The Neopian Times Week 68 > Editorial |
Editorial Ganuthor are not in the petpets listed at the rainbow pool, what colours can Ganuthor be painted?
![]() ![]() ![]() The one player challenger named Ghost Lupe used a ghost lupe sword against me.When I seached the shop wizard several
times there was nobody who had it and the haunted weaponry doesn't have it either. Why is it that whenever neopets news refered an event and stated the date it will begin, the terms used are 'Monday'
'5pm' etc... How do we know which country time its refering to? Couldn't it be better to refer to NST instead? Hi I was walking around and all of a sudden it said "Something has happened!" A mysterious man gives you a lottery
ticket. Why not click here to play! Does that mean I really got a lottery ticket? If you're in the Tyrannian army can you still join the Meridell army?
![]() How come the baby pteri is an egg? Then shouldn't all the other baby pets
like quiggles and nimmos be eggs too? What day does the Advent Calender start? What sound does a Kau make? I look at pet profiles and
everyone says they go Moo! How would they know? I think
its more like a low bray? Who is LORD DARIGAN? What does he look like? What is a rainbow snowball? I stumbled upon it on the shop wizard, but there werent any for sale?
![]() When I fought the Drackonack, the staus thing said that it would only have 10 hit points. But when I fought him, he had
about 26. Is this a bug in the system, or is this how it's suppose to be? Why is it that sometimes I see the news for that day a little after
midnight NST? Are the Neopets team insomniacs? Or just up really late
at the office? Why is it that a fox is in charge of the Tower of Turnips and not a neopet?
![]() When will the new Bubble Yum packs be hitting stores? How come you can cancel a course at the Swashbucklers Academy but you can`t at the training school? How is it that Donna and Adam both got the million neopoint prize instead of normal users?
I don't think that that is fair do you? I LOVE the ultra scary little spider, but I can't find one anywhere, has it actually been released?
![]() We have a dark faerie and an earth faerie... but what kind of faeries are
Illusen and Jhudora?? Certainly there cant be 2 dark and earth faeries?? I
mean.. one could only think of the horror that would bring! What is the name of the petpet in the paw of the shopkeeper at the rock pool? (the little green thing) In the new game, Spell-or-Starve, do words from Neopets work? For example, the word: LUPE? ![]() How did you get your name in the hat for the Plushie Paint brush giveaway?
I didn't know about this and it seems unfair. How come you cannot equip the Bronze Short Sword to your pet?
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