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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 68 > Short Stories > The Ixi of Doom and The In-law Menace

The Ixi of Doom and The In-law Menace

by battlesunn

Mordegan rolled over in his sleep, a faint smile playing on his emerald coloured muzzle. He was dreaming again, dreaming about his puppyhood. In his dream, he was playing in a sunny field with his sister, Miranda. They were playing fetch. Miranda would throw the stick and he would catch it, snatching it right out of the air... Riiiing! The piercing tone of his alarm clock jarred Mordegan unpleasantly out of his sleep. The Lupe stood shakily to his feet, still feeling a bit drowsy. Mordegan padded softly down the stairs and out into the front yard, pausing to gaze fondly at the bluesticks and the swab bushes, and saying a brief "hello!" to the lawn gnome. Mordegan sat down among the flowers, breathing in their heavenly scent and reveling in their beauty. Suddenly, his ears pricked up. Grinning, Mordegan jogged over to the mailbox, in which the Mailchia was stuffing letters, humming cheerfully. Mordegan walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

     "Hi Greg! Anything for me?"

     The Mailchia nodded, and spent a few seconds digging through his bag until retrieving a pale blue envelop decorated with intricate swirls around the edges. Greg handed Mordegan the letter.

     "It's from someone called Miranda." The Chia's face broke into a grin. "Say, isn't that your sister?"

     Mordegan looked over the letter, joy sparkling in is eyes. "Yeah, it is! And she's coming to visit!"


     Mordegan and Greg both turned around sharply, only to come face to face with one of Mordegan's siblings, a Halloween Ixi called Zarrelian. Still clad in his pink fuzzle jammies, the Ixi wore a scowl that almost wilted the garden's mondongos. The Chia backed slowly away, shouldering his bag.

     "Gotta go!" he said, and jumped onto his bike.

     Mordegan sighed. "What do you have against my sister? You only met her once."

     "Once was enough!" Zarrelian growled, his little devil tail beginning to swish in an agitated manner. "That Lupe doesn't like me, and I don't like her!"

     Mordegan chuckled. "Then it seems as though you've reached an understanding."

     Zarrelian sniffed. "Sure, you laugh now, asparagus head, but just you wait and see. There's no way that battlesunn will let your nutso sister visit. Not a chance!"

     "We'll see."


Battlesunn's smile seemed to grow larger and larger as she read more and more of Miranda's letter. Finally she finished, and set the letter down on the kitchen table, grinning.

     "I'd be delighted to have Miranda come and stay for visit! She's such a sweet Lupe."

     "Yeah, sure." Zarrelian grumbled. "She's a perfectly wonderful girl.. When she's not shoving me into a beanbag chair and then zipping it up!"

     Mordegan's tail waged so hard it looked fit to fly off. "Thanks Sunny! I'll go get her right away!"

     Zarrelian threw himself at Mordegan's feet. "No Mordegan, no! Please, don't invite her! Make me clean out C.C.'s litterbox, force-feed me faerie foods, freeze me with my hypno helmet and make me watch the Lupe greatness showcase, just please, PLEASE don't let that sadistic maniac into the house! I beg you!"

     Mordegan shook his foot free of the clinging Ixi. "No dice, Zarrel. You've tormented me enough, now let go!"

     "But she's out to get me!"

     "Now you know what it feels like!"

     Mordegan plucked Zarrel off his foot and tossed him onto the couch. "I'll be back in an hour, I have to go pick her up from her NeoHome on Terror mountain. See you in a bit!"

     Zarrel whimpered sadly, clip-clopping slowly off towards the living room, where he knew Shelly and Ezanna would be. If Miranda was coming, then maybe he could at least bribe some protection out of his other two siblings. The Ixi stopped short and confronted his sister and his brother, bowing respectfully to the ground.

     "Oh great elders, what is it that you desire from me in return for your services of protection..."

     Shelly rolled her eyes, pawing the flame coloured handle of the massive attack fork that never left her side. "What do you want now, Zar Zar?"

