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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 114 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Decoding the Mystery

During the recent Volcano Mystery plot, one of the clues found was this coded letter. Reactions were mixed, and broke into two main camps: the "Oooh, fun!" camp, (which included about 3 people) and the "Oh no, this is too hard" camp (population 4,933,234). The idea for this article was born of the desire to even out the camps, and to give those on the "Oh no" side the tools to attack their next code with joy, instead of despair. Decoding, if you know how, is really fun! Wanna know how it's done?... more>>


Can you feel all it around you? The tingly sensation of what is yet to come, knowing that the end of the month of Collecting is so close. Yet there is still the wait and anticipation because it’s not quite here. The magic, the mystery, the fright all linger around you, but do not touch you yet because it is not time... more>>


I love Halloween. Such a great time of year. When else can you line up like nice little pets and get nice little candy and get nice little tummy aches? No other time I know of. But then again, I haven't been out of the NeoHome in some time. Hmm, I wonder if they ever defeated the Rock Beast... more>>

Other Stories

"Fun and Games at the Deserted Fairground" by mystery03 - Piccoro had finished washing up and had just left the bathroom when he sensed something wasn't right. He looked towards the big clock in the central of the Deserted Fairground. It read 11:55... more>>

"The Most Perfect Costume" by beau_lis - There was something wonderful about this time of year. Ms. Snowflake wouldn’t admit it, but she enjoyed Halloween almost as much as the pets did... more>>

"The Stroke of Midnight" by furbyfun - "There is a ghost in there. As soon as you go in, he will do something horrible to you, and you'll wish you'd listened to me..." more>>

Bowled Over!
This week's issue is brought to you by: Gourmet Club Bowls

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Old Mother Charm In Trouble
"What's wrong?" Dayon asked quietly, staring at the witch. "Please don't say that nothing is the matter, because I can tell."

by arden_starr

Only You
An eye for for a good treat!

by beau_lis

Background Voices of Neopia: Swamp Ghoul
MUAHAHA! Your mere mortal of an owner has donned the Cloak of all Endings, therefore forced to face the consequences of such a powerful magic...

by too_kule

Kettch's War: Betrayal -- Part Two
“So is this what Darigan’s forces want?”

by stal0s

Proteges: Part One
"We've searched everywhere... I don't think the others are in the house at all..."

by bludragn3

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