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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 43 > Articles > Feeding Your Pet in Style

Feeding Your Pet in Style

by bart_simpson_fan

NEOPIA CENTRAL - Mainly all of the food related articles in The Neopian Times are about how to feed your pet cheaply, or for free. Sure, those methods fill up your pet, but there needs to be some planning to a meal. This article is a guide to feeding your pet cheaply and in style.

Turning Omelettes into a Full Scale Meal

How would you feel if your surrogate parent came up to you and said, "Here, eat whatever is lying around. We've got an omelette, some dried prunes, and a can of baked beans. That meal has no style whatsoever. Whenever I am saving up for something and my pets are eating mostly omelettes, I take about 200 Neopoints out of the bank and buy each of them some milk, orange juice, or fruit to eat with their omelette. What if you can't spare 200 NP? Get your fruits and such from the Fruit Machine, or Dice-A-Roo! One time when I was playing Dice-A-Roo, I won Chicken, Meatless Meatballs, a Bottle of Water, a Sausage and Cheese Roll, and Cherries all in one go. If that doesn't work out, go to the Soup Kitchen. When I first joined up with Neopets, I gave my pet half an omelette per day and whatever soup they were dishing out. A Plain Omelette goes very well with Mulligatawny Soup, I'm told.

Meal Planning for the Well to Do

However, if you're rich, or even just middle class, don't be a cheapskate! Donate your omelettes to the Money Tree and get your pets a creative, special meal.

Food is best when it suits the occasion. For instance, after a nice summer day in the park, feed your pets a Hot Dog or Sausage Wrap with fruit or Neocola on the side. (The rich can elaborate on that by maybe getting a fancy hot dog, like a Lemon Guacamole Dog or a Triple Dog.) If your pet has just taken a trip to the Art Gallery, reward it with a Fresh Baguette, some Potato and Sweetcorn Soup, and some nice coffee or tea.

Another way to theme your pets' diets are by species and colour. If you have a Tyrannian pet, grace it with a Bronto Bite or a Spore Blossom. A Faerie pet, I'm sure, would love some Fruity Faerie Fingers or a Faerie Queen Burrito. Since Scorchios are fiery creatures, chances are that they'd like some Flaming Hot food or a Flaming Bomberry. Bruces would probably enjoy some Fishy Nibbles or Sushi Rolls. Get the picture?

Foods for the Holidays

Every year before Christmas, I save up about 15,000 NP to spend on my two pets. I buy them about 10 presents each, and then spend the rest on Christmas dinner. Here is what each of my pets had last Christmas:

Beverage: Flaming Bomberry or Snowberry Tea
Appetizer: Golden Juppie
Second Course: Asparagus
Third Course: Deviled Neggs
Entrée: Sweet Ham and Fruit
Dessert: Tropicolor or Mocha Mint Cake

Even if you don't have enough money for that much food, you can probably still afford a Turkey Dinner with Strawberry Shortcake on the side, or at least a Christmas treat from the Advent Calendar.

So don't spend 50,000 NP on that Double Cream Sponge Cake, but don't feed your pets solely on omelettes or Tombola food. Whether you're rich or poor, your pets still deserve a delicious, well planned meal. Hopefully, this article has given you a few tips on how to make that possible.

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