today is Lutari Day
So let's pay homage to
A Lutari oft forgotten 
With no name for use by you

The Lutari Wanderer
Is an odd fellow
Quiet and withdrawn, 
You'll never hear him bellow

Is this Lutari a Robot
Or does he just look like one?
Is his demeanour shining true
Or is he actually lots of fun?

And what did he think of Gilly
And her Tale of Woe?
Did he find it sad or funny?
I guess it's not for us to know.

Regardless though, it's 
Still Lutari Day
So Lutari Wanderer - 
I wish you joy in every way!

Adopt a Lutari
by anotherblond07

Three cheers for Lutari Day!
What a way to celebrate an ordinary weekday.
On 19th of April be sure to set up an alarm,
because there's a chance to adopt this little charm

But you can't just barge into the pound,
demanding one of these lovable sprouts!
You'll need a bit of luck and determination,
They will be limited because they're on ration.

Keep an eye out on the boards they might blowup,
helpful Neopains will give everyone a heads up.
"Adopt a Lutari today!" they'll post in glee,
so quickly get one, two or maybe even three!

But don't think Lutari's are easily kept,
think twice before you accept.
Once they've settled in their new home,
be sure to have food, toys and a comb. 

Take good care of these creatures,
and their precious delicate features.
Because if you think about sending one to the pound,
they will run away, never to be found. 

Be a responsible owner and shower them with love, 
and they will reward you back above and beyond.
Grab your chance today, and today only!
Adopt that friend and you'll never be lonely.

Lhuvlee the Lutari
by patter_paws

Swimming through her watery home,
Followed by her Lutra friend,
Lhuvlee the Lutari loves to roam-
Fun together will never end!

They swim through seagrass, plants, and caves,
Finding lots of treasures!
Pretty rocks and fish among the waves,
Discovering all sorts of pleasures!

They swim all day long, until at last,
Their arms and legs grow weary.
"Can we go home?" the Lutra asks,
Her mood subdued, yet still quite cheery.

Lhuvlee gives her Lutra the biggest hug,
And a ride upon her strong back.
Soon tucked in, snug as a bug,
But not before a quick dinner snack!

They both drift off to restful peace,
On this beautiful warm Spring night.
In dreams, their adventures never cease,
Until they awaken in the morning light.

"Where would you like to go today?"
We're blessed with such beautiful weather!"
Her Lutra answers: "Whichever way!
I'm happy as long as we're together!"

Shenkuu's Goalkeeper
by ayakae

I stand on my end of the stadium
Watching the Yooyuball whizzing around
The blood rushing through my ears
Is blocking the crazed fans’ sounds

With each player’s move I tense
For one small misstep can be costly
I will do my best to protect my post
I’ll make sure no ball goes past me

I am Xana DiLanche the Lutari
The proud goalkeeper of Shenkuu
Though not as bulky as a Skeith or Jetsam
There is absolutely nothing I cannot do!

I use my flexible body to move around quick
I block the balls with my strong hands in mitts
And with my swishy tail and my gorgeous hair
I look absolutely gorgeous while doing it!

A Yooyuball is now careening towards me,
But I know that everything will be okay,
And, indeed, I block the ball successfully
“Not this time, or ever!” I cheekily say

The fans on the bleachers go crazy,
And my teammates give me bright grins
This sense of accomplishment I feel
Is why I refuse to let the ball in

So don’t you ever underestimate me,
My inspirations are my team and my fans
I am the trusty goalkeeper of Shenkuu
I am the amazing Xana DiLanche

Happy Lutari Stamp
by roxanna203

There is a little rumour around the mill,
A stamp that has magical effects until,
Its transferred from different owners,
Gathering the immersible exposure.

What is the name of this magical stamp?
Happy Lutari, an item known as a champ!
It brings happiness to anyone that holds,
Incredible power that this stamps unfolds!

No one knew how this stamp came to be,
One thing is clear is that it's not free,
Inflation increases - prices sky rocket!
It is not for those of shallow pockets.

This Happy Lutari Stamp has to be shared,
Thankfully TNT was well ahead prepared,
And made many for all the Neopians galore,
Before an all out-cry battle began of war!

Mr. Chipper's Ice Cream Cart
by therainbowsheep

Mr. Chipper greets all with a wave,
Knowing it is ice cream we crave.
His shop offers delicious flavours,
Created for all to savour!

But Neopoints won't get you far,
From his shop you will be barred.
Only Ice Cream Coupons will work,
Complete Snow Faerie quests for the perk.

Coupons of blue, green or pink -
Exchanged with a smile and a wink.
Be it vanilla or chocolate chip,
The ice cream is not to be skipped!

For Mr. Chipper has dedicated his heart,
To his special ice cream cart!
No matter if cup or cone,
Equal craft and care is shown.

