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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 43 > Articles > Neopian Guide to Better Living Part IV: Pound Pain

Neopian Guide to Better Living Part IV: Pound Pain

by potebrigitte

CUTE CITY - I thought I was done with this series but in the past few months I've gotten a little inspiration, so here I go again! There is one thing that everyone knows about but no one seems to understand, the Neopian Pound. It's the place to be if you are a Newbie who wants something for nothing or a seasoned player transferring a pet. As I once said, "Why is it that no Newbies know what galleries are but they all surf the pound?" It's true you know, if anyone knows I should. Why? I've put thirty-five pets in the pound for the guild and transferred countless others. I hear a lot of stories too, I run a guild that trains abandoned pets with the Lab Ray to find them better homes. Newbies are fast and know more than they pretend, half the pets I've found homes for have gone to the wrong owner and five of those have had those wrong owners frozen. I was sparked to write an article on how to use the pound a little better by two things. The first was a pet that I trained that went to a not too nice person who tried to bribe the girl I wanted to give it too, only to have it Neodating moments later (yuck, that's another article all together). The other happened a few days ago, a friend of mine painted her Lupe a lovely shade of Baby. It fell into the wrong hands, hands that refused to give it back. I thought that was awful and decided it was time for another installment to the NGBL!

So you want to move a pet? Good for you! Here are some simple rules that might make the whole thing go a little smoother.

- If you are planning on painting it DON'T. Not until you have it at the right place. I had an pet that was a Rainbow Peophin that I painted Yellow before I moved it. Why? Because people are way more likely to see colour and the name than statistics of the pet. Who wants a Yellow Peophin named PoteAcara? No one!

- Fill in the pet's description and pet page with info that will let a possibly accidental adopter know you aren't just lying because you saw a pretty pet in the pound and they were faster. I always do this and I strongly recommend it.

- Always remember to un-equip PetPets, people can see them when they look up the pet even if it's in the pound and some people surf the pound looking for pets with PetPet.

- Be on when no one else is. Some times are better than others, if people have little better to do on the middle of a Saturday afternoon than look for painted pets in the pound don't encourage them by tossing yours in there.

- If you work for an adoption guild do NOT, I repeat DO NOT pick up pets that are all ready painted! This frosts me because it happens a lot of the time when I put in pets that can't find homes but are all ready painted. They go to adoption guilds that are either trying to help or charge for adoptions. Here's a hint, if they are painted they probably don't need you "charity," adopt a mutant or something with a horrible name. That's actually helpful.

- If you get a painted pet and it obviously belongs to someone else, and they can prove it, give it back by all means! It's just wrong not to, no matter how much you think you earned that pet chances are someone actually paid the Neopoints to paint it. Get your own Faerie Paint Brush ;p

In closing, I'm just going to say, we're all in this together! Until Neopets makes a way to simply and securely move pets everyone is going to have to get along the old fashioned way. Be good Neopians ^_^ and make everyone's day a little nicer.

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