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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 97 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Here's to YOU!

The Neopian Times is known for it’s great articles, stories, comics, and series, written by many talented people. Just as important, however, are the readers of the NT. Often, I’ve wondered about the readers of the Times and how much they impact the authors and artists... more>>

Bubbling Pith

There are several mysterious things happening lately in Maraqua. I know that this is true because one is actually called the "Mysterious Statue", so that is kind of a dead giveaway. I was really curious about this microscopic blob in the bottom of the ocean. It seemed like such a small thing to cause such a riot of speculation throughout all of Neopia... more>>

Our top stories this week include the discovery of Maraquan Aishas, the return of the Rainbow Fountain, a trio of fantastic furniture sets, this year's Acara Day festivities, and the mysterious reappearance of all those missing Petpets. Read all about it here.

Human Nurture

Neopia is a wonderfully diverse world filled with many different strange and interesting species, perhaps the strangest and most interesting of which is the human. Since their first mysterious appearance in our world a few years ago, humans have multiplied like Snowbunnies, and seem to have made themselves a permanent presence in Neopia... more>>

Other Stories

"The Case of the Missing Petpets" by beatlechic03 - Judge Hog sat at his desk, worried lines all over his face, the latest issue of the Neopian Times in front of him. He read the headline on the front page again… “Petpets Missing… Malkus Vile Suspected."...more>>

"Swamped with Seaweed" by apparent - For the past twenty minutes, Krawker had been drowned in a boring speech given to him by his owner due to the mess of water present within the kitchen and the bathroom... more>>

"Padded Walls" by ladyfire626 - Zeus the Fangy carefully laid himself down in the sun to nap. His old body ached, tired from doing chores for his owner Sable... more>>

Sink Your Teeth Into a Good Story
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Book Shop

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

The Lost Acara: Part Two
"Kacha," Sicho smiled. "I found her this morning when I was walking. She doesn't have a home..."

by smileyface12_5690

"Revenge of the lab pets"

by quiiner

Slice of Life
Artisan Special Case Docket P-13453

by tahara69

An Insiders look at the Petpet Protection League
Not bad in my opinion, just keeping a virtually useless Petpet for a year could bring you a decent sum of Neopoints and perhaps even a coveted trophy.

by gohan21357

Giving & Co.
Always the victim of cruel jokes...

by random_joy

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