Mr. Chipper is as friendly and sweet,
As his famous frozen treats!
The kindest Lutari you'll meet,
His business is quite the feat.

The Runaway Lutari
by i_lovee_icecream

It is Lutari Day,
And mine has run away.
We went past the pound,
He’s nowhere to be found.

It is Lutari Day,
Now it’s time to play!
Come back home,
Don’t be alone!

My Lutari is very sorry,
For making me worry.
He really did think,
That I left him to sink.
To drown in his sorrows,
Without me tomorrow.
But I’d never leave him,
That would be too grim.

It is Lutari Day,
Us owners, here to stay.
Lutaris do not fret,
You are loved yet.

It is Lutari Day,
Let us be gay!
Share a hug and kiss,
Without it, you’d be remiss!

Song of the Lutari
by lindapenelope

In the crystal-clear waters of Kiko Lake,
Or in a cryptic Island where pebbles gleam,
You’ll see a playful creature with a furry coat,
A small Lutari, with a joyous and buoyant float.

Like a Baby Blu it has a curious nose,
The Lutari frolics wherever it goes,
Diving deep to hunt for treasures,
Or lazing in the sun just to look precious.

Swimming off into the blue yonder,
the small Lutari still wonders:
Will ever this stream end one day?
Is that when my song is going to be heard?

With a heart full of love and a spirit so free,
Lutaris like this live in perfect harmony,
A reminder of the beauty of Neopia,
and a symbol of joy and pure pleasure.

So, if you ever find yourself near the stream,
Listen closely, and you’ll hear this Lutari's theme:
A song of love and pure delight,
That will lift your spirits and brighten your sight!

Rainbow Lutari Cone
by parody_ham

On a hot summer’s day
This ice cream is a treat.
So, buy one today,
And you’ll surely beat the heat!

A rainbow swirl atop
This curling sugar cone,
Each bite more delicious
Than one lick is alone!

Purple taro on the bottom
Green apple right above
With a yellow flavour hiding
Between orange that you’ll love!

And to make the cone complete
Is a cherry red and bright
A sugary concoction 
That’ll make dessert just right!

The Rainbow Lutari Cone
Is the right choice for you
On a hot summer’s day
With one bite you won’t be blue!

Mr Chipper's Ice Cream Cart
by vanillastar12

Let me tell the tale of how
I moved to Happy Valley.
It’s not too grand a tale to tell,
But it’s a happy story!

Back in Year 6 I bade farewell
To the sunny shores of home.
Lutari Isle was just too warm,
So I left for the unknown!

I set forth on my journey new,
With but a dream in mind.
I traveled far and wide until
I found a land sublime!

A valley nestled in the hills,
A winter wonderland.
I knew at once that I had found,
The new life I had planned!

I started up my ice cream cart,
Serving up all flavours fine.
Toffee, chocolate, bubble gum,
And rocky road divine!

I even have a special scoop
Not for the faint of heart…
Have you tried my fish ice cream?
It’s quite a work of art.

So if you’re ever in the area,
Drop by to say hello!
Try out an icy scoop or two,
And watch your troubles go.

It’s time to return to my shop,
Talking has been a pleasure.
And if you want to find my cart,
Just ask for Mr Chipper!

Mr. Chipper the Lutari's Ice Cream
by pixie_tea

Why not stop by the Ice Cream Cart?
I have a special shop in Happy Valley in Terror Mountain that'll win your heart!
My name is Mr. Chipper the Blue Lutari,
And I operate this shop that sells nine various varieties of ice cream as you can see.

April 19th every year is Lutari Day,
You can celebrate this holiday by purchasing an ice cream from my shop, here's how to pay:
Different from most shops, the Ice Cream Cart does not accept dubloons or neopoints,
I only accept ice cream tokens as payment which is so much easier on the joints.

Ice cream tokens can only be purchased in Neopia from other users,
Or you can get them from Taelia by doing her quests--- you decide how to obtain them since you're one of the choosers.
So, what do you say?
Once you have the ice cream tokens, show your support to the Lutaris by stopping by the Ice Cream Cart today!

By stopping by, you get to meet me, Mr. Chipper, the first Lutari to appear on Neopets,
If you don't come, you'll have regrets...
Because my ice cream is so yummy,
Like no other ice cream you've ever tried that once you try it, gratitude will come from your tummy.

The Haunting of Lutari Island
by jotagui

Lutari Island, dark and forlorn,
A mystery shrouded, tattered and torn.
It floats on waves, elusive and sly,
Never in the same place, always awry.

Neopia's oceans, it roams with grace,
A wanderer lost in a stormy space.
But now, a tempest rages with might,
Whirlpools, water spouts, and thunderous fright.

