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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 133 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Friends Forever

Noils, Gruslens and Polarchucks, are three of the most charming petpets to have graced Neopia. I'm sure you've heard of them around the site, for each is infamous on its own, but did you know that they are really a great group of friends? Sure, they have their disagreements, but who doesn't? In the end they're always there for each other and theirs' is a story worth telling... more>>

Family Values, Sloth Style

Hello newbie Neopians! This is Kaya Sloth, everyone’s favourite niece of Dr. Frank Sloth! Now if you’re new to Neopia you probably have 4 painted pets all stats in ultimate and a few million NP! Haha! I kid! Seriously though, you most likely are strapped for cash and need some help. Well, guess what! No, they haven’t released a dung paint brush… I’m going to help you!... more>>

Inspiration is Everywhere

Have you ever had trouble coming up with a pleasing idea for your next story? Well, you’re not alone. Even the best of us have trouble coming up with good ideas for our next Neopian Times blockbuster. If you are one of the people who need a good story idea, you’ve found the perfect cure... more>>

Other Stories

"Eternal Dance" by oily106 - She snuck a glance at her grandmother, sleeping peacefully. A dance could not do any harm, surely... more>>

"Look At Him Run" by ezrhide - Charlie had not even noticed Koen's permanent limp until they had gotten home from the agency... more>>

"Nothing But a Mutant" by chocolateisamust - "I knew you shouldn't have gone to the Lab Ray! Not even the best beauty products can cure this!"... more>>

Give Me a Break
This week's issue is brought to you by: Meepit Juice Break

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Get Real
"Galley is your new little sister!"

by monsinger

Really Confused
"About The Meridell War"

by stoneman3x

10 Steps to Becoming an Evil Mastermind
We are going to countdown 10 Steps to becoming an Evil Mastermind. So put on your cloak, and possibly grab a wand or staff and get ready to run out of your Neohome and take over Neopia...

by neomaniac1603

Noils, Gruslens, and Polarchucks: A Petpet Trio
I'm sure you've heard of them around the site, for each is infamous on its own, but did you know that they are really a great group of friends?

by charmedhorses

Eternal Dance
She snuck a glance at her grandmother, sleeping peacefully. A dance could not do any harm, surely. Alina tapped out a quiet rhythm, anxiously fixing her eyes on her grandmother...

by oily106

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