     Zarrel cringed at the nickname, but kept a simpering smile pasted into his face.

     "Mordegan's sister, Miranda, is coming for a visit, and she hates me! I just need some protection."

     Ezanna chuckled darkly. "Who doesn't despise you?"

     Zarrel's ears folded back and teeth began to grind together at the insult, be he still managed to stay in character. He turned his gaze towards Shelly, who tossed her attack fork in the air, caught it, and twirled it skillfully.

     "Miranda's coming for a visit, how nice. Miranda's the coolest." She paused to smirk at Zarrel. "You just better hope that she doesn't pound you too hard into the ground."

     Zarrel was about to speak when the sudden, piercing ring of the doorbell interrupted him. The Ixi's face turned white as sheet as his ears caught the terrifying sound of Miranda's cheerful voice, greeting Battlesunn. Zarrel slowly trudged down the stairs, taking care to tread as quietly as possible. He took a deep breath, and faced his mortal enemy.

     Miranda, the slim cloud Lupess, her periwinkle blue pelt splashed with puffy white patches. Miranda had tied a royal purple bandanna around her neck, so that the knotted side was just under her chin. She had also plucked a purple flower from some garden and placed it behind her ear. She was quite a pretty Lupess, Zarrel had to admit, but she wore that infuriating smirk that was always evident on her snout whenever she was in the presence of the Ixi. Apparently, she had seen him.

     "Come out Zarrel, I know you're hiding behind that cookie jar." Miranda's voice was light and feathery, with a hint of a southern accent. Zarrel gingerly peered out from behind his post, and strode confidently over to Mordegan's sister.

     "Hello Miranda, I trust that you are well," he said, in a stern tone that betrayed his own fear.

     Miranda smirked the hated smirk, and patted Zarrelian on the head, as though he was a Doglefox who had just performed some stupid petpet trick.

     "Good boy, Zarrel. I see that Morty's trained you well."

     The large outburst of laughter that followed this last remark made Zarrel's face blush to an even deeper red. He growled and pointed a hoof at the Lupess.

     "Sure, you laugh now, but just wait and see Miranda, soon I'll have you wishing that you never, ever came! Muhahahaha!"

     Miranda rolled her eyes and stared exasperatedly at Mordegan.

     "Is he going through some weird phase, or did he just watch too many Star Wars parodies?"

     Mordegan shrugged. "I'm not really sure, it's probably a mix of both. It's best to just ignore him when gets like this."

     Shelleylou clucked her tongue. "Don't encourage him, Mordegan."

     Still fuming, Zarrelian stomped off towards his room, stopping on the way to grab a bag of crisps and a six pack neocola. As long as Miranda was going to be there, he decided, he would survive in his room.

     Three days later, Miranda had made herself quite comfortable at the NeoHome and quite popular with all the members of the family. Except for Zarrel, of course. The young Ixi refused to leave his room, even though Battlesunn went up there twice a day to try and persuade him to come down.

     "Come on Zarrel!" Battlesunn pleaded. "Everyone loves Miranda but you! She's such a nice Lupe and you're making her feeling bad. Besides," she said, narrowing her eyes. "Miranda is Mordegan's genetic sister, and you are Mordegan's brother, so then technically, Miranda is your sister, to!"

     "Sister in-law." He would snort. "And besides, that doesn't change a thing. I'm still not leaving until she does."

     Battlesunn sighed. "Suit yourself, Zarrel. But I'm warning you, your food supply won't last you much longer, and then you'll have to come down!"

     Still, Zarrel refused. He would waste away the long hours of the day playing on his harmonica, (much to the dismay of his petpet) and reading stories about his hero, Balthazar.

     "I've got to be strong, like Balthazar." He would say. "Balthazar would never back down!"

     Suddenly, Zarrel stopped. A evil looking smile was spreading slowly over the Ixi's face. Zarrelian looked down at his petpet, a red mallard called Webbleflub. Zarrel snatched up the poor petpet, and then stared at him in the eye.

     "You, Webbleflub, are going to do a little spying for me?

