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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 68 > Continuing Series
A Neon Sign: Luna's Place - Part Five

Luna was in a bad mood...

by miss_laddy

Broken Glass: Part Two

Once I'm finished I will say an incantation and she will make her final transformation. The whole thing is harmless.

by averyangryshaylir

Double Kyrii Handful: Part Three

Although I felt somewhat better, there was still a nagging doubt in my mind. After supper, I called Meggiemufin...

by scriptfox

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Two

After the reunion was over, the Dark Faerie teleported us back to the beach, and there, our group quickly settled some more details about out mission.

by hippiesoul

Lost in the Desert: Part Two

They walked for a long time, nearly three hours, when night came. But they didn't stop...

by smileyface12_5690

Needed Too: Part Five

"All right Dantam, now what was it that you wanted to talk to all of us about?"

by tdyans

One Wacky Wocky: Part Two

"Foolish Lupe, this is the 9,842,285,673,694,925th time. You've got to get there before he does!"

by wackypanda

The Aisha Legends: Stolen Shadows - Part Four

"...I just want you to realise we're becoming different people and we cannot be friends after this."

by oily106

The Great Neopian Food Crisis: Part Seven

They all watched helplessly as Hollowbelly the Green Lupe was flung unceremoniously off the edge of the precipice, at the bottom of which lurked a horror: the Giant Omelette of Tyrannia...

by arnequis

The Zafara Assassin 3: Upon the Wings of Fate - Part Five

Down below me, on top of a hill I saw a strange shadow stretching across the rolling hills and trees...

by meratocat

Time Twisters: Part Three

"So anyway, these Rings of Time give us power over time! We can--"

by too_kule

Two Gnomes and an Asparagus Powered Gun: Part Three

"I thought you were supposed to be nice and love all faeries..."

by whateverchick14


Meridell or Darigan?

The news just came out--the war between Meridell and the evil invaders has just begun. But wait - are the invaders actually evil? I'm here to investigate both sides of the story. Meridell seems to be the obvious choice. Come on - it's the pretty medieval land with all the valiant knights and loyal serfs. It's so peaceful and prosperous. Of course it should be the side you're on. Right? And why not side with Darigan?... more>>

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Different Perspective
Judging that I was a safe distance from the battle, I took a a healing potion from the pack I was carrying and poured it into Sunyears' open mouth.

by ember188

"Forever, get a decent cloak on, and follow me. We're setting camp up in the Sea Valley."

by lupeluv67

Ten Reasons to Attack Meridell
Written by a very proud member of the Darigan army.

by cloudizme

Meridell or Darigan?
I'm here to investigate both sides of the story.

by thegreatlupelover

Lunar Lupe
Numero cinco.

by championferret

Alpha70 and MuRou
The blazing fang of justice.

by felabba

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