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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 26th day of Swimming, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 80 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Overdone Shops

The other day, I was searching for some clockwork Quiggles to add to the clockwork Quiggle count of my Quiggle gallery. Well, let me tell you this-it's not fun going to a shop, waiting 5 minutes for it to load (over an extremely clear, fast DSL cable modem), and searching through the dark background for an item worth no more than 30 NP... more>>

Neofriends: Why Have Them?

People have Neofriends for many different reasons. Sometimes it's because of the amount of trophies the person has, or their popularity on Neopets; sometimes the person playing Neopets is a friend in real life too... more>>

Headlines this week include Grand Theft Ummagine, The Castle of Eliv Thade, and two new plushies coming to Limited Too! Read all about it here.

Great Pet Lookups

So you've got your -own- lookup. It's special to you, and made so no one can take it. Maybe you made the background yourself, maybe the entire thing yourself, or maybe you worked off of a template. However you made your lookup, you're probably satisfied with it by now, or perhaps you're still experimenting... more>>

Other Stories

"A Very Aisha Surprise" by squieshie - "Why do I have to go to the 'Secret Lab' with you and rayneboery today?" I complained to my owner, squieshie... more>>

"The Cheese Caper" by terrabondayle - Soft clangs and clatters came from the kitchen as Hoofgang _Moozart_ rummaged through the fridge almost desperately... more>>

"A Faerie Assignment" by sablebrock - It was common knowledge to all young faeries that, be they of Air, Water, Earth, Fire; Light or Darkness, each one of them had to perform a specific task if they wanted to become full-fledged faeries... more>>

Thade's Castle
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Castle of Eliv Thade

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Of War and Amulets
Shayena looked at the Shoyru and then ran to her, "You're alright!" As she stopped at the bed her eyes opened wide and she backed up. "You're Jadestone! I-I thought your fur had changed colour from the cold!..."

by yellowyoshi749

The Cheese Caper
He shook the board but no cheese came tumbling down the hatch. He opened his eyes anxiously, and screamed.

by terrabondayle

Confrontation With the Esophagor
"Uggggg…" the Esophagor grumbled as he very slowly rose from his laying position on the ground, his red eyes glowing curiously towards the three others present before him.

by apparent

A Faerie Assignment
The infamous Faerie-poaching Lupe known as Balthazar also liked to roam in the Haunted Forest, albeit for a more sinister reason - capturing faeries.

by sablebrock

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