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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 42 > Short Stories > Peacepaw's Predicament

Peacepaw's Predicament

by al_the_chia

Peacepaw sat on a stump, his guitar in paw as he lazily struck a few flat chords.

"Oh, if I were unhappy, I'd be happy again,
Because I live with happy people who are all my happy friends!
Life is oh so happy, and I love it too,
I could smell those flowers for hours and I always will love you!
Happiness is in the heart, sunshine in the air,
Always stroll down the path of life with extra care and flair!!
Peace and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmoneeeEEEEEEEEEE,
I'm as happy as I could possssssibleeeeEEEEE beeeeEEEEEEEE!!!"

At the long notes, his voice cracked hideously, causing Lupes with good hearing from miles away to wince.

"Yes, if I were unhappy, I'd be happy again, Because I live with happy people who are aaaaall my haaaaapy FRIEEENDS!!!"

Peacepaw sighed contentedly, looking at the sheet of music in his paw. "I've, like, finally finished my song. Groovy!!" A rainbow appeared above his head and several pink miamice applauded him, cheering in high pitched voices as two turtledoves flew off a pear tree, cooing and zooming around his head. "Move over, Sticks N' Stones!! There's, like, a new Lupe coming to town!!" Peacepaw began preparing to leave, to copyright his newly composed masterpiece. "I'll be, like famous, and I'll have, like, enough money to buy, like, a million tye dye T-shirts and incense candles!! GNARLY!!" He set down his guitar as he set his music down on the stump. "Nothing can, like, go wrong for me now!!" He announced. Abruptly, a huge gust of wind blew past, and the music was caught in the bellowing breeze and blown away. A look of utter horror filled his blue Lupe face. "DUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! NOT COOL!!!" He leapt to grab the lost music, but it simply drifted further from his reach. Higher and higher it went, until it finally stuck itself onto the highest branch of a tall tree nearby. Peacepaw stopped at the base of the tree, leaning against it and panting. "All right, music... you get back down here!!" The sheets of paper waved seductively in the wind, as if taunting him. Peacepaw sighed. "Fine, I'll, like, climb up there and get it, like, myself!!" Peacepaw grabbed onto a firm branch, pulling himself up. He murmured his song to himself as he continued climbing up branch after branch, gradually reaching the top of the tree. "Oh... if... I were... *pant pant*... unhappy... I'd... be... *pant pant* happy... again..." After several verses and a lot of work, he finally made it to the top of the tree. Unfortunately, as he reached for his music, a Pteri swooped down and snatched it, zooming away and landing on a larger tree nearby. As a matter of fact, it was a MUCH larger tree, the largest in Lupe Forest. The Pteri carefully set the papers into the lining of her nest, then nestled down and fell asleep. Peacepaw blanched. "Not cool," he muttered. Suddenly, another strong gust of wind blew by. The tree Peacepaw was on began to shake back and forth, and with a screech, he lost his grip on the branch, plummeting back down to the earth with an unpleasant splat.

Several Moments Later...

Peacepaw, covered with scratched, bruises, and a few bandages, crated a ladder over to the large tree. He set it against the trunk, making sure the bottom was firmly set into the ground. He began to climb, rung by rung, zestfully belting his song out as he progressed up the side of the tree. "Oh, if I were unhappy, I'd be happy again, because I live with happy people who are all my ha…" His song was cut short as the ladder suddenly began to wobble. "Whaaaaaaa…" Peacepaw clung onto the ladder, his tail between his legs as the ladder began to tilt backwards.

At the base of the tree...

A lonesome deaver was slowly chewing through the base of the weird-looking tree he had just found. It had two tiny trunks, with branched that connected the trunks together. The Deaver, curious as to how the wood tasted, bit through one of the trunks. Satisfied, he smacked his lips and waddled away, not noticing Peacepaw zooming to the ground several meters away. With a smack, Peacepaw landed headfirst into a bush. "Oww…" the wounded Lupe moaned as he pulled himself upright. "Dude... this stinks…" He brushed himself off, climbing out of the bushes. "What, like, made my ladder... OH!!" Suddenly, the ruined ladder toppled over onto the mortified Lupe.

A few moments later...

Peacepaw returned to the method of climbing up the branches. Huffing and puffing, sore, injured, and covered with thorns, he finally made it to the top an hour after he started. "Like, finally..." He moaned. He gazed up at the sleeping Pteri. "Excuse me!!" He yelled. The startled Pteri flew awake. "SQUAAAAWK!! EGG THIEF!!" She swooped down from her nest, pecking at Peacepaw's eyes. "DUUUUUUUDE!!" Peacepaw once again lost his grip, and once again found himself the victim of gravity.

Several hours later...

After making it halfway up the tree, falling, and making it all the way up again, Peacepaw was definitely the worse for wear. "Like... like... like... like," he muttered darkly, beginning to lose his sanity. "Like... like... HEY!!!" He collapsed onto the branch, sighing. "All right. Let's try this again…" Peacepaw carefully reached into the nest, digging around the sides. "Hm... AHA!" He pulled out his sheet music triumphantly. "I've got it!!" he yelled.

The bird woke up. "SQUAARRRK!!" With a war cry, she dive-bombed his face. Peacepaw, still clutching his music, grabbed onto her claw with his paw.

"NOT THIS TIME!!" he cried.

The Pteri raggedly flapped her wings, trying to shake the vengeful Lupe off her claw, but to no avail. She flew him all the way back to the ground, where he landed unscathed. "YEAH!!" he yelled. "I GOT IT BACK!! COOL!!" He did a little victory dance as the Pteri flew away, waving the paper in the air. "Oh, if I were unhappy, I'd be happy again…" He didn't noticed the storm cloud gathering in the sky above him. Rain began to pour down, spraying the sheet music. The ink ran down the paper and onto his paw. As the paper was cleared of every single note, Peacepaw felt his fur stand on end. "Because... I…" That is when he got struck by lightening...

A year later...

Peacepaw woke up in the Neohospital, dazed and confused. "Woaaaah... what happened?" He sat up on his hospital bed as his vision cleared. "Where am I?"

"The neohospital," replied the Gelert doctor. "You've been in a coma for a year."

"Wow…" Peacepaw slumped back down in his bed. "That stinks." He looked to the little table next to his bed. A get well card from Al, a vase of flowers from Stenchpaw, and a chocolate cookie from Fluffy met his gaze. "Aww... isn't that thoughtful…" Peacepaw relaxed into his pillow. "Well, I guess I should follow the moral of my song. I don't need to be famous to be happy, as long as I have friends to keep me happy... or something like that…" And with that, he closed his eyes, finally content.

The End... or not...

The Gelert doctor turned on the TV. "I need to watch NTV's Entertainment News. I just have to find out more about that new artist," she confessed.

Peacepaw opened his eyes. "Huh? What new artist?"

"Oh, her name is Penny Pteri. Her hit single is 'If I were unhappy.' She's really good."

A picture of the Pteri that had stolen his music a while ago flashed onto the screen. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses and smiling, a Neopian Music Award in her wing.

"Isn't she pretty? She's made millions of Neopoints!! And not only is she a single mum, but she is also a peace activist!! Isn't that just so admirable?"

Peacepaw was silent. He slowly turned white as his heart monitor's steady rhythm turned into one, long note.

"Oh dear…" The doctor turned off the TV. "WE HAVE A CODE BLUE!!!"

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