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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 48 > Articles > Extreme Herder: Making it Less Extreme

Extreme Herder: Making it Less Extreme

by pichu_pikachu_raichu

GAMES ROOM - It may seem like a walk in the park, but once they play Extreme Herder, many players will say getting over 200 points in the game is impossible. This game forces the player to move fast or lose, so players have little or no time to think of a strategy. This "no-time-to-think" game causes many players to rush to grab the Petpets and make plenty of 'game losing' mistakes.

The game starts out simple. You need to get three Petpets into the paddock before The Big Bad Wolf Balthazar devours them. The paddock has four gates, and you start out with four teleporters on each side of the field. In level 2 you need to get four Petpets into the paddock, five in level three, and so on until you need to rescue seven Petpets per round. In rounds five through eight you will lose one teleporter in each round until you have none, and then you'll lose one gate per round until you are left with a sole gate on the left side of the paddock. Most mistakes are made when you pass round eight, where you are forced to move quickly because you only have that one gate. The game is no less than extreme.

Why is it that most game losing mistakes are made by rushing? Rushing leads to panic. What do you do when you see those big Balthazar jaws close in on a Noil? Many would panic. The number one hint for Extreme Herder is "Don't Panic!" Once you start to panic, you can not think straight and you will make mistakes. You'll discover that if you can keep from panicking, your high score in the game will shoot up. If you want even higher scores, these few simple game tips should help you.

Treat all Petpets as Equals

Your game can end a lot quicker if you start each round by saving the Petpet that has the bonus star. While you're saving it, Mister Starving is liable to grab another Petpet or two. Get the Petpets that are nearer to Balthazar first before you go and get the bonus Petpet and you'll get several more points than that bonus alone.

Move to the Upper-Left Corner

You might already know that Balthazar enters from the Upper-Left corner of the game screen. In every level the Petpets around the Upper-Left corner are going to be Balthazar's first targets. Once you complete a level, you are given a short period of time to "get ready for the next level." You are able to move Samrin, so you should get to this corner so you can get the Petpets in this area first. Once you get these Petpets into the paddock, you'll have a little more time to rescue the others.

Get Right up to The Paddock

This tip best applies to level 9+ when you only have one gate to the paddock. If you are holding a Petpet and need to pass Balthazar to get to the gate faster, get right up to the paddock wall. Balthazar won't move so close to the wall and you should get past him easily. Do NOT attempt this if Balthazar is turning around the corner of the paddock or Samrin will become a Lupe Appetizer. If Balthazar is turning by a corner, wait for him if you can.

Remember to Move the Petpets

Should "The Big Bad Lupe" get dangerously close to more than one Petpet, it is wise to move them if possible. Get on Petpet and quickly move it a short distance away from Balthazar, and then get the other one. Do the same thing if three are close to doom. Get one, move it a short distance, get the second one and move it a short distance, and get the last one.

Also remember that Petpets sometimes assume that Balthazar is friendly and will go right to him. These tips won't help much if you have panic attacks during the game when Balthazar is right next to a Baabaa. Once you learn to control your panic attacks "Extreme Herder" will be less extreme.

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