The island's abandoned, devoid of life,
No Neopets dare to face the strife.
The sea creatures flee, afraid to stay,
As darkness descends, casting its sway.

What happened to Lutari's charm?
Why does it now feel eerie and alarm?
Legends whisper of a hidden tale,
Of curses and ghosts that do prevail.

Some say the island is cursed,
A place of haunting where souls are immersed.
The storm that rages, a warning dire,
To stay away, to not inquire.

But curiosity beckons still,
Drawing the brave, against their will.
They hear strange whispers in the night,
And see shadows lurking, a haunting sight.

The abandoned shores, once filled with cheer,
Now echo with whispers of fear.
What secrets lie within the mist,
Of Lutari Island, a darkened tryst?

No one knows, for none have returned,
Those who dared have all been spurned.
The island floats, a mysterious haze,
A riddle unsolved in Neopia's maze.

So beware, adventurers bold,
Lutari Island's story untold.
For it floats, elusive and dire,
A mystery lost in the storm's ire.

The Disco Lutari
by truebrony

The Disco Lutari
Loves to have fun!
He does a cool dance
In the shimmering sun!

Under the disco,
In the cool night,
Or out and about
In the bright blue daylight!

The Disco Lutari
Will dance anywhere!
Just give him a chance
And he’s always prepared!

He rocks back and forth,
He sways to and fro,
His gold chain swings
With his orange afro!

The Disco Lutari
Is really a pro!
Just look at him move,
Just look at him go!

The Disco Lutari: A Groovy, Vivid Dancer
by _brainchild_

The Disco Lutari is sure to delight,
With colours and patterns so lively and bright.
This creature so groovy will surely enthral
O'er the dance lights---he's really the best of them all.

From sky blue, pink, green, yellow, and afro so bold
Of orange hue, he's flamboyant, from what I've been told.
Flowers so energetic adorn limbs and tail.
These look awesome, with such fine, painstaking detail!

Golden necklace is shiny o'er strobe lights. Is it
A piece so genuine, or a cheap counterfeit?
The Lutari, when asked, has remained quite tight-lipped.
Well, regardless, this fashion wear looks rather hip!

This Lutari Day, if you seek friend of bright hue,
Lovely Disco Lutari is waiting for you.
He is perfect in style and his lessons of dance;
Perhaps he can teach you stellar ways you can prance.

Lutari Day!
by imagic89

In fields of green and streams so clear,
A lutari frolics without any fear. 
On this day we celebrate their kind, 
With joyous laughter, may they be enshrined.

Fur as soft as a cool summer breeze,
Eyes that twinkle with mischievous glee.
The lutari dances in the sun,
Their spirit free, having boundless fun.

They chase their tails and play with toys,
And find delight in the simple joys.
On lutari Day, we sing their praise,
And marvel at their playful ways.

So here's to lutari, so sweet and bright,
May their spirit shine ever so bright!
We celebrate their unique allure,
And the jubilation they bring to Neopia!

The Lutari Inventor of Confusionator - Dr. Landelbrot
by xlorally

Random events,
The banned of all things Neopians,
Some loved them,
Some detested them.

Uncanny as it is,
Consistently baffling,
As it might be stupendous,
Or superfluous at best.

Invariably mysteriously appeared,
Surprising the unexpected,
Rewarding, infuriating,
Or simply passing a Neopian.

Fired by a machine,
Invented by a centuries-old scientist,
Trust in balancing order with chaos,
For Neopia to keep flourishing.

Dr. Landelbrot is the name,
Staple in Cog Stew and Ionised Onions,
Aboard the Coincidence, orbiting space, 
To maintain the mechanism.

Once malfunction, chaos transpired,
Sending Neopia to turmoil,
Alas, with support from Neopians,
To thrive again, Neopia will be.

The Ballad of Tom Cotterpin
by barnowl42

Of Lutari, one could name few more brave 
Or more deserving of the praise of the king 
Than Cotterpin, of the Seeker enclave  

Rather than stay safe in water or wave 
From metal and gearshafts he fashioned his wings 
Of Lutari, one could name few more brave 

When the race began, the Obelisk to save 
Few were more eager to throw hat in the ring 
Than Cotterpin, of the Seeker enclave 

When building the airship looked a close shave 
He went right work he went with gear, leather, and springs 
Of Lutari, one could name few more brave 

When battle began, he never would cave 
None fought more fiercely with roundabouts and swings 
Than Cotterpin, of the Seeker enclave  

With strife over, gifts the Oracle gave 
But knowledge he valued over those things: 
Of Lutari, one could name few more brave 
Than Cotterpin, of the Seeker enclave

Lutari Knight
by fourin

This brave Meridell warrior
Our noble Lutari Knight
His journey shall take him yonder
On his virtuous path of light

