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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 43 > Articles > Baby Neopets: My Take On the Debate

Baby Neopets: My Take On the Debate

by gryphonsong

I think LoveChargoun has too much fun with this...

RAINBOW POOL - After reading all of the articles from Week 41-42 of the Neopian Times, I've finally come to a conclusion. So many people are against and for this new paint brush, and people are fighting and saying 'My way is right, yours is wrong!' Well, my idea of it is that some pets just couldn't cut it being baby.

Recently, my friend, SPACEUNKNOWN2000 was painted from blue to baby. Something I still can't quite comprehend. He's got statistics far better than mine, and I'm mutant, he's a Battledome champ, and a master genius. Does he look like a master genius and a Battledome champ? No, but after a while of struggling with having half as many teeth as before, he sure sounds like one. He doesn't really mind, I think he rather enjoys it.

What about me? This is supposed to be my take on things. If it were I being painted baby, I'd shove the paintbrush down GryphonSong's throat. (Thanks, Chargoun) I personally like being mutant, and I like talking with all my teeth in my mouth. Sure, GryphonSong has a harder time drawing mutant Lupes than babies, but I'm not exactly the Beauty Contest type. I wouldn't be able to take the change. Sure, I think that baby Lupes are cute, sickeningly cute, but cute all the same, but I love my colour, not to mention that we went broke getting the darn potion to colour me. (Broke as in, after that server error a month ago, I was left with nothing but one rare item which I traded with all the NP I won in games just to colour Chargoun since I neglected him so much. Food? Soup Kitchen, here we come!) She's not going to go broke again just to make me a sickeningly cute ball of fluff that she can draw. (Can I draw you as a cute ball of fluff anyway?) (Stop interrupting!) (Sorry)

"People underestimate me in the Battledome a lot, which is both annoying and good. I don't like the fact, however, that I'm nearly one year old and I look as if I just came from Create-A-Pet. But then again, the paintbrush has given me a lot more energy, for some reason, then when I was just blue. I find it a bit embarrassing, though, when I start chasing butterflies without really noticing." SPACEUNKNOWN2000 stated. He does enjoy being baby, but it does have its downsides.

Some pets are good with being baby, others, like myself, would never be able to take it. Of course, all owners in Neopia are screaming and scrambling to get their pets painted to be an adorable baby Neopet. All pets have a personality; if you've given your pet once, think about it before painting your pet such a colour If you think that your pet is adult and sophisticated, don't paint them baby. Unless of course your pet wants to be baby, then you should paint them that if you have enough NP to afford it. Don't just paint your pet because you think the new colour is just too cute or you want to show off your wealth, you should treat your Neopets as if they're real, just don't get as into it as GryphonSong where -DELETED. Think of it as puppies. Dog puppies in the real world may look cute, but believe you me, they're lethal little buggers. How would you like to make your dog, who loves to play but isn't going to attack you and bite the life out of you, back into a teething puppy? It's the same with Neopets!

Please do not send me hate mail. This is all in Chargoun and my opinion and we tried to look at both sides of the issue. I think that the baby Neopets are cute, but I don't think I'd paint any of my pets that colour--I like them the way they are and they don't have to be cuddly little fluff-heads just to make me like them. I personally think that Chargoun, a mutant Lupe, is far cuter than a baby Lupe. And--

We're sorry. GryphonSong cannot come back to the article; she is currently being mauled by her Lupe. Leave a message after the dots...

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