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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 31st day of Hiding, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 81 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Forgetting the
Soup Faerie?

At the edge of Neopia Central, in the Marketplace, stands a large black cauldron. A long line of pets queue next to it, all colours, all species, but all hungry. Kindly volunteers move up and down the line, entertaining the hungry pets, handing out bowls and spoons... more>>

Addicted to
the Times?

What are the symptoms of this harmful obsession-or perhaps, disease? Well, with the help of some good friends of mine, I've compiled a list of the top 100 ways to tell you're addicted to the Neopian Times. Read it, and perhaps you can alter the fate of someone doomed to be addicted to the Neopian Times... more>>

Headline stories this week include the new game Petpet Rescue, a quartet of recently released toilets, the arrival of Gelert Day, and this year's celebration of Gadgadsbogen! Find all the latest news here.

Eliv Thade

What's the story behind this game? Well, it'd do you well to read the Neopedia Article, but here's a summary of the story. It all began when a Kacheek named Eliv Thade became obsessed over a puzzle, eventually going crazy. After his death, the Kacheek continued to haunt his castle in the Haunted Woods. Now Gilly the Usul has found her way to the castle, and Eliv won't let her out... more>>

Other Stories

"All That Glitters…" by battlesunn - Grifylite was special. He knew he was. He had been told so the very moment that he entered Neopia. His owner was a girl of about sixteen, and she had always adored Eyries... more>>

"Mystery Island's Past" by bellossom45 - "Isn't Gadgadsbogen lovely?" Marie was prancing and dancing like a ballerina, twirling a basket of tropical fruit along the sand of Mystery Island... more>>

"A Pinceron’s Feelings" by poy222 - It was a bright, sunny day while Whiss the white Pinceron strolled along the sidewalk, making soft metal noises as his- I guess you could call them- claws once in a while scraped the ground... more>>

Only Once
a Year!
This week's issue is brought to you by: Gadgadsbogen Puzzle

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

A Meerca Comic
Petpet problems?

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The Citadel Faerie
She had more powers than any other Faerie had before...

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The Case of the Melancholy Villain
Sloth stood up, grabbed a brush and dustpan, and began to sweep up the glass, sniffling slightly.

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Dragon Thieves: NSPA Part Six
Malkus Vile must have known he'd get caught in some way. For him, the key factor wasn't when, rather how.

by child_dragon

Forgotten Faeries: The Soup Faerie
Almost everyone in Neopia owes her something, for helping them when they were in need...

by oily106

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