Your questions answered!
Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the
Editorial section.
Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets,
so keep checking back to stay updated.
Sprung Up Again!
Don't call it a comeback, because the Rainbow Fountain is back but only for a limited time. Rumour has it that Neopians from as far as Krawk Island are lining up to get a little colour in their lives. Make sure you get your Fountain Pass today! You might even want to get two or three.... Someone's Feeling Hungry
Tired of Neopians not finishing his quest, the Esophagor has entered the Battledome. He is primed and ready, not to mention a bit slimey and smelly, to battle any pet that thinks it's worthy. Be warned, though, he is starving for a good fight, so bring everything that you've got or he'll eat your pet alive!
The Neo-Market ReportJoining Neil and Maria this week will be Evrick Covendorr, Director of The Chia Actor
Another Year Older
Another year wiser.... On the 15th of Storing, NeoPets turned a whopping two years old. The staff celebrated by eating bowls of Toenail Soup, a few thousand Pork Snouts, and a couple hundred bowls of Snorkle Pudding. A few hours into the party, Wolverine went looking for his trusty bottle of Flat-u-less Tablets. All in all, the party was a gas. Guild SpotlightFor entries into guild spotlight:
The Ummagine Guild - Do you love Ummagines? Want the latest scoop on newest Ummagine items? If you do, then this is the place for you! Help spread the word about Ummagines at the one and only Ummagine Guild!
The Ultimate Petpet Guild! - They're small, they're cute, and they can't talk properly, but everyone has one or two or three! Do you want to know why? Find out everything and more, plus some of this and that and a little of you know what.
Faeries Up Front (F.U.P) - Looking for a sharing, caring, friendly guild with active, devoted members who are always around to help out or just have a friendly chat? Well, look no further! Don't let this be your last chance to join one of the coolest guilds around.
Very Smoothie!
This week's issue is brought to you by:
Super Smoothies
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