     Webbleflub cocked his head. "Quawk?" he asked questioningly as Zarrelian dove into his toy box and re-emerged with a "How to be incredibly annoying kit" clasped in his hooves. He set it down on his bed, and retrieved a small camera, attached to a helmet, just large enough to fit snugly over a mallard's head. Webbleflub gasped and started scurrying off, but Zarrelian caught him, and snapped the helmet onto his head. Zarrelian smiled grimly at his mallard.

     "I'll be watching whatever you see through this camera on my TV Go spy on Miranda and see what's she up to." Zarrelian straightened up, and saluted his petpet. "Good luck, Webblueflub."

     "Quuuuuawk!" Webbleflub cried as Zarrel lifted him up and tossed him out into the hallway. Webbleflub tried to stand up, but almost feel over from the weight of his camera. Then, remembering his mission, scampered over to the living room, where Miranda, Mordegan, Shelleylou, Ezanna and battlesunn were hanging out, laughing and chatting. With the courage of Sir Borodere coursing through his crimson feathers, Webbleflub stepped boldly into the room, and then, not so boldly, dashed behind a large beanbag chair, so he wouldn't be seen. Quickly, Webblelflub adjusted the camera so that he could see what was going on, and then, he waited. It was Shelly who spoke first, complaining about Zarrelian.

     "He's so rude!" she said. "And annoying, too. I'll bet that he just want to get a rise out of you, Miranda."

     Miranda smiled. "Oh, don't worry about it. Actually, I think that your brother is kind of nice. I mean, you could've had it worse." Everyone chuckled at that last remark. Miranda continued, "I mean, when I was a puppy, I despised Mordegan more than anything in the whole world! He was always so annoying! But now I really like him."

     Mordegan snickered. "Yeah! I was really annoyi--" His face fell. "What? I didn't know that you hated me!"

     Miranda grinned, patting Mordegan affectionately on the shoulder. "Oh come on, we were just pups! But you're better now. And I'm sure that someday soon, Zarrel will grow up to be a really nice Ixi. You may not like him now, but he'll mature, and he'll get out of this 'Neopia domination' thing, and when he's older, you'll probably really like him."

     Back in his room, Zarrel had witnessed the whole affair from his TV, and was close to tears.

     "Wow! Miranda actually put in a good word for me! She's not so bad after all!" He sighed. "I suppose I was slightly standoffish, but only slightly! Even so, I might as well go make up with her."

     Zarrel tiptoed shyly over to the living room, and grinned at Miranda.

     "I'm sorry for being so mean, Miranda. I mean, for someone who's the sister of old whiskerchops there," he jerked his head towards Mordegan. "You're not half bad." Miranda smirked. "That's good to hear, Zarry. Too bad you decided to accept my greatness just before I was about to leave!" Zarrelian growled low in his throat. "Call me 'Zarry' again and I'll see to it that you accept MY greatness!"

     Miranda rolled her eyes. "Big words for a small goat."

     She walked over to Mordegan and gave him a quick hug. "Bye Morty! I'll see when the holidays start, okay? In fact, why don't you come over to my NeoHome on Terror Mountain for a visit next time?"

     "Just as long as we don't have to fly up there on a faerie Gelert? Ezanna muttered, leafing through a copy of The Neopian Times.

     Miranda said her final goodbyes, and trotted out of the door and down the path towards the Terror Mountain ski lifts. Mordegan smiled.

     "It sure was nice having Miranda over for a visit." He looked around, confused. "Say, where's Shelly?"

     Suddenly, Shelleylou dashed into the room, looking as though she's just won the lottery and waving around a letter.

     "Hey look everyone! It's a letter from my brother Joe, and he's coming for a visit!"

The End

Author's Note: A huge, tremendous, ultra-big thanks to my little brother, _Borleo_, who supplied me with the name of Mordegan's sister when I was caught in a rut. I could never have thought of such a great name if was not for his magnificent mind which is better than mine, and therefore this story would not have been possible. (There, you little pain. You got your recognition, now stop holding my teddy bear hostage!)

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