Your questions answered!
Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the
Editorial section.
Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets,
so keep checking back to stay updated.
Adoption Discrimination
After sifting through the mail I had received in response to my last article it struck me that I would simply HAVE to do another article. Whilst I was pondering on what I might do for another piece, coolo_grunda, my yellow Meerca came up to me. "fugwoogle_hop," she said inquiringly, "Why did you pick me in the adoption centre?"...
more>> My Rambling Piece
Howdy readers! It's a pleasure to be here with you today! First, I'd like to say that it is an honour to be writing for the Neopian Times, Neopia's Dungalicious News Source! I'd like to thank the panel of tasty turnip tartar eating, beef jerky wearing, sniddberry smelling Neopets and one extremely nearsighted Bruce with no teeth, who, by the way, is my neighbour's friend's brother's second cousin...
This week's headlines include Double or Nothing, Skeith Day, and the return of the "Champions of Meridell." Get the latest on these and other stories here.
Managing Your Neopets Addiction
Since her English homework was coming along so well she decided she'd earned a break. Saving the word document she opened Internet Explorer, once again that familiar site popped up on her screen, Neopets. 'I'll just get my interest and check my pets then log out," she said to herself...
more>> Other Stories
"Acts of Charity" by jequita - Dagmar looked around the Usukiland shop excitedly. Jequita was buying her a new Usuki doll today. She browsed through the dolls vigorously. Finally, she decided on the Teenage Usuki... more>>
"Honalulupaw" by al_the_chia - The sun was setting, and a extraordinary serenity fell over the sand-decked scenery of the tropical Mystery Island. The tall palm trees, cool waters, and the hot sands were dyed red and orange by the dying rays of the sunset. The islander pets were slowly heading back to their bamboo homes... more>>
"SOS: Save Our Sloth" by leb388 - I was trying to pick up fur off the carpet of my NeoHome when I heard the doorbell ring. That's odd, I thought. Hardly anyone visits me, except for jamezbfod, my brother, and he "lets himself in..." more>>
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Double or Nothing
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