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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 146 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Tough Times With The Times

I am not going to be one of those preachy ‘how to get into the Neopian Times’ articles. Instead I’m going to guarantee you rejection. Yes, you heard me! The art of rejection. I was inspired to write this article by all the authors and artists who have not been published in the Neopian Times... more>>

Don't Get Sick Now

Any Neopet can get Neomonia, in several ways. Your unlucky little pet might get Neomonia by going to the Wheel of Monotony, possibly the Wheel of Mediocrity, and even the famous Wheel of Excitement. It can also happen through the form of a random event. You’d best not wander around Neopia too long, because Neomonia is probably contagious!... more>>

Making Hannah Suffer

Sure, you've tried to get into the Pirate Cave Spotlight, make a really difficult yet fun cave, but it never seams to work. Well, when you want to make a cave you might want to use this handy guide in the process. From the essentials to the finishing touches, once you read this you should be able to make one awesome cave!!!... more>>

Other Stories

"Sisterly Love" by shimmering_aurora - "You always start it! Every single time you start it, and I receive the blame."... more>>

"The Dark Faerie's Gift" by laurensama - He had endured another despicable day, one which he longed to forget... more>>

"Young Faeries of Neopia: Fyora" by cruzerchic123 - "Oh, look," an Air Faerie called out. "Here comes Fyora, petite and so weird!"... more>>

He's a Scream!
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Castle of Eliv Thade

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Rainy Days: Part Seven
"This is what we do," she murmured, "with your permission, Payne."

by child_dragon

Not Just Another Faerie Tale: Lightened
I am Hadaerea, the Light Faerie--one of the most popular faeries here at the Faerie Academy. As old as it may be, this school taught Fyora, the current faerie queen, which makes it quite admired.

by tennisblondie16

The Rebellion of the Alien Aishas II: Part Two
Everyone on bridge looked at the giant metal object. "Do you think it'll attack us?" asked Jublgurp.

by nindail

Crestfallen Resonance
50 NP goes to whoever knows what 'Crestfallen Resonance' means.

by theunorthodox

Lost and Found: Part Five
"Balthazar… Leave at once. Else you shall meet the retribution you are owed for all the faeries you have taken captive," Fyora warned.

by the_wanderer128

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