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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 32 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

The Dreaded Makeover

Neopia is a world that is constantly changing. It just takes one look at the news page to realise that fact. Most of the time, change is a good thing. After all, without change, we wouldn't have any new worlds to explore, games to play, or pets to adopt. If Neopia always stayed the same, it would probably be a pretty boring place... more>>

Restocks! Restox! Re-Stocks!

So you may wonder, where do all of these Neo-Millionaires get all of their NP? Playing NeoPets games 24/7? Lucky random events all of the time? The elite Neopian makes their money off of good shop restocks... more>>

Looking to get caught up on all the week's events? Headlining this latest installment of The Neopian News Brief are Hidden Tower artifacts, Highland Chia items, and turmoil in the stock market. Get the scoop here.

Yuck! I'm Not Eating One Of Those!

During my first week or so on NeoPets, I obtained a Strawberry and Cream Fish Pop from the Igloo Garage Sale. Like the ignorant Newbie I was, I thought it would make a nice treat for my young Bruce. After all, Bruces are like penguins, and penguins love fish, right? In my eagerness to feed my pet, I failed to notice the words "Gross Food"... more>>

Other Stories

"The Chia Lupe" by gentle_lil_queen - Malist woke up as a new-born Lupe pup. He was blue and had a yellow birthmark shaped as a Chia. He looked at his father Chanalmist and his mother... more>>

"Oputuk and Cumulo: Fraidy Fred and His Fear" by blueberry13579 - "Fraidy, I really don't understand this fear," Oputuk said to his Lupe friend, 'Fraidy Fred'. That wasn't his real name, his real name was just, well, Fred... more>>

"The Great Omelette Struggle" by ingvee007 - You all know of the omelette on the Tyrannian Plateau, but there was a time when its availability to Neopians was threatened. This happened long ago... more>>

Cold Spell's Comin'
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Snow Faerie's Quest

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

The latest paint brush brought to you by Neo-Nuts.

by dannie_b

Dr. Sloth's Bad Idea
What does this say about the Tonu?

by gamma724

To her great surprise, this room was filled with items. Stacks of food, piles of plushies, Battlecards and Neocards loosely clumped together.

by tklotl

Little Neopia
Presents "Dr_Death meets Rose"

by starluck

All Hail Useful Asparagus
So what's the deal with NeoPets and Asparagus? Maybe it's some type of ray gun that Fuzzles are going to use to take over the world!!!

by moejoe_17

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