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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 76 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

If you've got it, flaunt it!

After checking hundreds of shops by way of the loveable Shop Wizard, Neopians found that building a shop gallery was harder than it looked--every species and section of food having their own unbuyables, and very nearly costing millions altogether, how could anyone except the rich possibly put together a gallery worth visiting? more>>

The Art of Storytelling

The purpose of me writing this is not to gain publicity and it is definitely not to make you less fortunate people jealous. I am writing a simple guide so that one day you may be able to succeed in the Storytelling Contest. more>>

This week's headlines include Kacheek Day, more jelly items, and a trio of new games. Get the latest scoop here.

Well defined...

I must confess that I deeply admire people from non-English speaking countries (like America) that play Neopets. Not only do they have to understand what is going on in a semi-real language, they have to learn an entirely made-up language too. more>>

Other Stories

"Enti’s First Day" by starhamster42 - The only reason there’s a position open left for you to take is ’cause the last teacher ran out of the building screaming something about Magtiles with sharp pointy teeth, turned the corner, and never came back... more>>

"Dark Betrayal" by johnyquest178 - I am an explorer you know. I love it too. It's mostly just having fun, fighting and gaining many stories to tell. Of course there are good times and bad times. This was one of the bad... more>>

"Dragon Thieves" by child_dragon - I had taken this short cut dozens of times before. Lots of pets did. There was no danger in it. So I didn't even give it a second though, ducking into the alley between a couple shops. However, I must have picked the wrong day to go shopping... more>>

This week's issue is brought to you by: Cellblock

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Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Vegeta Rush
Good stuff happens to everyone but me!

by majinvegeta2021

The Gallery Spotlight: Guide to a Successful Gallery
After checking hundreds of shops by way of the loveable Shop Wizard, Neopians found that building a shop gallery was harder than it looked...

by rain_hunter

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Ten
The ten minutes I spent walking down the streets of Krawk Island were even more revealing of the panic everyone was in because of Fyora's kidnapping.

by hippiesoul

The Shoyru awoke and sat up from her uncomfortable position on the cold floor. She rubbed the back of her head where it hit the wall as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

by unveiled

Pup Luck
Wow! Your home is cool Sloth!

by penpen

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