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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 68 > Short Stories
A Touch of Magic

"MK, tell your friends to go play elsewhere, willya? I don't care for their looks."

by scriptfox

Different Perspective

Judging that I was a safe distance from the battle, I took a a healing potion from the pack I was carrying and poured it into Sunyears' open mouth.

by ember188


"Forever, get a decent cloak on, and follow me. We're setting camp up in the Sea Valley."

by lupeluv67

I Think I'm Allergic to Popular Pets

"Awwww, poor Grundos, not nearly as popular as us," taunted a shadowed Shoyru, "What are their standing on the popular pet listings, now?"

by loveablepet2007

Magnolia's Not-So-Relaxing Spa Experience

"Huh. You know, I'm really glad to have the time off, but the problem is that I don't know what to do with it."

by peachifruit

Myyth Moves Out

"Very funny. Go away. We don't have to let you stay with us you know..."

by averyangryshaylir

Profile of a Lupologist

Well, let's old am I? Well, I can't remember the exact date...

by al_the_chia

Rip Rip, Poof Poof, AHHH!

Since I was SilverEmerald's owner, it was my job to save his Petpet. Lucky me.

by too_kule

Shock Tactics

"You've made a powerful enemy today, my friend..."

by bludragn3

The Case of the Missing Funny

"I don't know. Jamez is just weird," Conspicit replied. "I mean, 'I lost the funny'? What's up with that?"

by leb388

The Ixi of Doom and The In-law Menace

"What do you have against my sister? You only met her once."

by battlesunn

The Spyder Charmer

"Giant petpets? This is a strange world we live in..."

by iluvpuppies986

The Thing in the Bush

A chilly wind blew through the garden, rustling the bush's leaves, causing a few berries to shake alarmingly...

by bluescorchio104


"Shock Tactics" by bludragn3 - Blue Dragon walked down the road, studying a document clenched in his claw. The document was a list of shops given to Blue by the Shop Wizard. He was looking for an electric paint brush for his yellow Kyrii, Azure... more>>

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Other Stories

Ten Reasons to Attack Meridell
Written by a very proud member of the Darigan army.

by cloudizme

Meridell or Darigan?
I'm here to investigate both sides of the story.

by thegreatlupelover

Dragon Thieves vs. Balthazar: Part One
"I have discovered one of Balthazar's warehouses. Meaning: an entire hoard of faeries is just waiting for the right thieves..."

by child_dragon

Guardians of Neopia: Darkness Creeping - Part One
A short time ago we were turned into Neopets and pulled through our computers and into the world of Neopia...

by alkuna

Lunar Lupe
Numero cinco.

by championferret

Alpha70 and MuRou
The blazing fang of justice.

by felabba

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