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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 92 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

NP--Not All That

NP is the number-one thing most Neopians want. Plain and simple. I'd like to make that sentence more interesting, but there's no way around it--that's what they want. But the question is, why. Why do they want it?... more>>

Maybe NOW They'll Notice Me!

Have you ever racked your brains just to find the right way to advertise for your 10-members guild, or that auction that has only one hour left but yet no one has seen it? Being in the advertisement sector for quite some time now, I'm here to give some tips on advertising... more>>

Top stories this week include Koi Day, more NeoQuest stamps, and Sidney the scratchcard salesman enters the Battledome. Read all about it here.

Petpets Love Puddles

You see tons of articles on regular pet paint brushes yet only a few on petpet ones. With the amount of brushes coming out, changes in prices, and more petpets being able to be painted, Petpets paint brushes are quickly becoming more popular and more common... more>>

Other Stories

"On the Edge of a Dream" by theeaterofworlds - On this beach a small form was laying in sleep. She lashed her tail back and forth as she dreamt pleasant dreams.... more>>

"The Lonely Grarrl" by beau_lis - Gordan, the green Grarrl, stood by the fence watching the other pets play ball in the park’s field. Today was Thursday and it is their weekly outing from the Neopian Pound... more>>

"Stone Roses" by ladyfire626 - Being the younger sister of the most beautiful Zafara in their small southern town, Azure didn't receive much attention. This pet, however, was different from the rest... more>>

I Make This Look GOOD!
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Beauty Contest

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Got Neo?
What about my room?

by mochi_cannon

Saving Time: Part Two
Was Chardiye missing time? It seemed to the Eyrie that it would be dreadfully annoying to keep a watch that took you back in time every time you wanted to correct the time it told you.

by bekalou

Tiira_Misu's Noisy Night
Suddenly, as Tiira_Misu was still sitting cozily by the fire, a loud combination of cheers and music erupted from the window.

by peachifruit

This is why Neopets don't drive cars.

by meowth4

Fighting Fire With Flames
I had been thinking of a way to try to beat the Lava Ghoul. We couldn't attack him directly, like Mira did, or else we'd be looking at a lot of burns.

by teghan62

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