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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 112 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Occupational Hazard?

Hi! I’m Doctor Sloth! You may remember me from such articles as ‘Ask ‘Dr’ Sloth: The Doctor Is In!” in the Neopian Times and also ‘Flatulence 101’ in the Neopian Evil Villain Doctor’s Medical Journal. Oooo... while I have your attention, I reckon this is the perfect opportunity for yet another plug and more shameless advertising! Well you know where to find the Neopian Times, I assume since you are reading it right now... more>>

A Hand Up, or a Handout?

Imagine walking down a dusty street. It could even be a clean street -- I'm just trying to set a mood here. On this street, the market traders are everywhere. They try to sell you this and that, haggling and shouting. But they sell to all the yous BUT you. You aren't on their radar. You are a street rat. You have no money, no credibility, and most importantly, you have a pointy little red hat with a funny tassel... more>>

Headlines include Mynci Beach Volleyball, Eyrie Day, and a whole slew of newly released spooky items. Read all about it here.

Blown Cover

Many different rumours and accusations have started to spread around, it seems that some Neopians want to justify their fear by saying that such tyrants like Doctor Sloth or Lord Darigan are coming back to reek havoc on one of the most loved locations for tourists. Other Neopians seem to believe that a new villain is at large, one stronger and more powerful then any other ever faced... more>>

Other Stories

"The Boredom of an Airax" by vampyera - A bored Airax looked moodily out of the rain streaked window as thunder boomed overhead. With a depressive sigh, he rested his pointed head down upon the sill... more>>

"For the Moon" by lugia - Panting, the two Gallions raced towards the silver, sickle-shaped moon that peered down upon them. Both of them were reaching their limits, but Neidel gave out first... more>>

"Old Mother Charm" by arden_starr - "Forgive me for not telling you before, but I did not wish to make things worse. Landri's illness is a very rare, very fatal one that only person can cure in the whole of Neopia. That person is avoided by everyone around here."...more>>

Net Gains
This week's issue is brought to you by: Mynci Beach Volleyball

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Rocky the Rock
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Buzz and Bark
Island's Mystery Solved!

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Deafeat Dr. Sara: Part One
"Feel free to look around," Dr. Sera told Kenaero. "This is your new home, for the time being."

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The Adventures of Moofy Man!
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All The Colours: Part Four
"You have a powerful magical talent. Anuina plans to conquer all of Neopia, and she needs pets such as yourself to help her do it."

by hot_pink_lizard

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