For the glory of Skarl the King
Defending his regal name
Farmers, knights, all would sing
Fair and just is his reign

With helm of plated steel
Atop his head it rests
A torso bound by chainmail
Protects him on his quests

Stately honed and forged blade
By great smiths of the era
Sheathed upon a belt of suede
Made of fine crafted leather

Proudly does he sport the crest
Of a noble kingdom renowned
Upon both his cape and chest
Boasts a heraldic red crown

His tenure as a kingdom guardian
Includes smiting wicked foes
Assisting townsfolk and then
Training to keep him on his toes

The kingdom shall indeed prosper
For inspiration do you invite
Thank you, dear Meridell warrior
Our fearless Lutari Knight

Lutari Day - Mr. Chipper's Ice Cream Cart
by lucent_singularity

In the mood for a treat so sweet?
I know a Lutari who can't be beat!
Visit Mr. Chipper for the best ice cream,
Delicious flavours - like a dream.

If you want a scoop head to Happy Valley,
Mr. Chipper is quite busy so don't dilly-dally.
His cart is located next to the Slushie Slop,
and next to the ice rink where you can see others plop.

Ready to order? Not so fast! This shop is unique,
As Neopoints are not what Mr. Chipper does seek.
He only accepts a blue, green, or pink ice cream coupon,
Hurry and get one before his ice cream is gone!

Go visit Taelia to be sent on a quest,
You may receive a coupon if she is impressed.
Once you return with the items she needs,
Taelia may gift you with a coupon for your deeds.

Receiving a coupon from Taelia is rare,
Don't worry there is an alternative I can share,
Other players can trade their coupons away,
Now that you have one you can be on your way.

Return to Mr. Chipper with your coupon in hand,
And get ready for the best ice cream in the land.
Just state politely, "One scoop of ice cream please!"
Enjoy your treat and try not to get a brain-freeze!

All Aboard the Coincidence
by swellride

There once was a wise green Lutari,
Whose Random Events were quite scary,
He summoned Neopians,
To his ship, The Coincidence,
Which was said to be quite legendary.

Dr. Landelbrot was his name,
And his Random Events brought fame,
With his Petpet Scintilly,
Who was often quite silly,
They would always bring joy to the game.

His machine was truly one of a kind,
With some risks that you had to bear in mind,
But with lottery tickets,
And rare petpetpets,
The rewards were simply divine.

To fix his machine, he'd ask for some aid,
Cheap items that users were happy to trade,
But the wait till next day,
Seemed like quite a delay,
For Neopians who sought to get paid.

So if you're feeling adventurous today,
And want a new Random Event to play,
You can visit the ship,
On a wonderful trip,
With Dr. Landelbrot leading the way!

Lutari Day
by bartdrunkeys

Of all the pets that roam Neopia's lands,
A Lutari's grace, unparalleled stands,
With fur that's sleek, a coat so bright and fine,
Their beauty's unmatched, a treasure to find.

They glide through water, swift as a breeze,
With playful leaps, they dance with such ease,
Their tails trailing behind like a sail,
Their sleek forms agile, without fail.

Their eyes, so bright, reflect the sky's hue,
A glimmering gaze, both deep and true,
They're social creatures, friendly and kind,
With playful nature, they're sure to find

A special place in Neopia's heart,
For Lutari's charm, a work of art,
A unique pet, both rare and divine,
A jewel of Neopia's grand design.

So, let's celebrate the Lutari's grace,
A stunning pet that brightens our space,
With elegance and charm, they do enthral,
Neopia's jewel, the beloved Lutari's call.

Beneath Lutari Island's Waves
by blackoutara

In Neopia's vast oceans, a tale to be told,
Of Lutari Island, a land bright and bold.
A world filled with wonder, under the sea,
Where Lutaris frolic, in joy and with glee.

A journey awaits us, to waters pristine,
Where corals and creatures form a magical scene.
As we dive down together, our spirits ignite,
Exploring the depths, in Lutari's delight.

Graceful and agile, these otter-like friends,
Lead us through caverns where beauty transcends.
A dance through the water, with laughter and cheer,
A marvelous adventure, as Lutaris draw near.

Through coral forests, in shades of all hues,
We swim with the Lutaris, entranced by the views.
Mysterious shipwrecks, and treasures untold,
Await in the depths, their stories unfold.

In this watery haven, we cherish our time,
With playful Lutaris, their energy prime.
We twirl and we dive, as one with the sea,
In the realm of Lutari Island, forever free.

As we surface once more, our hearts filled with glee,
We thank the Lutaris for sharing their sea.
A memory etched deep, of that magical place,
Where Lutaris swim, in beauty and grace.

Total Poetry Pages : 2730

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