by child_dragon
I stifled a cry of outrage. She was normal; she wouldn't fight me under her own will power and I knew that.
by fire_faerie_8080
"That's insane! No one can ever defeat me!" Aries shouted.
by yugo149
"Abandoned? Me?" Kallisari tried to turn around.
by scriptfox
The three pirates rushed quickly into the Desert Fruit Stall, and bought several tasty desert fruit, as well as some fresh toast.
by xyvandar
"I'll vouch for that," groaned the Kyrii, clambering off the floor. "Hey
by deadly_dreamer
Needless to say, the flight up to Faerieland was VERY unnerving for the both of us.
by alkuna
"Who... did... that...?" Ryo faintly asked. Ryo looked up to a see a boy and his fire Shoyru standing high atop a support beam.
by gundamblaze
"Whoa, slow down there buddy!"
by wubba_flub_the_alian
By eleven o'clock all three friends were sound asleep. Angel had been given room 121, and she was dreaming a wonderful dream.
by jenjen26785
"I am at your service princess Laiondite," Corinth said bowing.
by meratocat
by silverkitty_8
by berriez123
by conundrumsolver
by lunabeach
by candy_cat_77
by championferret