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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 19 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Fine Poetry is Like...

Winners of the 163rd Poetry Contest were announced this week, continuing a fine tradition in Neopian. Congratulations to all the poets. When the Neopian Times asked Alstaf how hard it is to pick the winners each week, he declined to give an answer. Instead, he played his bongos and sipped on his Strong Berry Java.

PetPet Puddle Goes Festive

It looks like the little ones of Neopia are getting into the act. Take your PetPet to the PetPet Puddle to get that festive look. You don't want all the other pets laughing at your PetPet now do you?

The Neo-Market Report

Joining our hosts this week is Wesley Juniper of Consumer Rights Now! Wesley will be discussing some of the issues facing Neopian shoppers today. Get the latest news from the exchange here.

What, What Wocky?

Wockys all over Neopia celebrated their day, Wocky Day, with three new Battledome moves: Wocky Stare, Shield and Scratch! If you own a Wocky, then you probably already know that they don't care that they are only twenty-fourth on the list because, to them, everyday is Wocky day. In other news, eight out of ten Neopians still wonder, "What's a Wocky?"

Guild Spotlight
For entries into guild spotlight:

The Kougra Guild - Deep in the forests of Mystery Island is where you'll find this guild... and every Neopian is welcomed here with open paws.

The Bruce Appreciation Association - A guild dedicated to the Bruces of Neopia? Huh? This can't be true! Bruces totally rock and this is the season to be a Bruce. Appreciate your Bruce today.

NeoFood Circle - During the holiday season some owners may have some trouble finding some food for their pets, so many Neopians look to the NeoFood Circle for help. Remember: Neopia tastes good (if you know where to look).

It's Slushie Time
This week's issue is brought to you by: Slushie Shop

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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by jadedragon1984

Every Gelert Has Her Day: Part Two
That evening there was a visible change in Dasher. She was no longer cheery and jaunty like usual.

by shelleylow

Cheat!! vs. Go! Go! Go! - Which Should You Go For?
Cheat! is the most commonly seen trophy in Neopia, since it's the easiest to earn.

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Article Writing Workshop
As a professional (and often published in the Neopian Times) writer, I am frequently Neomailed with questions about how to write well...

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Shards of Power: Part Two
Kargupi yelled out, "He's no Shoyru! He's a demon!"

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